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base16-theme.el (64450B)

      1 ;;; base16-theme.el --- A set of base16 themes for your favorite editor
      3 ;; Author: Kaleb Elwert <>
      4 ;;         Neil Bhakta
      5 ;; Maintainer: Kaleb Elwert <>
      6 ;; Version: 3.0
      7 ;; Homepage:
      9 ;;; Commentary:
     10 ;; base16-theme is a collection of themes built around the base16
     11 ;; concept (  All themes are
     12 ;; generated from the official set of color schemes and the templates
     13 ;; which are included in this repo.
     15 ;;; Code:
     17 (defcustom base16-theme-256-color-source 'terminal
     18   "Where to get the colors in a 256-color terminal.
     20 In a 256-color terminal, it's not clear where the colors should come from.
     21 There are 3 possible values: terminal (which was taken from the xresources
     22 theme), base16-shell (which was taken from a combination of base16-shell and
     23 the xresources theme) and colors (which will be converted from the actual
     24 html color codes to the closest color).
     26 Note that this needs to be set before themes are loaded or it will not work."
     27   :type '(radio (const :tag "Terminal" terminal)
     28                 (const :tag "Base16 shell" base16-shell)
     29                 (const :tag "Colors" colors))
     30   :group 'base16)
     32 (defcustom base16-theme-distinct-fringe-background t
     33   "Make the fringe background different from the normal background color.
     34 Also affects `linum-mode' background."
     35   :type 'boolean
     36   :group 'base16)
     38 (defcustom base16-theme-highlight-mode-line nil
     39   "Make the active mode line stand out more.
     41 There are two choices for applying the emphasis:
     42   box:      Draws a thin border around the active
     43             mode line.
     44   contrast: Use the \"default\" face's foreground
     45             which should result in more contrast."
     46   :type '(radio (const :tag "Off" nil)
     47                 (const :tag "Draw box around" box)
     48                 (const :tag "Contrast" contrast))
     49   :group 'base16)
     51 (defvar base16-theme-shell-colors
     52   '(:base00 "black"
     53     :base01 "brightgreen"
     54     :base02 "brightyellow"
     55     :base03 "brightblack"
     56     :base04 "brightblue"
     57     :base05 "white"
     58     :base06 "brightmagenta"
     59     :base07 "brightwhite"
     60     :base08 "red"
     61     :base09 "brightred"
     62     :base0A "yellow"
     63     :base0B "green"
     64     :base0C "cyan"
     65     :base0D "blue"
     66     :base0E "magenta"
     67     :base0F "brightcyan")
     68   "Base16 colors used when in a terminal and not using base16-shell.
     70 These mappings are based on the xresources themes.  If you're
     71 using a different terminal color scheme, you may want to look for
     72 an alternate theme for use in the terminal.")
     74 (defvar base16-theme-shell-colors-256
     75   '(:base00 "black"
     76     :base01 "color-18"
     77     :base02 "color-19"
     78     :base03 "brightblack"
     79     :base04 "color-20"
     80     :base05 "white"
     81     :base06 "color-21"
     82     :base07 "brightwhite"
     83     :base08 "red"
     84     :base09 "color-16"
     85     :base0A "yellow"
     86     :base0B "green"
     87     :base0C "cyan"
     88     :base0D "blue"
     89     :base0E "magenta"
     90     :base0F "color-17")
     91   "Base16 colors used when in a terminal and using base16-shell.
     93 These mappings are based on the xresources themes combined with
     94 the base16-shell code.  If you're using a different terminal
     95 color scheme, you may want to look for an alternate theme for use
     96 in the terminal.")
     98 (defun base16-theme-transform-color-key (key colors)
     99   "Transform a given color `KEY' into a theme color using `COLORS'.
    101 This function is meant for transforming symbols to valid colors.
    102 If the value refers to a setting then return whatever is appropriate.
    103 If not a setting but is found in the valid list of colors then
    104 return the actual color value.  Otherwise return the value unchanged."
    105   (if (symbolp key)
    106       (cond
    108        ((string= (symbol-name key) "base16-settings-fringe-bg")
    109         (if base16-theme-distinct-fringe-background
    110             (plist-get colors :base01)
    111 		  (plist-get colors :base00)))
    113 	   ((string= (symbol-name key) "base16-settings-mode-line-box")
    114 		(if (eq base16-theme-highlight-mode-line 'box)
    115 			(list :line-width 1 :color (plist-get colors :base04))
    116 		  nil))
    118 	   ((string= (symbol-name key) "base16-settings-mode-line-fg")
    119 		(if (eq base16-theme-highlight-mode-line 'contrast)
    120 			(plist-get colors :base05)
    121 		  (plist-get colors :base04)))
    123 	   (t
    124 		(let ((maybe-color (plist-get colors (intern (concat ":" (symbol-name key))))))
    125 		  (if maybe-color
    126 			  maybe-color
    127 			key))))
    128     key))
    131 (defun base16-theme-transform-spec (spec colors)
    132   "Transform a theme `SPEC' into a face spec using `COLORS'."
    133   (let ((output))
    134     (while spec
    135       (let* ((key (car spec))
    136              (value (base16-theme-transform-color-key (cadr spec) colors)))
    138         ;; Append the transformed element
    139         (cond
    140          ((and (memq key '(:box :underline)) (listp value))
    141           (setq output (append output (list key (base16-theme-transform-spec value colors)))))
    142          (t
    143           (setq output (append output (list key value))))))
    145       ;; Go to the next element in the list
    146       (setq spec (cddr spec)))
    148     ;; Return the transformed spec
    149     output))
    151 (defun base16-theme-transform-face (spec colors)
    152   "Transform a face `SPEC' into an Emacs theme face definition using `COLORS'."
    153   (let* ((face             (car spec))
    154          (definition       (cdr spec))
    155          (shell-colors-256 (pcase base16-theme-256-color-source
    156                              ('terminal      base16-theme-shell-colors)
    157                              ("terminal"     base16-theme-shell-colors)
    158                              ('base16-shell  base16-theme-shell-colors-256)
    159                              ("base16-shell" base16-theme-shell-colors-256)
    160                              ('colors        colors)
    161                              ("colors"       colors)
    162                              (_              base16-theme-shell-colors))))
    164     ;; This is a list of fallbacks to make us select the sanest option possible.
    165     ;; If there's a graphical terminal, we use the actual colors. If it's not
    166     ;; graphical, the terminal supports 256 colors, and the user enables it, we
    167     ;; use the base16-shell colors. Otherwise, we fall back to the basic
    168     ;; xresources colors.
    169     (list face `((((type graphic))   ,(base16-theme-transform-spec definition colors))
    170                  (((min-colors 256)) ,(base16-theme-transform-spec definition shell-colors-256))
    171                  (t                  ,(base16-theme-transform-spec definition base16-theme-shell-colors))))))
    173 (defun base16-theme-set-faces (theme-name colors faces)
    174   "Define `THEME-NAME' using `COLORS' to map the `FACES' to actual colors."
