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api_client.go (16226B)

      1 // Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
      3 package sts
      5 import (
      6 	"context"
      7 	""
      8 	""
      9 	awsmiddleware ""
     10 	""
     11 	""
     12 	""
     13 	awshttp ""
     14 	internalConfig ""
     15 	presignedurlcust ""
     16 	smithy ""
     17 	smithydocument ""
     18 	""
     19 	""
     20 	smithyhttp ""
     21 	"net"
     22 	"net/http"
     23 	"time"
     24 )
     26 const ServiceID = "STS"
     27 const ServiceAPIVersion = "2011-06-15"
     29 // Client provides the API client to make operations call for AWS Security Token
     30 // Service.
     31 type Client struct {
     32 	options Options
     33 }
     35 // New returns an initialized Client based on the functional options. Provide
     36 // additional functional options to further configure the behavior of the client,
     37 // such as changing the client's endpoint or adding custom middleware behavior.
     38 func New(options Options, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client {
     39 	options = options.Copy()
     41 	resolveDefaultLogger(&options)
     43 	setResolvedDefaultsMode(&options)
     45 	resolveRetryer(&options)
     47 	resolveHTTPClient(&options)
     49 	resolveHTTPSignerV4(&options)
     51 	resolveDefaultEndpointConfiguration(&options)
     53 	for _, fn := range optFns {
     54 		fn(&options)
     55 	}
     57 	client := &Client{
     58 		options: options,
     59 	}
     61 	return client
     62 }
     64 type Options struct {
     65 	// Set of options to modify how an operation is invoked. These apply to all
     66 	// operations invoked for this client. Use functional options on operation call to
     67 	// modify this list for per operation behavior.
     68 	APIOptions []func(*middleware.Stack) error
     70 	// Configures the events that will be sent to the configured logger.
     71 	ClientLogMode aws.ClientLogMode
     73 	// The credentials object to use when signing requests.
     74 	Credentials aws.CredentialsProvider
     76 	// The configuration DefaultsMode that the SDK should use when constructing the
     77 	// clients initial default settings.
     78 	DefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode
     80 	// The endpoint options to be used when attempting to resolve an endpoint.
     81 	EndpointOptions EndpointResolverOptions
     83 	// The service endpoint resolver.
     84 	EndpointResolver EndpointResolver
     86 	// Signature Version 4 (SigV4) Signer
     87 	HTTPSignerV4 HTTPSignerV4
     89 	// The logger writer interface to write logging messages to.
     90 	Logger logging.Logger
     92 	// The region to send requests to. (Required)
     93 	Region string
     95 	// RetryMaxAttempts specifies the maximum number attempts an API client will call
     96 	// an operation that fails with a retryable error. A value of 0 is ignored, and
     97 	// will not be used to configure the API client created default retryer, or modify
     98 	// per operation call's retry max attempts. When creating a new API Clients this
     99 	// member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will
    100 	// be ignored if Retryer is not nil. If specified in an operation call's functional
    101 	// options with a value that is different than the constructed client's Options,
    102 	// the Client's Retryer will be wrapped to use the operation's specific
    103 	// RetryMaxAttempts value.
    104 	RetryMaxAttempts int
    106 	// RetryMode specifies the retry mode the API client will be created with, if
    107 	// Retryer option is not also specified. When creating a new API Clients this
    108 	// member will only be used if the Retryer Options member is nil. This value will
    109 	// be ignored if Retryer is not nil. Currently does not support per operation call
    110 	// overrides, may in the future.
    111 	RetryMode aws.RetryMode
    113 	// Retryer guides how HTTP requests should be retried in case of recoverable
    114 	// failures. When nil the API client will use a default retryer. The kind of
    115 	// default retry created by the API client can be changed with the RetryMode
    116 	// option.
    117 	Retryer aws.Retryer
    119 	// The RuntimeEnvironment configuration, only populated if the DefaultsMode is set
    120 	// to DefaultsModeAuto and is initialized using config.LoadDefaultConfig. You
    121 	// should not populate this structure programmatically, or rely on the values here
    122 	// within your applications.
