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doc.go (3558B)

      1 // Package processcreds is a credentials provider to retrieve credentials from a
      2 // external CLI invoked process.
      3 //
      4 // WARNING: The following describes a method of sourcing credentials from an external
      5 // process. This can potentially be dangerous, so proceed with caution. Other
      6 // credential providers should be preferred if at all possible. If using this
      7 // option, you should make sure that the config file is as locked down as possible
      8 // using security best practices for your operating system.
      9 //
     10 // # Concurrency and caching
     11 //
     12 // The Provider is not safe to be used concurrently, and does not provide any
     13 // caching of credentials retrieved. You should wrap the Provider with a
     14 // `aws.CredentialsCache` to provide concurrency safety, and caching of
     15 // credentials.
     16 //
     17 // # Loading credentials with the SDKs AWS Config
     18 //
     19 // You can use credentials from a AWS shared config `credential_process` in a
     20 // variety of ways.
     21 //
     22 // One way is to setup your shared config file, located in the default
     23 // location, with the `credential_process` key and the command you want to be
     24 // called. You also need to set the AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG environment variable
     25 // (e.g., `export AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1`) to use the shared config file.
     26 //
     27 //	[default]
     28 //	credential_process = /command/to/call
     29 //
     30 // Loading configuration using external will use the credential process to
     31 // retrieve credentials. NOTE: If there are credentials in the profile you are
     32 // using, the credential process will not be used.
     33 //
     34 //	// Initialize a session to load credentials.
     35 //	cfg, _ := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
     36 //
     37 //	// Create S3 service client to use the credentials.
     38 //	svc := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)
     39 //
     40 // # Loading credentials with the Provider directly
     41 //
     42 // Another way to use the credentials process provider is by using the
     43 // `NewProvider` constructor to create the provider and providing a it with a
     44 // command to be executed to retrieve credentials.
     45 //
     46 // The following example creates a credentials provider for a command, and wraps
     47 // it with the CredentialsCache before assigning the provider to the Amazon S3 API
     48 // client's Credentials option.
     49 //
     50 //	 // Create credentials using the Provider.
     51 //		provider := processcreds.NewProvider("/path/to/command")
     52 //
     53 //	 // Create the service client value configured for credentials.
     54 //	 svc := s3.New(s3.Options{
     55 //	   Credentials: aws.NewCredentialsCache(provider),
     56 //	 })
     57 //
     58 // If you need more control, you can set any configurable options in the
     59 // credentials using one or more option functions.
     60 //
     61 //	provider := processcreds.NewProvider("/path/to/command",
     62 //	    func(o *processcreds.Options) {
     63 //	      // Override the provider's default timeout
     64 //	      o.Timeout = 2 * time.Minute
     65 //	    })
     66 //
     67 // You can also use your own `exec.Cmd` value by satisfying a value that satisfies
     68 // the `NewCommandBuilder` interface and use the `NewProviderCommand` constructor.
     69 //
     70 //	// Create an exec.Cmd
     71 //	cmdBuilder := processcreds.NewCommandBuilderFunc(
     72 //		func(ctx context.Context) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
     73 //			cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx,
     74 //				"customCLICommand",
     75 //				"-a", "argument",
     76 //			)
     77 //			cmd.Env = []string{
     78 //				"ENV_VAR_FOO=value",
     79 //				"ENV_VAR_BAR=other_value",
     80 //			}
     81 //
     82 //			return cmd, nil
     83 //		},
     84 //	)
     85 //
     86 //	// Create credentials using your exec.Cmd and custom timeout
     87 //	provider := processcreds.NewProviderCommand(cmdBuilder,
     88 //		func(opt *processcreds.Provider) {
     89 //			// optionally override the provider's default timeout
     90 //			opt.Timeout = 1 * time.Second
     91 //		})
     92 package processcreds