    175   (apply 'custom-theme-set-faces theme-name
    176          (mapcar #'(lambda (face)
    177                      (base16-theme-transform-face face colors))
    178                  faces)))
    180 (defun base16-theme-define (theme-name theme-colors)
    181   "Define colorscheme faces given a `THEME-NAME' and a plist of `THEME-COLORS'."
    182   (base16-theme-set-faces
    183    theme-name
    184    theme-colors
    186    '(
    187 ;;; Built-in
    188 ;;;; basic colors
    189      (border                                       :background base03)
    190      (cursor                                       :background base08)
    191      (default                                      :foreground base05 :background base00)
    192      (fringe                                       :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    193      (gui-element                                  :background base01)
    194      (header-line                                  :foreground base0E :background unspecified :inherit mode-line)
    195      (highlight                                    :background base01)
    196      (link                                         :foreground base0D :underline t)
    197      (link-visited                                 :foreground base0E :underline t)
    198      (minibuffer-prompt                            :foreground base0D)
    199      (region                                       :background base02 :distant-foreground base05)
    200      (secondary-selection                          :background base03 :distant-foreground base05)
    201      (trailing-whitespace                          :foreground base0A :background base0C)
    202      (vertical-border                              :foreground base02)
    203      (widget-button                                :underline t)
    204      (widget-field                                 :background base03 :box (:line-width 1 :color base06))
    205      (completions-common-part                      :foreground base0C)
    207      (error                                        :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    208      (warning                                      :foreground base09 :weight bold)
    209      (success                                      :foreground base0B :weight bold)
    210      (shadow                                       :foreground base03)
    212 ;;;; compilation
    213      (compilation-column-number                    :foreground base0A)
    214      (compilation-line-number                      :foreground base0A)
    215      (compilation-message-face                     :foreground base0D)
    216      (compilation-mode-line-exit                   :foreground base0B)
    217      (compilation-mode-line-fail                   :foreground base08)
    218      (compilation-mode-line-run                    :foreground base0D)
    220 ;;;; custom
    221      (custom-variable-tag                          :foreground base0D)
    222      (custom-group-tag                             :foreground base0D)
    223      (custom-state                                 :foreground base0B)
    225 ;;;; font-lock
    226      (font-lock-builtin-face                       :foreground base0C)
    227      (font-lock-comment-delimiter-face             :foreground base03)
    228      (font-lock-comment-face                       :foreground base03)
    229      (font-lock-constant-face                      :foreground base09)
    230      (font-lock-doc-face                           :foreground base04)
    231      (font-lock-doc-string-face                    :foreground base03)
    232      (font-lock-function-name-face                 :foreground base0D)
    233      (font-lock-keyword-face                       :foreground base0E)
    234      (font-lock-negation-char-face                 :foreground base0B)
    235      (font-lock-preprocessor-face                  :foreground base0D)
    236      (font-lock-regexp-grouping-backslash          :foreground base0A)
    237      (font-lock-regexp-grouping-construct          :foreground base0E)
    238      (font-lock-string-face                        :foreground base0B)
    239      (font-lock-type-face                          :foreground base0A)
    240      (font-lock-variable-name-face                 :foreground base08)
    241      (font-lock-warning-face                       :foreground base08)
    243 ;;;; isearch
    244      (match                                        :foreground base0D :background base01 :inverse-video t)
    245      (isearch                                      :foreground base0A :background base01 :inverse-video t)
    246      (lazy-highlight                               :foreground base0C :background base01 :inverse-video t)
    247      (isearch-lazy-highlight-face                  :inherit lazy-highlight) ;; was replaced with 'lazy-highlight in emacs 22
    248      (isearch-fail                                 :background base01 :inverse-video t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)
    250 ;;;; line-numbers
    251      (line-number                                  :foreground base03 :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    252      (line-number-current-line                     :inherit fringe)
    254 ;;;; mode-line
    255      (mode-line                                    :foreground base16-settings-mode-line-fg :background base02 :box base16-settings-mode-line-box)
    256      (mode-line-buffer-id                          :foreground base0B :background unspecified)
    257      (mode-line-emphasis                           :foreground base06 :slant italic)
    258      (mode-line-highlight                          :foreground base0E :box nil :weight bold)
    259      (mode-line-inactive                           :foreground base03 :background base01 :box nil)
    261 ;;;; tab-bar
    262     (tab-bar                                       :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    263     (tab-bar-tab                                   :foreground base09 :background base01)
    264     (tab-bar-tab-inactive                          :foreground base06 :background base01)
    265     (tab-bar-tab-group-current                     :foreground base05 :background base00)
    266     (tab-bar-tab-group-inactive                    :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    268 ;;;; tab-line
    269      (tab-line                                     :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    270      (tab-line-tab                                 :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    271      (tab-line-tab-inactive                        :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    272      (tab-line-tab-current                         :foreground base05 :background base00)
    273      (tab-line-highlight                           :distant-foreground base05 :background base02)
    275 ;;; Third-party
    277 ;;;; anzu-mode
    278      (anzu-mode-line                               :foreground base0E)
    280 ;;;; auctex
    281      (font-latex-bold-face                         :foreground base0B)
    282      (font-latex-doctex-documentation-face         :background base03)
    283      (font-latex-italic-face                       :foreground base0B)
    284      (font-latex-math-face                         :foreground base09)
    285      (font-latex-sectioning-0-face                 :foreground base0A)
    286      (font-latex-sectioning-1-face                 :foreground base0A)
    287      (font-latex-sectioning-2-face                 :foreground base0A)
    288      (font-latex-sectioning-3-face                 :foreground base0A)
    289      (font-latex-sectioning-4-face                 :foreground base0A)
    290      (font-latex-sectioning-5-face                 :foreground base0A)
    291      (font-latex-sedate-face                       :foreground base0C)
    292      (font-latex-string-face                       :foreground base0A)
    293      (font-latex-verbatim-face                     :foreground base09)
    294      (font-latex-warning-face                      :foreground base08)
    296      (TeX-error-description-error                  :inherit error)
    297      (TeX-error-description-tex-said               :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
    298      (TeX-error-description-warning                :inherit warning)
    300 ;;;; centaur-tabs
    301      (centaur-tabs-default                         :background base01 :foreground base01)
    302      (centaur-tabs-selected                        :background base00 :foreground base06)
    303      (centaur-tabs-unselected                      :background base01 :foreground base05)
    304      (centaur-tabs-selected-modified               :background base00 :foreground base0D)
    305      (centaur-tabs-unselected-modified             :background base01 :foreground base0D)
    306      (centaur-tabs-active-bar-face                 :background base0D)
    307      (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-selected        :inherit 'centaur-tabs-selected :foreground base0D)