    123 	RuntimeEnvironment aws.RuntimeEnvironment
    125 	// The initial DefaultsMode used when the client options were constructed. If the
    126 	// DefaultsMode was set to aws.DefaultsModeAuto this will store what the resolved
    127 	// value was at that point in time. Currently does not support per operation call
    128 	// overrides, may in the future.
    129 	resolvedDefaultsMode aws.DefaultsMode
    131 	// The HTTP client to invoke API calls with. Defaults to client's default HTTP
    132 	// implementation if nil.
    133 	HTTPClient HTTPClient
    134 }
    136 // WithAPIOptions returns a functional option for setting the Client's APIOptions
    137 // option.
    138 func WithAPIOptions(optFns ...func(*middleware.Stack) error) func(*Options) {
    139 	return func(o *Options) {
    140 		o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, optFns...)
    141 	}
    142 }
    144 // WithEndpointResolver returns a functional option for setting the Client's
    145 // EndpointResolver option.
    146 func WithEndpointResolver(v EndpointResolver) func(*Options) {
    147 	return func(o *Options) {
    148 		o.EndpointResolver = v
    149 	}
    150 }
    152 type HTTPClient interface {
    153 	Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
    154 }
    156 // Copy creates a clone where the APIOptions list is deep copied.
    157 func (o Options) Copy() Options {
    158 	to := o
    159 	to.APIOptions = make([]func(*middleware.Stack) error, len(o.APIOptions))
    160 	copy(to.APIOptions, o.APIOptions)
    162 	return to
    163 }
    164 func (c *Client) invokeOperation(ctx context.Context, opID string, params interface{}, optFns []func(*Options), stackFns ...func(*middleware.Stack, Options) error) (result interface{}, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error) {
    165 	ctx = middleware.ClearStackValues(ctx)
    166 	stack := middleware.NewStack(opID, smithyhttp.NewStackRequest)
    167 	options := c.options.Copy()
    168 	for _, fn := range optFns {
    169 		fn(&options)
    170 	}
    172 	finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(&options, *c)
    174 	finalizeClientEndpointResolverOptions(&options)
    176 	for _, fn := range stackFns {
    177 		if err := fn(stack, options); err != nil {
    178 			return nil, metadata, err
    179 		}
    180 	}
    182 	for _, fn := range options.APIOptions {
    183 		if err := fn(stack); err != nil {
    184 			return nil, metadata, err
    185 		}
    186 	}
    188 	handler := middleware.DecorateHandler(smithyhttp.NewClientHandler(options.HTTPClient), stack)
    189 	result, metadata, err = handler.Handle(ctx, params)
    190 	if err != nil {
    191 		err = &smithy.OperationError{
    192 			ServiceID:     ServiceID,
    193 			OperationName: opID,
    194 			Err:           err,
    195 		}
    196 	}
    197 	return result, metadata, err
    198 }
    200 type noSmithyDocumentSerde = smithydocument.NoSerde
    202 func resolveDefaultLogger(o *Options) {
    203 	if o.Logger != nil {
    204 		return
    205 	}
    206 	o.Logger = logging.Nop{}
    207 }
    209 func addSetLoggerMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error {
    210 	return middleware.AddSetLoggerMiddleware(stack, o.Logger)
    211 }
    213 func setResolvedDefaultsMode(o *Options) {
    214 	if len(o.resolvedDefaultsMode) > 0 {
    215 		return
    216 	}
    218 	var mode aws.DefaultsMode
    219 	mode.SetFromString(string(o.DefaultsMode))
    221 	if mode == aws.DefaultsModeAuto {
    222 		mode = defaults.ResolveDefaultsModeAuto(o.Region, o.RuntimeEnvironment)
    223 	}
    225 	o.resolvedDefaultsMode = mode
    226 }
    228 // NewFromConfig returns a new client from the provided config.
