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decoder_util.go (2268B)

      1 package restjson
      3 import (
      4 	"encoding/json"
      5 	"io"
      6 	"strings"
      8 	""
      9 )
     11 // GetErrorInfo util looks for code, __type, and message members in the
     12 // json body. These members are optionally available, and the function
     13 // returns the value of member if it is available. This function is useful to
     14 // identify the error code, msg in a REST JSON error response.
     15 func GetErrorInfo(decoder *json.Decoder) (errorType string, message string, err error) {
     16 	var errInfo struct {
     17 		Code    string
     18 		Type    string `json:"__type"`
     19 		Message string
     20 	}
     22 	err = decoder.Decode(&errInfo)
     23 	if err != nil {
     24 		if err == io.EOF {
     25 			return errorType, message, nil
     26 		}
     27 		return errorType, message, err
     28 	}
     30 	// assign error type
     31 	if len(errInfo.Code) != 0 {
     32 		errorType = errInfo.Code
     33 	} else if len(errInfo.Type) != 0 {
     34 		errorType = errInfo.Type
     35 	}
     37 	// assign error message
     38 	if len(errInfo.Message) != 0 {
     39 		message = errInfo.Message
     40 	}
     42 	// sanitize error
     43 	if len(errorType) != 0 {
     44 		errorType = SanitizeErrorCode(errorType)
     45 	}
     47 	return errorType, message, nil
     48 }
     50 // SanitizeErrorCode sanitizes the errorCode string .
     51 // The rule for sanitizing is if a `:` character is present, then take only the
     52 // contents before the first : character in the value.
     53 // If a # character is present, then take only the contents after the
     54 // first # character in the value.
     55 func SanitizeErrorCode(errorCode string) string {
     56 	if strings.ContainsAny(errorCode, ":") {
     57 		errorCode = strings.SplitN(errorCode, ":", 2)[0]
     58 	}
     60 	if strings.ContainsAny(errorCode, "#") {
     61 		errorCode = strings.SplitN(errorCode, "#", 2)[1]
     62 	}
     64 	return errorCode
     65 }
     67 // GetSmithyGenericAPIError returns smithy generic api error and an error interface.
     68 // Takes in json decoder, and error Code string as args. The function retrieves error message
     69 // and error code from the decoder body. If errorCode of length greater than 0 is passed in as
     70 // an argument, it is used instead.
     71 func GetSmithyGenericAPIError(decoder *json.Decoder, errorCode string) (*smithy.GenericAPIError, error) {
     72 	errorType, message, err := GetErrorInfo(decoder)
     73 	if err != nil {
     74 		return nil, err
     75 	}
     77 	if len(errorCode) == 0 {
     78 		errorCode = errorType
     79 	}
     81 	return &smithy.GenericAPIError{
     82 		Code:    errorCode,
     83 		Message: message,
     84 	}, nil
     85 }