    308      (centaur-tabs-modified-marker-unselected      :inherit 'centaur-tabs-unselected :foreground base0D)
    310 ;;;; circe-mode
    311      (circe-fool-face                              :foreground base02)
    312      (circe-my-message-face                        :foreground base0B)
    313      (circe-highlight-nick-face                    :foreground base0A)
    314      (circe-originator-face                        :foreground base0E)
    315      (circe-prompt-face                            :foreground base0D)
    316      (circe-server-face                            :foreground base03)
    318 ;;;; avy
    319      (avy-lead-face-0                              :foreground base00 :background base0C)
    320      (avy-lead-face-1                              :foreground base00 :background base05)
    321      (avy-lead-face-2                              :foreground base00 :background base0E)
    322      (avy-lead-face                                :foreground base00 :background base09)
    323      (avy-background-face                          :foreground base03)
    324      (avy-goto-char-timer-face                     :inherit highlight)
    326 ;;;; clojure-mode
    327      (clojure-keyword-face                         :foreground base0E)
    329 ;;;; company-mode
    330      (company-tooltip                              :inherit tooltip)
    331      (company-scrollbar-bg                         :background base07)
    332      (company-scrollbar-fg                         :background base04)
    333      (company-tooltip-annotation                   :foreground base08)
    334      (company-tooltip-common                       :inherit font-lock-constant-face)
    335      (company-tooltip-selection                    :background base02 :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
    336      (company-tooltip-search                       :inherit match)
    337      (company-tooltip-search-selection             :inherit match)
    338      (company-preview-common                       :inherit secondary-selection)
    339      (company-preview                              :foreground base04)
    340      (company-preview-search                       :inherit match)
    341      (company-echo-common                          :inherit secondary-selection)
    343 ;;;; cperl-mode
    344      (cperl-array-face                             :weight bold :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
    345      (cperl-hash-face                              :weight bold :slant italic :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
    346      (cperl-nonoverridable-face                    :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
    348 ;;;; cscope-minor-mode
    349      (cscope-file-face                             :foreground base0B)
    350      (cscope-function-face                         :foreground base0D)
    351      (cscope-line-number-face                      :foreground base0A)
    352      (cscope-mouse-face                            :foreground base04 :background base01)
    353      (cscope-separator-face                        :foreground base08 :overline t :underline t :weight bold)
    355 ;;;; csv-mode
    356      (csv-separator-face                           :foreground base09)
    358 ;;;; diff-hl-mode
    359      (diff-hl-change                               :foreground base0E)
    360      (diff-hl-delete                               :foreground base08)
    361      (diff-hl-insert                               :foreground base0B)
    363 ;;;; diff-mode
    364      (diff-added                                   :foreground base0B)
    365      (diff-changed                                 :foreground base0E)
    366      (diff-removed                                 :foreground base08)
    367      (diff-header                                  :background base01)
    368      (diff-file-header                             :background base02)
    369      (diff-hunk-header                             :foreground base0E :background base01)
    371 ;;;; dired
    372      (dired-filetype-plain                         :foreground base05 :background base00)
    374 ;;;; dired+
    375      (diredp-compressed-file-suffix                :foreground base0D)
    376      (diredp-dir-heading                           :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit heading)
    377      (diredp-dir-priv                              :foreground base0C :background unspecified)
    378      (diredp-exec-priv                             :foreground base0D :background unspecified)
    379      (diredp-executable-tag                        :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
    380      (diredp-file-name                             :foreground base0A)
    381      (diredp-file-suffix                           :foreground base0B)
    382      (diredp-flag-mark-line                        :background unspecified :inherit highlight)
    383      (diredp-ignored-file-name                     :foreground base04)
    384      (diredp-link-priv                             :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
    385      (diredp-mode-line-flagged                     :foreground base08)
    386      (diredp-mode-line-marked                      :foreground base0B)
    387      (diredp-no-priv                               :background unspecified)
    388      (diredp-number                                :foreground base0A)
    389      (diredp-other-priv                            :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
    390      (diredp-rare-priv                             :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
    391      (diredp-read-priv                             :foreground base0B :background unspecified)
    392      (diredp-symlink                               :foreground base0E)
    393      (diredp-write-priv                            :foreground base0A :background unspecified)
    395 ;;;; diredfl
    396      (diredfl-autofile-name                        :foreground base0E)
    397      (diredfl-compressed-file-name                 :foreground base0A)
    398      (diredfl-compressed-file-suffix               :foreground base0D)
    399      (diredfl-date-time                            :foreground base0C :weight light)
    400      (diredfl-deletion                             :foreground unspecified :background base08)
    401      (diredfl-deletion-file-name                   :foreground base00 :background base08 :weight bold)
    402      (diredfl-dir-heading                          :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit heading :weight bold)
    403      (diredfl-dir-name                             :foreground base0D)
    404      (diredfl-dir-priv                             :foreground base0D :background unspecified)
    405      (diredfl-exec-priv                            :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
    406      (diredfl-executable-tag                       :foreground base08 :background unspecified)
    407      (diredfl-file-name                            :foreground base0A)
    408      (diredfl-file-suffix                          :foreground base0B)
    409      (diredfl-flag-mark                            :foreground base09 :weight bold)
    410      (diredfl-flag-mark-line                       :background unspecified :inherit highlight)
    411      (diredfl-ignored-file-name                    :foreground base04)
    412      (diredfl-link-priv                            :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
    413      (diredfl-no-priv                              :background unspecified)
    414      (diredfl-number                               :foreground base0A)
    415      (diredfl-other-priv                           :foreground base0E :background unspecified)
    416      (diredfl-rare-priv                            :foreground base0F :background unspecified)
    417      (diredfl-read-priv                            :foreground base0B :background unspecified)
    418      (diredfl-symlink                              :foreground base0E)
    419      (diredfl-tagged-autofile-name                 :foreground base05)
    420      (diredfl-write-priv                           :foreground base0A :background unspecified)
    422 ;;;; doom-modeline
    423      (doom-modeline-eldoc-bar                      :background base0B)
    424      (doom-modeline-inactive-bar                   :background unspecified) ; transparent
    425      (doom-modeline-bar                            :background base0D)
    427 ;;;; ediff-mode
    428      (ediff-even-diff-A                            :inverse-video t)
    429      (ediff-even-diff-B                            :inverse-video t)
    430      (ediff-even-diff-C                            :inverse-video t)
    431      (ediff-odd-diff-A                             :foreground base04 :inverse-video t)
    432      (ediff-odd-diff-B                             :foreground base04 :inverse-video t)