    229 func NewFromConfig(cfg aws.Config, optFns ...func(*Options)) *Client {
    230 	opts := Options{
    231 		Region:             cfg.Region,
    232 		DefaultsMode:       cfg.DefaultsMode,
    233 		RuntimeEnvironment: cfg.RuntimeEnvironment,
    234 		HTTPClient:         cfg.HTTPClient,
    235 		Credentials:        cfg.Credentials,
    236 		APIOptions:         cfg.APIOptions,
    237 		Logger:             cfg.Logger,
    238 		ClientLogMode:      cfg.ClientLogMode,
    239 	}
    240 	resolveAWSRetryerProvider(cfg, &opts)
    241 	resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg, &opts)
    242 	resolveAWSRetryMode(cfg, &opts)
    243 	resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg, &opts)
    244 	resolveUseDualStackEndpoint(cfg, &opts)
    245 	resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg, &opts)
    246 	return New(opts, optFns...)
    247 }
    249 func resolveHTTPClient(o *Options) {
    250 	var buildable *awshttp.BuildableClient
    252 	if o.HTTPClient != nil {
    253 		var ok bool
    254 		buildable, ok = o.HTTPClient.(*awshttp.BuildableClient)
    255 		if !ok {
    256 			return
    257 		}
    258 	} else {
    259 		buildable = awshttp.NewBuildableClient()
    260 	}
    262 	modeConfig, err := defaults.GetModeConfiguration(o.resolvedDefaultsMode)
    263 	if err == nil {
    264 		buildable = buildable.WithDialerOptions(func(dialer *net.Dialer) {
    265 			if dialerTimeout, ok := modeConfig.GetConnectTimeout(); ok {
    266 				dialer.Timeout = dialerTimeout
    267 			}
    268 		})
    270 		buildable = buildable.WithTransportOptions(func(transport *http.Transport) {
    271 			if tlsHandshakeTimeout, ok := modeConfig.GetTLSNegotiationTimeout(); ok {
    272 				transport.TLSHandshakeTimeout = tlsHandshakeTimeout
    273 			}
    274 		})
    275 	}
    277 	o.HTTPClient = buildable
    278 }
    280 func resolveRetryer(o *Options) {
    281 	if o.Retryer != nil {
    282 		return
    283 	}
    285 	if len(o.RetryMode) == 0 {
    286 		modeConfig, err := defaults.GetModeConfiguration(o.resolvedDefaultsMode)
    287 		if err == nil {
    288 			o.RetryMode = modeConfig.RetryMode
    289 		}
    290 	}
    291 	if len(o.RetryMode) == 0 {
    292 		o.RetryMode = aws.RetryModeStandard
    293 	}
    295 	var standardOptions []func(*retry.StandardOptions)
    296 	if v := o.RetryMaxAttempts; v != 0 {
    297 		standardOptions = append(standardOptions, func(so *retry.StandardOptions) {
    298 			so.MaxAttempts = v
    299 		})
    300 	}
    302 	switch o.RetryMode {
    303 	case aws.RetryModeAdaptive:
    304 		var adaptiveOptions []func(*retry.AdaptiveModeOptions)
    305 		if len(standardOptions) != 0 {
    306 			adaptiveOptions = append(adaptiveOptions, func(ao *retry.AdaptiveModeOptions) {
    307 				ao.StandardOptions = append(ao.StandardOptions, standardOptions...)
    308 			})
    309 		}
    310 		o.Retryer = retry.NewAdaptiveMode(adaptiveOptions...)
    312 	default:
    313 		o.Retryer = retry.NewStandard(standardOptions...)