    433      (ediff-odd-diff-C                             :foreground base04 :inverse-video t)
    435 ;;;; eldoc-mode
    436      (eldoc-highlight-function-argument            :foreground base0B :weight bold)
    438 ;;;; erc
    439      (erc-direct-msg-face                          :foreground base09)
    440      (erc-error-face                               :foreground base08)
    441      (erc-header-face                              :foreground base06 :background base04)
    442      (erc-input-face                               :foreground base0B)
    443      (erc-keyword-face                             :foreground base0A)
    444      (erc-current-nick-face                        :foreground base0B)
    445      (erc-my-nick-face                             :foreground base0B)
    446      (erc-nick-default-face                        :foreground base0E :weight normal)
    447      (erc-nick-msg-face                            :foreground base0A :weight normal)
    448      (erc-notice-face                              :foreground base04)
    449      (erc-pal-face                                 :foreground base09)
    450      (erc-prompt-face                              :foreground base0D)
    451      (erc-timestamp-face                           :foreground base0C)
    453 ;;;; eshell
    454      (eshell-ls-archive                            :foreground base08)
    455      (eshell-ls-backup                             :foreground base0F)
    456      (eshell-ls-clutter                            :foreground base09)
    457      (eshell-ls-directory                          :foreground base0D)
    458      (eshell-ls-executable                         :foreground base0B)
    459      (eshell-ls-missing                            :foreground base08)
    460      (eshell-ls-product                            :foreground base0F)
    461      (eshell-ls-readonly                           :foreground base06)
    462      (eshell-ls-special                            :foreground base0E)
    463      (eshell-ls-symlink                            :foreground base0C)
    464      (eshell-ls-unreadable                         :foreground base04)
    465      (eshell-prompt                                :foreground base05)
    467 ;;;; evil-mode
    468      (evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face :background base01 :inverse-video t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)
    470 ;;;; fic-mode
    471      (fic-author-face                              :foreground base09 :underline t)
    472      (fic-face                                     :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    474 ;;;; flycheck-mode
    475      (flycheck-error                               :underline (:style wave :color base08))
    476      (flycheck-info                                :underline (:style wave :color base0B))
    477      (flycheck-warning                             :underline (:style wave :color base09))
    479 ;;;; flymake-mode
    480      (flymake-warnline                             :background base01 :underline base09)
    481      (flymake-errline                              :background base01 :underline base08)
    482      (flymake-warning                              :background base01 :underline base09)
    483      (flymake-error                                :background base01 :underline base08)
    485 ;;;; flyspell-mode
    486      (flyspell-duplicate                           :underline (:style wave :color base09))
    487      (flyspell-incorrect                           :underline (:style wave :color base08))
    489 ;;;; git-gutter-mode
    490      (git-gutter:added                             :foreground base0B)
    491      (git-gutter:deleted                           :foreground base08)
    492      (git-gutter:modified                          :foreground base0E)
    493      (git-gutter:separator                         :foreground base0C)
    494      (git-gutter:unchanged                         :foreground base0A :inverse-video t)
    496 ;;;; git-gutter+-mode
    497      (git-gutter+-added                            :foreground base0B)
    498      (git-gutter+-deleted                          :foreground base08)
    499      (git-gutter+-modified                         :foreground base0E)
    500      (git-gutter+-unchanged                        :foreground base0A :inverse-video t)
    502 ;;;; git-gutter-fringe
    503      (git-gutter-fr:added                          :foreground base0B)
    504      (git-gutter-fr:deleted                        :foreground base08)
    505      (git-gutter-fr:modified                       :foreground base0E)
    507 ;;;; gnus
    508      (gnus-cite-1                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-1)
    509      (gnus-cite-2                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-2)
    510      (gnus-cite-3                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-3)
    511      (gnus-cite-4                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-4)
    512      (gnus-cite-5                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-5)
    513      (gnus-cite-6                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-6)
    514      (gnus-cite-7                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-7)
    515      (gnus-cite-8                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit outline-8)
    516      ;; there are several more -cite- faces...
    517      (gnus-header-content                          :inherit message-header-other)
    518      (gnus-header-subject                          :inherit message-header-subject)
    519      (gnus-header-from                             :foreground base09 :weight bold :inherit message-header-other-face)
    520      (gnus-header-name                             :inherit message-header-name)
    521      (gnus-button                                  :foreground unspecified :inherit link)
    522      (gnus-signature                               :inherit font-lock-comment-face)
    524      (gnus-summary-normal-unread                   :foreground base0D :weight normal)
    525      (gnus-summary-normal-read                     :foreground base06 :weight normal)
    526      (gnus-summary-normal-ancient                  :foreground base0C :weight normal)
    527      (gnus-summary-normal-ticked                   :foreground base09 :weight normal)
    528      (gnus-summary-low-unread                      :foreground base04 :weight normal)
    529      (gnus-summary-low-read                        :foreground base04 :weight normal)
    530      (gnus-summary-low-ancient                     :foreground base04 :weight normal)
    531      (gnus-summary-high-unread                     :foreground base0A :weight normal)
    532      (gnus-summary-high-read                       :foreground base0B :weight normal)
    533      (gnus-summary-high-ancient                    :foreground base0B :weight normal)
    534      (gnus-summary-high-ticked                     :foreground base09 :weight normal)
    535      (gnus-summary-cancelled                       :foreground base08 :background unspecified :weight normal)
    537      (gnus-group-mail-low                          :foreground base04)
    538      (gnus-group-mail-low-empty                    :foreground base04)
    539      (gnus-group-mail-1                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-1)
    540      (gnus-group-mail-2                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-2)
    541      (gnus-group-mail-3                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-3)
    542      (gnus-group-mail-4                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-4)
    543      (gnus-group-mail-5                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-5)
    544      (gnus-group-mail-6                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-6)
    545      (gnus-group-mail-1-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-1)
    546      (gnus-group-mail-2-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-2)
    547      (gnus-group-mail-3-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-3)
    548      (gnus-group-mail-4-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-4)
    549      (gnus-group-mail-5-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-5)
    550      (gnus-group-mail-6-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-mail-6)
    551      (gnus-group-news-1                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-5)
    552      (gnus-group-news-2                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-6)
    553      (gnus-group-news-3                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-7)
    554      (gnus-group-news-4                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-8)
    555      (gnus-group-news-5                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-1)
    556      (gnus-group-news-6                            :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit outline-2)
    557      (gnus-group-news-1-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-1)
    558      (gnus-group-news-2-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-2)
    559      (gnus-group-news-3-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-3)
    560      (gnus-group-news-4-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-4)
    561      (gnus-group-news-5-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-5)
    562      (gnus-group-news-6-empty                      :foreground base04 :inherit gnus-group-news-6)
    564 ;;;; go-guru
    565      (go-guru-hl-identifier-face                   :background base02)
    567 ;;;; grep
    568      (grep-context-face                            :foreground base04)
    569      (grep-error-face                              :foreground base08 :weight bold :underline t)
    570      (grep-hit-face                                :foreground base0D)
    571      (grep-match-face                              :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit match)
    573 ;;;; helm
    574      (helm-M-x-key                                 :foreground base0C)
    575      (helm-action                                  :foreground base05)
    576      (helm-buffer-directory                        :foreground base04 :background unspecified :weight bold)
    577      (helm-buffer-file                             :foreground base0C)
    578      (helm-buffer-not-saved                        :foreground base08)
    579      (helm-buffer-process                          :foreground base03)
    580      (helm-buffer-saved-out                        :foreground base0F)
    581      (helm-buffer-size                             :foreground base09)
    582      (helm-candidate-number                        :foreground base00 :background base09)
    583      (helm-ff-directory                            :inherit dired-directory)
    584      (helm-ff-dotted-directory                     :inherit dired-ignored)
    585      (helm-ff-executable                           :foreground base0B)
    586      (helm-ff-file                                 :inherit default)
    587      (helm-ff-invalid-symlink                      :inherit dired-warning)
    588      (helm-ff-prefix                               :foreground unspecified :background unspecified)
    589      (helm-ff-symlink                              :inherit dired-symlink)
    590      (helm-ff-suid                                 :foreground base08)
    591      (helm-ff-dotted-symlink-directory             :foreground base09 :background base03)
    592      (helm-ff-denied                               :foreground base08 :background base03)
    593 ;     (helm-ff-truename) ;; already inherited
    594 ;     (helm-ff-dirs) ;; already inherited
    595      (helm-ff-socket                               :foreground base0E)
    596      (helm-ff-pipe                                 :foreground base0A :background base03)
    597      (helm-ff-file-extension                       :foreground base03)
    598      (helm-ff-backup-file                          :inherit dired-ignored)
    600      (helm-grep-cmd-line                           :foreground base0B)
    601      (helm-grep-file                               :foreground base0C)
    602      (helm-grep-finish                             :foreground base00 :background base09)
    603      (helm-grep-lineno                             :foreground base03)
    604      (helm-grep-match                              :foreground base0A)
    605      (helm-grep-running                            :foreground base09)
    606      (helm-header                                  :foreground base0A :background base00 :underline nil)
    607      (helm-match                                   :foreground base0A)
    608      (helm-moccur-buffer                           :foreground base0C)
    609      (helm-selection                               :foreground unspecified :background base02 :underline nil)
    610      (helm-selection-line                          :foreground unspecified :background base02)
    611      (helm-separator                               :foreground base02)
    612      (helm-source-header                           :foreground base05 :background base01 :weight bold)
    613      (helm-visible-mark                            :foreground base00 :background base0B)
    615 ;;;; highlight-indentation minor mode
    616      (highlight-indentation-face                   :background base01)
    618 ;;;; highlight-thing mode
    619      (highlight-thing                              :inherit highlight)
    621 ;;;; hl-line-mode
    622      (hl-line                                      :background base01)
    623      (col-highlight                                :background base01)
    625 ;;;; hl-sexp-mode
    626      (hl-sexp-face                                 :background base03)
    628 ;;;; hydra
    629      (hydra-face-red                               :foreground base09)
    630      (hydra-face-blue                              :foreground base0D)
    632 ;;;; ido-mode
    633      (ido-subdir                                   :foreground base04)
    634      (ido-first-match                              :foreground base09 :weight bold)
    635      (ido-only-match                               :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    636      (ido-indicator                                :foreground base08 :background base01)
    637      (ido-virtual                                  :foreground base04)
    639 ;;;; idris-mode
    640      (idris-semantic-bound-face                    :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
    641      (idris-semantic-data-face                     :inherit font-lock-string-face)
    642      (idris-semantic-function-face                 :inherit font-lock-function-name-face)
    643      (idris-semantic-namespace-face                nil)
    644      (idris-semantic-postulate-face                :inherit font-lock-builtin-face)
    645      (idris-semantic-type-face                     :inherit font-lock-type-face)
    646      (idris-active-term-face                       :inherit highlight)
    647      (idris-colon-face                             :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
    648      (idris-equals-face                            :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
    649      (idris-operator-face                          :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
    651 ;;;; imenu-list
    652      (imenu-list-entry-face-0                      :foreground base0A)
    653      (imenu-list-entry-face-1                      :foreground base0B)
    654      (imenu-list-entry-face-2                      :foreground base0D)
    655      (imenu-list-entry-face-3                      :foreground base0F)
    657 ;;;; ivy-mode
    658      (ivy-current-match                            :foreground base09 :background base01)
    659      (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1                  :foreground base0E)
    660      (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2                  :foreground base0D)
    661      (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3                  :foreground base0C)
    662      (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4                  :foreground base0B)
    663      (ivy-confirm-face                             :foreground base0B)
    664      (ivy-match-required-face                      :foreground base08)
    665      (ivy-virtual                                  :foreground base04)
    666      (ivy-action                                   :foreground base0D)
    668 ;;;; jabber
    669      (jabber-chat-prompt-local                     :foreground base0A)
    670      (jabber-chat-prompt-foreign                   :foreground base09)
    671      (jabber-chat-prompt-system                    :foreground base0A :weight bold)
    672      (jabber-chat-text-local                       :foreground base0A)
    673      (jabber-chat-text-foreign                     :foreground base09)
    674      (jabber-chat-text-error                       :foreground base08)
    676      (jabber-roster-user-online                    :foreground base0B)
    677      (jabber-roster-user-xa                        :foreground base04)
    678      (jabber-roster-user-dnd                       :foreground base0A)
    679      (jabber-roster-user-away                      :foreground base09)
    680      (jabber-roster-user-chatty                    :foreground base0E)
    681      (jabber-roster-user-error                     :foreground base08)
    682      (jabber-roster-user-offline                   :foreground base04)
    684      (jabber-rare-time-face                        :foreground base04)
    685      (jabber-activity-face                         :foreground base0E)
    686      (jabber-activity-personal-face                :foreground base0C)
    688 ;;;; js2-mode
    689      (js2-warning-face                             :underline base09)