    314 	}
    315 }
    317 func resolveAWSRetryerProvider(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) {
    318 	if cfg.Retryer == nil {
    319 		return
    320 	}
    321 	o.Retryer = cfg.Retryer()
    322 }
    324 func resolveAWSRetryMode(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) {
    325 	if len(cfg.RetryMode) == 0 {
    326 		return
    327 	}
    328 	o.RetryMode = cfg.RetryMode
    329 }
    330 func resolveAWSRetryMaxAttempts(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) {
    331 	if cfg.RetryMaxAttempts == 0 {
    332 		return
    333 	}
    334 	o.RetryMaxAttempts = cfg.RetryMaxAttempts
    335 }
    337 func finalizeRetryMaxAttemptOptions(o *Options, client Client) {
    338 	if v := o.RetryMaxAttempts; v == 0 || v == client.options.RetryMaxAttempts {
    339 		return
    340 	}
    342 	o.Retryer = retry.AddWithMaxAttempts(o.Retryer, o.RetryMaxAttempts)
    343 }
    345 func resolveAWSEndpointResolver(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) {
    346 	if cfg.EndpointResolver == nil && cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions == nil {
    347 		return
    348 	}
    349 	o.EndpointResolver = withEndpointResolver(cfg.EndpointResolver, cfg.EndpointResolverWithOptions, NewDefaultEndpointResolver())
    350 }
    352 func addClientUserAgent(stack *middleware.Stack) error {
    353 	return awsmiddleware.AddSDKAgentKeyValue(awsmiddleware.APIMetadata, "sts", goModuleVersion)(stack)
    354 }
    356 func addHTTPSignerV4Middleware(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error {
    357 	mw := v4.NewSignHTTPRequestMiddleware(v4.SignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions{
    358 		CredentialsProvider: o.Credentials,
    359 		Signer:              o.HTTPSignerV4,
    360 		LogSigning:          o.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(),
    361 	})
    362 	return stack.Finalize.Add(mw, middleware.After)
    363 }
    365 type HTTPSignerV4 interface {
    366 	SignHTTP(ctx context.Context, credentials aws.Credentials, r *http.Request, payloadHash string, service string, region string, signingTime time.Time, optFns ...func(*v4.SignerOptions)) error
    367 }
    369 func resolveHTTPSignerV4(o *Options) {
    370 	if o.HTTPSignerV4 != nil {
    371 		return
    372 	}
    373 	o.HTTPSignerV4 = newDefaultV4Signer(*o)
    374 }
    376 func newDefaultV4Signer(o Options) *v4.Signer {
    377 	return v4.NewSigner(func(so *v4.SignerOptions) {
    378 		so.Logger = o.Logger
    379 		so.LogSigning = o.ClientLogMode.IsSigning()
    380 	})
    381 }
    383 func addRetryMiddlewares(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error {
    384 	mo := retry.AddRetryMiddlewaresOptions{
    385 		Retryer:          o.Retryer,
    386 		LogRetryAttempts: o.ClientLogMode.IsRetries(),
    387 	}
    388 	return retry.AddRetryMiddlewares(stack, mo)
    389 }
    391 // resolves dual-stack endpoint configuration
    392 func resolveUseDualStackEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) error {
    393 	if len(cfg.ConfigSources) == 0 {
    394 		return nil
    395 	}
    396 	value, found, err := internalConfig.ResolveUseDualStackEndpoint(context.Background(), cfg.ConfigSources)
    397 	if err != nil {
    398 		return err
    399 	}
    400 	if found {
    401 		o.EndpointOptions.UseDualStackEndpoint = value
    402 	}
    403 	return nil
    404 }
    406 // resolves FIPS endpoint configuration
    407 func resolveUseFIPSEndpoint(cfg aws.Config, o *Options) error {
    408 	if len(cfg.ConfigSources) == 0 {
    409 		return nil
    410 	}
    411 	value, found, err := internalConfig.ResolveUseFIPSEndpoint(context.Background(), cfg.ConfigSources)
    412 	if err != nil {
    413 		return err
    414 	}
    415 	if found {
    416 		o.EndpointOptions.UseFIPSEndpoint = value
    417 	}
    418 	return nil
    419 }
    421 func addRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error {
    422 	return awsmiddleware.AddRequestIDRetrieverMiddleware(stack)
    423 }
    425 func addResponseErrorMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack) error {
    426 	return awshttp.AddResponseErrorMiddleware(stack)
    427 }
    429 // HTTPPresignerV4 represents presigner interface used by presign url client
    430 type HTTPPresignerV4 interface {
    431 	PresignHTTP(
    432 		ctx context.Context, credentials aws.Credentials, r *http.Request,
    433 		payloadHash string, service string, region string, signingTime time.Time,
    434 		optFns ...func(*v4.SignerOptions),
    435 	) (url string, signedHeader http.Header, err error)
    436 }
    438 // PresignOptions represents the presign client options
    439 type PresignOptions struct {
    441 	// ClientOptions are list of functional options to mutate client options used by
    442 	// the presign client.