    690      (js2-error-face                               :foreground unspecified :underline base08)
    691      (js2-external-variable-face                   :foreground base0E)
    692      (js2-function-param-face                      :foreground base0D)
    693      (js2-instance-member-face                     :foreground base0D)
    694      (js2-private-function-call-face               :foreground base08)
    696 ;;;; js3-mode
    697      (js3-warning-face                             :underline base09)
    698      (js3-error-face                               :foreground unspecified :underline base08)
    699      (js3-external-variable-face                   :foreground base0E)
    700      (js3-function-param-face                      :foreground base0D)
    701      (js3-jsdoc-tag-face                           :foreground base09)
    702      (js3-jsdoc-type-face                          :foreground base0C)
    703      (js3-jsdoc-value-face                         :foreground base0A)
    704      (js3-jsdoc-html-tag-name-face                 :foreground base0D)
    705      (js3-jsdoc-html-tag-delimiter-face            :foreground base0B)
    706      (js3-instance-member-face                     :foreground base0D)
    707      (js3-private-function-call-face               :foreground base08)
    709 ;;;; linum-mode
    710      (linum                                        :foreground base03 :background base16-settings-fringe-bg)
    712 ;;;; lsp-ui-doc
    713      (lsp-ui-doc-header                            :inherit org-document-title)
    714      (lsp-ui-doc-background                        :background base01)
    716 ;;;; lui-mode
    717      (lui-button-face                              :foreground base0D)
    718      (lui-highlight-face                           :background base01)
    719      (lui-time-stamp-face                          :foreground base0C)
    721 ;;;; magit
    722      (magit-blame-culprit                          :background base01)
    723      (magit-blame-heading                          :background base01 :foreground base05)
    724      (magit-branch                                 :foreground base04 :weight bold)
    725      (magit-branch-current                         :foreground base0C :weight bold :box t)
    726      (magit-branch-local                           :foreground base0C :weight bold)
    727      (magit-branch-remote                          :foreground base0B :weight bold)
    728      (magit-cherry-equivalent                      :foreground base0E)
    729      (magit-cherry-unmatched                       :foreground base0C)
    730      (magit-diff-context-highlight                 :background base01 :foreground base05)
    731      (magit-diff-file-header                       :background base01 :foreground base05)
    732      (magit-hash                                   :foreground base0D)
    733      (magit-header-line                            :background base02 :foreground base05 :weight bold)
    734      (magit-hunk-heading                           :background base03)
    735      (magit-hunk-heading-highlight                 :background base03)
    736      (magit-diff-hunk-heading                      :background base01)
    737      (magit-diff-hunk-heading-highlight            :background base01)
    738      (magit-item-highlight                         :background base01)
    739      (magit-log-author                             :foreground base0D)
    740      (magit-process-ng                             :foreground base08 :inherit magit-section-heading)
    741      (magit-process-ok                             :foreground base0B :inherit magit-section-heading)
    742      (magit-reflog-amend                           :foreground base0E)
    743      (magit-reflog-checkout                        :foreground base0D)
    744      (magit-reflog-cherry-pick                     :foreground base0B)
    745      (magit-reflog-commit                          :foreground base0B)
    746      (magit-reflog-merge                           :foreground base0B)
    747      (magit-reflog-other                           :foreground base0C)
    748      (magit-reflog-rebase                          :foreground base0E)
    749      (magit-reflog-remote                          :foreground base0C)
    750      (magit-reflog-reset                           :foreground base08)
    751      (magit-section-highlight                      :background base01)
    752      (magit-signature-bad                          :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    753      (magit-signature-error                        :foreground base08)
    754      (magit-signature-expired                      :foreground base09)
    755      (magit-signature-good                         :foreground base0B)
    756      (magit-signature-revoked                      :foreground base0E)
    757      (magit-signature-untrusted                    :foreground base0C)
    758      (magit-tag                                    :foreground base05)
    759 ;;;; mark-multiple
    760      (mm/master-face                               :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit region)
    761      (mm/mirror-face                               :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit region)
    763 ;;;; markdown-mode
    764      (markdown-url-face                            :inherit link)
    765      (markdown-link-face                           :foreground base0D :underline t)
    767 ;;;; message-mode
    768      (message-header-other                         :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :weight normal)
    769      (message-header-subject                       :foreground base0A :weight bold :inherit message-header-other)
    770      (message-header-to                            :foreground base09 :weight bold :inherit message-header-other)
    771      (message-header-cc                            :foreground unspecified :inherit message-header-to)
    772      (message-header-name                          :foreground base0D :background unspecified)
    773      (message-header-newsgroups                    :foreground base0C :background unspecified :slant normal)
    774      (message-separator                            :foreground base0E)
    776 ;;;; mic-paren
    777      (paren-face-match                             :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit show-paren-match)
    778      (paren-face-mismatch                          :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit show-paren-mismatch)
    779      (paren-face-no-match                          :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit show-paren-mismatch)
    781 ;;;; mmm-mode
    782      (mmm-code-submode-face                        :background base03)
    783      (mmm-comment-submode-face                     :inherit font-lock-comment-face)
    784      (mmm-output-submode-face                      :background base03)
    786 ;;;; notmuch
    787 	 (notmuch-message-summary-face                 :foreground base04 :background unspecified)
    788 	 (notmuch-search-count                         :foreground base04)
    789 	 (notmuch-search-date                          :foreground base04)
    790 	 (notmuch-search-flagged-face                  :foreground base08)
    791 	 (notmuch-search-matching-authors              :foreground base0D)
    792 	 (notmuch-search-non-matching-authors          :foreground base05)
    793 	 (notmuch-search-subject                       :foreground base05)
    794 	 (notmuch-search-unread-face                   :weight bold)
    795 	 (notmuch-tag-added                            :foreground base0B :weight normal)
    796 	 (notmuch-tag-deleted                          :foreground base08 :weight normal)
    797 	 (notmuch-tag-face                             :foreground base0A :weight normal)
    798 	 (notmuch-tag-flagged                          :foreground base0A :weight normal)
    799 	 (notmuch-tag-unread                           :foreground base0A :weight normal)
    800 	 (notmuch-tree-match-author-face               :foreground base0D :weight bold)
    801 	 (notmuch-tree-match-date-face                 :foreground base04 :weight bold)
    802 	 (notmuch-tree-match-face                      :foreground base05)
    803 	 (notmuch-tree-match-subject-face              :foreground base05)
    804 	 (notmuch-tree-match-tag-face                  :foreground base0A)
    805 	 (notmuch-tree-match-tree-face                 :foreground base08)
    806 	 (notmuch-tree-no-match-author-face            :foreground base0D)
    807 	 (notmuch-tree-no-match-date-face              :foreground base04)
    808 	 (notmuch-tree-no-match-face                   :foreground base04)
    809 	 (notmuch-tree-no-match-subject-face           :foreground base04)
    810 	 (notmuch-tree-no-match-tag-face               :foreground base0A)
    811 	 (notmuch-tree-no-match-tree-face              :foreground base0A)
    812 	 (notmuch-wash-cited-text                      :foreground base04)
    813 	 (notmuch-wash-toggle-button                   :foreground base04)
    815 ;;;; nxml-mode
    816      (nxml-name-face                               :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-constant-face)
    817      (nxml-attribute-local-name-face               :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)
    818      (nxml-ref-face                                :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
    819      (nxml-delimiter-face                          :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
    820      (nxml-delimited-data-face                     :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-string-face)
    821      (rng-error-face                               :underline base08)
    823 ;;;; orderless
    824      (orderless-match-face-0                       :foreground base0E :weight bold)
    825      (orderless-match-face-1                       :foreground base0A :weight bold)
    826      (orderless-match-face-2                       :foreground base0C :weight bold)
    827      (orderless-match-face-3                       :foreground base0D :weight bold)
    829 ;;;; org-mode
    830      (org-agenda-structure                         :foreground base0E)
    831      (org-agenda-date                              :foreground base0D :underline nil)
    832      (org-agenda-done                              :foreground base0B)
    833      (org-agenda-dimmed-todo-face                  :foreground base04)
    834      (org-block                                    :foreground base05 :background base01)
    835      (org-block-begin-line                         :foreground base03 :background base01)
    836      (org-code                                     :foreground base0A)
    837      (org-column                                   :background base01)
    838      (org-column-title                             :weight bold :underline t :inherit org-column)
    839      (org-date                                     :foreground base0E :underline t)
    840      (org-document-info                            :foreground base0C)
    841      (org-document-info-keyword                    :foreground base0B)
    842      (org-document-title                           :foreground base09 :weight bold :height 1.44)
    843      (org-done                                     :foreground base0B :background base01)
    844      (org-ellipsis                                 :foreground base04)
    845      (org-footnote                                 :foreground base0C)
    846      (org-formula                                  :foreground base08)
    847      (org-hide                                     :foreground base03)
    848      (org-link                                     :foreground base0D)
    849      (org-scheduled                                :foreground base0B)
    850      (org-scheduled-previously                     :foreground base09)
    851      (org-scheduled-today                          :foreground base0B)
    852      (org-special-keyword                          :foreground base09)
    853      (org-table                                    :foreground base0E)
    854      (org-todo                                     :foreground base08 :background base01)
    855      (org-upcoming-deadline                        :foreground base09)
    856      (org-warning                                  :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    858 ;;;; paren-face-mode
    859      (paren-face                                   :foreground base04 :background unspecified)
    861 ;;;; perspective-mode
    862      (persp-selected-face                          :foreground base0C)
    864 ;;;; popup
    865      (popup-face                                   :foreground base05 :background base02)
    866      (popup-isearch-match                          :foreground base00 :background base0B)
    867      (popup-scroll-bar-background-face             :background base03)
    868      (popup-scroll-bar-foreground-face             :background base05)
    869      (popup-summary-face                           :foreground base04)
    870      (popup-tip-face                               :foreground base00 :background base0A)
    871      (popup-menu-mouse-face                        :foreground base00 :background base0D)
    872      (popup-menu-selection-face                    :foreground base00 :background base0C)
    874 ;;;; powerline
    875      (powerline-active1                            :foreground base09 :background base00)
    876      (powerline-active2                            :foreground base08 :background base01)
    877      (powerline-inactive1                          :foreground base06 :background base01)
    878      (powerline-inactive2                          :foreground base07 :background base02)
    880 ;;;; python-mode
    881      (py-builtins-face                             :foreground base09 :weight normal)
    883 ;;;; rainbow-delimiters
    884      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face              :foreground base0E)
    885      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-2-face              :foreground base0D)
    886      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-3-face              :foreground base0C)
    887      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-4-face              :foreground base0B)
    888      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-5-face              :foreground base0A)
    889      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-6-face              :foreground base09)
    890      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-7-face              :foreground base08)
    891      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-8-face              :foreground base03)
    892      (rainbow-delimiters-depth-9-face              :foreground base05)
    894 ;;;; regex-tool
    895      (regex-tool-matched-face                      :foreground unspecified :background unspecified :inherit match)
    897 ;;;; rhtml-mode
    898      (erb-delim-face                               :background base03)
    899      (erb-exec-face                                :background base03 :weight bold)
    900      (erb-exec-delim-face                          :background base03)
    901      (erb-out-face                                 :background base03 :weight bold)
    902      (erb-out-delim-face                           :background base03)
    903      (erb-comment-face                             :background base03 :weight bold :slant italic)
    904      (erb-comment-delim-face                       :background base03)
    906 ;;;; sh-mode
    907      (sh-heredoc                                   :foreground unspecified :weight normal :inherit font-lock-string-face)
    908      (sh-quoted-exec                               :foreground unspecified :inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face)
    910 ;;;; show-paren-mode
    911      (show-paren-match                             :foreground base01 :background base0D)
    912      (show-paren-mismatch                          :foreground base01 :background base09)
    914 ;;;; slime-mode
    915      (slime-highlight-edits-face                   :weight bold)
    916      (slime-repl-input-face                        :weight normal :underline nil)
    917      (slime-repl-prompt-face                       :foreground base0E :underline nil :weight bold)
    918      (slime-repl-result-face                       :foreground base0B)
    919      (slime-repl-output-face                       :foreground base0D :background base01)
    921 ;;;; smart-mode-line
    922      (sml/charging                                 :inherit sml/global :foreground base0B)
    923      (sml/discharging                              :inherit sml/global :foreground base08)
    924      (sml/filename                                 :inherit sml/global :foreground base0A :weight bold)
    925      (sml/global                                   :foreground base16-settings-mode-line-fg)
    926      (sml/modes                                    :inherit sml/global :foreground base07)
    927      (sml/modified                                 :inherit sml/not-modified :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    928      (sml/outside-modified                         :inherit sml/not-modified :background base08)
    929      (sml/prefix                                   :inherit sml/global :foreground base09)
    930      (sml/read-only                                :inherit sml/not-modified :foreground base0C)
    932 ;;;; spaceline
    933      (spaceline-evil-emacs                         :foreground base01 :background base0D)
    934      (spaceline-evil-insert                        :foreground base01 :background base0D)
    935      (spaceline-evil-motion                        :foreground base01 :background base0E)
    936      (spaceline-evil-normal                        :foreground base01 :background base0B)
    937      (spaceline-evil-replace                       :foreground base01 :background base08)
    938      (spaceline-evil-visual                        :foreground base01 :background base09)