    443 	ClientOptions []func(*Options)
    445 	// Presigner is the presigner used by the presign url client
    446 	Presigner HTTPPresignerV4
    447 }
    449 func (o PresignOptions) copy() PresignOptions {
    450 	clientOptions := make([]func(*Options), len(o.ClientOptions))
    451 	copy(clientOptions, o.ClientOptions)
    452 	o.ClientOptions = clientOptions
    453 	return o
    454 }
    456 // WithPresignClientFromClientOptions is a helper utility to retrieve a function
    457 // that takes PresignOption as input
    458 func WithPresignClientFromClientOptions(optFns ...func(*Options)) func(*PresignOptions) {
    459 	return withPresignClientFromClientOptions(optFns).options
    460 }
    462 type withPresignClientFromClientOptions []func(*Options)
    464 func (w withPresignClientFromClientOptions) options(o *PresignOptions) {
    465 	o.ClientOptions = append(o.ClientOptions, w...)
    466 }
    468 // PresignClient represents the presign url client
    469 type PresignClient struct {
    470 	client  *Client
    471 	options PresignOptions
    472 }
    474 // NewPresignClient generates a presign client using provided API Client and
    475 // presign options
    476 func NewPresignClient(c *Client, optFns ...func(*PresignOptions)) *PresignClient {
    477 	var options PresignOptions
    478 	for _, fn := range optFns {
    479 		fn(&options)
    480 	}
    481 	if len(options.ClientOptions) != 0 {
    482 		c = New(c.options, options.ClientOptions...)
    483 	}
    485 	if options.Presigner == nil {
    486 		options.Presigner = newDefaultV4Signer(c.options)
    487 	}
    489 	return &PresignClient{
    490 		client:  c,
    491 		options: options,
    492 	}
    493 }
    495 func withNopHTTPClientAPIOption(o *Options) {
    496 	o.HTTPClient = smithyhttp.NopClient{}
    497 }
    499 type presignConverter PresignOptions
    501 func (c presignConverter) convertToPresignMiddleware(stack *middleware.Stack, options Options) (err error) {
    502 	stack.Finalize.Clear()
    503 	stack.Deserialize.Clear()
    504 	stack.Build.Remove((*awsmiddleware.ClientRequestID)(nil).ID())
    505 	stack.Build.Remove("UserAgent")
    506 	pmw := v4.NewPresignHTTPRequestMiddleware(v4.PresignHTTPRequestMiddlewareOptions{
    507 		CredentialsProvider: options.Credentials,
    508 		Presigner:           c.Presigner,
    509 		LogSigning:          options.ClientLogMode.IsSigning(),
    510 	})
    511 	err = stack.Finalize.Add(pmw, middleware.After)
    512 	if err != nil {
    513 		return err
    514 	}
    515 	if err = smithyhttp.AddNoPayloadDefaultContentTypeRemover(stack); err != nil {
    516 		return err
    517 	}
    518 	// convert request to a GET request
    519 	err = query.AddAsGetRequestMiddleware(stack)
    520 	if err != nil {
    521 		return err
    522 	}
    523 	err = presignedurlcust.AddAsIsPresigingMiddleware(stack)
    524 	if err != nil {
    525 		return err
    526 	}
    527 	return nil
    528 }
    530 func addRequestResponseLogging(stack *middleware.Stack, o Options) error {
    531 	return stack.Deserialize.Add(&smithyhttp.RequestResponseLogger{
    532 		LogRequest:          o.ClientLogMode.IsRequest(),
    533 		LogRequestWithBody:  o.ClientLogMode.IsRequestWithBody(),
    534 		LogResponse:         o.ClientLogMode.IsResponse(),
    535 		LogResponseWithBody: o.ClientLogMode.IsResponseWithBody(),
    536 	}, middleware.After)
    537 }