    940 ;;;; spacemacs
    941      (spacemacs-emacs-face                        :foreground base01 :background base0D)
    942      (spacemacs-hybrid-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0D)
    943      (spacemacs-insert-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0C)
    944      (spacemacs-motion-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0E)
    945      (spacemacs-lisp-face                         :foreground base01 :background base0E)
    946      (spacemacs-normal-face                       :foreground base01 :background base0B)
    947      (spacemacs-replace-face                      :foreground base01 :background base08)
    948      (spacemacs-visual-face                       :foreground base01 :background base09)
    950 ;;;; structured-haskell-mode
    951      (shm-current-face                             :inherit region)
    952      (shm-quarantine-face                          :underline (:style wave :color base08))
    954 ;; telephone-line
    955      (telephone-line-accent-active                 :foreground base00 :background base05)
    956      (telephone-line-accent-inactive               :foreground base01 :background base03)
    957      (telephone-line-evil-normal                   :foreground base01 :background base0B :weight bold)
    958      (telephone-line-evil-insert                   :foreground base01 :background base0D :weight bold)
    959      (telephone-line-evil-visual                   :foreground base06 :background base0E :weight bold)
    960      (telephone-line-evil-replace                  :foreground base01 :background base08 :weight bold)
    961      (telephone-line-evil-operator                 :foreground base0B :background base01 :weight bold)
    962      (telephone-line-evil-motion                   :foreground base00 :background base0C :weight bold)
    963      (telephone-line-evil-emacs                    :foreground base07 :background base0E :weight bold)
    964      (telephone-line-warning                       :foreground base09 :weight bold)
    965      (telephone-line-error                         :foreground base08 :weight bold)
    967 ;;;; term and ansi-term
    968      (term                                         :foreground base05 :background base00)
    969      (term-color-black                             :foreground base02 :background base00)
    970      (term-color-white                             :foreground base05 :background base07)
    971      (term-color-red                               :foreground base08 :background base08)
    972      (term-color-yellow                            :foreground base0A :background base0A)
    973      (term-color-green                             :foreground base0B :background base0B)
    974      (term-color-cyan                              :foreground base0C :background base0C)
    975      (term-color-blue                              :foreground base0D :background base0D)
    976      (term-color-magenta                           :foreground base0E :background base0E)
    978 ;;;; ansi-colors
    979      (ansi-color-black                             :foreground base02 :background base00)
    980      (ansi-color-white                             :foreground base05 :background base07)
    981      (ansi-color-red                               :foreground base08 :background base08)
    982      (ansi-color-yellow                            :foreground base0A :background base0A)
    983      (ansi-color-green                             :foreground base0B :background base0B)
    984      (ansi-color-cyan                              :foreground base0C :background base0C)
    985      (ansi-color-blue                              :foreground base0D :background base0D)
    986      (ansi-color-magenta                           :foreground base0E :background base0E)
    988 ;;;; tooltip
    989      (tooltip                                      :background base01 :inherit default)
    991 ;;;; tuareg-mode
    992      (tuareg-font-lock-governing-face              :weight bold :inherit font-lock-keyword-face)
    994 ;;;; undo-tree-mode
    995      (undo-tree-visualizer-default-face            :foreground base06)
    996      (undo-tree-visualizer-current-face            :foreground base0B :weight bold)
    997      (undo-tree-visualizer-active-branch-face      :foreground base08)
    998      (undo-tree-visualizer-register-face           :foreground base0A)
   1000 ;;;; utop-mode
   1001      (utop-prompt                                  :foreground base0E)
   1002      (utop-error                                   :underline (:style wave :color base08) :inherit error)
   1004 ;;;; w3m-mode
   1005      (w3m-anchor                                   :underline nil :inherit link)
   1006      (w3m-anchor-visited                           :underline nil :inherit link-visited)
   1007      (w3m-form                                     :foreground base09 :underline t)
   1008      (w3m-image                                    :foreground base05 :background base03)
   1009      (w3m-image-anchor                             :foreground base05 :background base03 :underline t)
   1010      (w3m-header-line-location-content             :foreground base0D :background base00)
   1011      (w3m-header-line-location-title               :foreground base0D :background base00)
   1012      (w3m-tab-background                           :foreground base05 :background base01)
   1013      (w3m-tab-selected                             :foreground base05 :background base00)
   1014      (w3m-tab-selected-retrieving                  :foreground base05 :background base00)
   1015      (w3m-tab-unselected                           :foreground base03 :background base01)
   1016      (w3m-tab-unselected-unseen                    :foreground base03 :background base01)
   1017      (w3m-tab-unselected-retrieving                :foreground base03 :background base01)
   1019 ;;;; which-func-mode
   1020      (which-func                                   :foreground base0D :background unspecified :weight bold)
   1022 ;;;; whitespace-mode
   1023      (whitespace-empty                             :foreground base08 :background base0A)
   1024      (whitespace-hspace                            :foreground base04 :background base04)
   1025      (whitespace-indentation                       :foreground base08 :background base0A)
   1026      (whitespace-line                              :foreground base0F :background base01)
   1027      (whitespace-newline                           :foreground base04)
   1028      (whitespace-space                             :foreground base03 :background base01)
   1029      (whitespace-space-after-tab                   :foreground base08 :background base0A)
   1030      (whitespace-space-before-tab                  :foreground base08 :background base09)
   1031      (whitespace-tab                               :foreground base03 :background base01)
   1032      (whitespace-trailing                          :foreground base0A :background base08)))
   1034   ;; Anything leftover that doesn't fall neatly into a face goes here.
   1035   (let ((base00 (plist-get theme-colors :base00))
   1036         (base01 (plist-get theme-colors :base01))
   1037         (base02 (plist-get theme-colors :base02))
   1038         (base03 (plist-get theme-colors :base03))
   1039         (base04 (plist-get theme-colors :base04))
   1040         (base05 (plist-get theme-colors :base05))
   1041         (base06 (plist-get theme-colors :base06))
   1042         (base07 (plist-get theme-colors :base07))
   1043         (base08 (plist-get theme-colors :base08))
   1044         (base09 (plist-get theme-colors :base09))
   1045         (base0A (plist-get theme-colors :base0A))
   1046         (base0B (plist-get theme-colors :base0B))
   1047         (base0C (plist-get theme-colors :base0C))
   1048         (base0D (plist-get theme-colors :base0D))
   1049         (base0E (plist-get theme-colors :base0E))
   1050         (base0F (plist-get theme-colors :base0F)))
   1051     (custom-theme-set-variables
   1052      theme-name
   1053      `(ansi-color-names-vector
   1054        ;; black, base08, base0B, base0A, base0D, magenta, cyan, white
   1055        [,base00 ,base08 ,base0B ,base0A ,base0D ,base0E ,base0D ,base05]))
   1057     ;; Emacs 24.3 changed ’ansi-term-color-vector’ from a vector of colors
   1058     ;; to a vector of faces.
   1059     (when (version< emacs-version "24.3")
   1060       (custom-theme-set-variables
   1061        theme-name
   1062        `(ansi-term-color-vector
   1063          ;; black, base08, base0B, base0A, base0D, magenta, cyan, white
   1064          [unspecified ,base00 ,base08 ,base0B ,base0A ,base0D ,base0E ,base0D ,base05])))))
   1066 ;;;###autoload
   1067 (and load-file-name
   1068      (boundp 'custom-theme-load-path)
   1069      (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
   1070                   (file-name-as-directory
   1071                    (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
   1073 (provide 'base16-theme)
   1075 ;;; base16-theme.el ends here