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gptel-curl.el (19920B)

      1 ;;; gptel-curl.el --- Curl support for GPTel         -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2023  Karthik Chikmagalur
      5 ;; Author: Karthik Chikmagalur;; <>
      6 ;; Keywords: convenience
      8 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; Curl support for GPTel.  Utility functions.
     27 ;;; Code:
     29 (require 'gptel)
     31 (eval-when-compile
     32   (require 'cl-lib)
     33   (require 'subr-x))
     34 (require 'map)
     36 (declare-function json-read "json" ())
     37 (defvar json-object-type)
     39 (declare-function gptel--stream-convert-markdown->org "gptel-org")
     41 (defconst gptel-curl--common-args
     42   (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
     43       '("--disable" "--location" "--silent" "-XPOST"
     44         "-y300" "-Y1" "-D-")
     45     '("--disable" "--location" "--silent" "--compressed"
     46       "-XPOST" "-y300" "-Y1" "-D-"))
     47   "Arguments always passed to Curl for gptel queries.")
     49 (defun gptel-curl--get-args (data token)
     50   "Produce list of arguments for calling Curl.
     52 REQUEST-DATA is the data to send, TOKEN is a unique identifier."
     53   (let* ((url (let ((backend-url (gptel-backend-url gptel-backend)))
     54                     (if (functionp backend-url)
     55                         (funcall backend-url) backend-url)))
     56          (data-json (encode-coding-string (gptel--json-encode data) 'utf-8))
     57          (headers
     58           (append '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
     59                   (when-let ((header (gptel-backend-header gptel-backend)))
     60                     (if (functionp header)
     61                         (funcall header) header)))))
     62     (when gptel-log-level
     63       (when (eq gptel-log-level 'debug)
     64         (gptel--log (gptel--json-encode
     65                      (mapcar (lambda (pair) (cons (intern (car pair)) (cdr pair)))
     66                              headers))
     67                     "request headers"))
     68       (gptel--log data-json "request body"))
     69     (append
     70      gptel-curl--common-args
     71      (gptel-backend-curl-args gptel-backend)
     72      (list (format "-w(%s . %%{size_header})" token))
     73      (if (length< data-json gptel-curl-file-size-threshold)
     74          (list (format "-d%s" data-json))
     75        (letrec
     76            ((temp-filename (make-temp-file "gptel-curl-data" nil ".json" data-json))
     77             (cleanup-fn (lambda (&rest _)
     78                           (when (file-exists-p temp-filename)
     79                             (delete-file temp-filename)
     80                             (remove-hook 'gptel-post-response-functions cleanup-fn)))))
     81          (add-hook 'gptel-post-response-functions cleanup-fn)
     82          (list "--data-binary"
     83                (format "@%s" temp-filename))))
     84      (when (not (string-empty-p gptel-proxy))
     85        (list "--proxy" gptel-proxy
     86              "--proxy-negotiate"
     87              "--proxy-user" ":"))
     88      (cl-loop for (key . val) in headers
     89               collect (format "-H%s: %s" key val))
     90      (list url))))
     92 ;;TODO: The :transformer argument here is an alternate implementation of
     93 ;;`gptel-response-filter-functions'. The two need to be unified.
     94 ;;;###autoload
     95 (defun gptel-curl-get-response (info &optional callback)
     96   "Retrieve response to prompt in INFO.
     98 INFO is a plist with the following keys:
     99 - :data (the data being sent)
    100 - :buffer (the gptel buffer)
    101 - :position (marker at which to insert the response).
    103 Call CALLBACK with the response and INFO afterwards.  If omitted
    104 the response is inserted into the current buffer after point."
    105   (let* ((token (md5 (format "%s%s%s%s"
    106                              (random) (emacs-pid) (user-full-name)
    107                              (recent-keys))))
    108          (args (gptel-curl--get-args (plist-get info :data) token))
    109          (stream (and ;; Check model-specific request-params for streaming preference
    110                   (let* ((model-params (gptel--model-request-params gptel-model))
    111                          (stream-spec (plist-get model-params :stream)))
    112                     ;; If not present, there is no model-specific preference
    113                     (or (not (memq :stream model-params))
    114                         ;; If present, it must not be :json-false or nil
    115                         (and stream-spec (not (eq stream-spec :json-false)))))
    116                   ;; Check global and backend-specific streaming settings
    117                   gptel-stream
    118                   (gptel-backend-stream gptel-backend)))
    119          (backend (buffer-local-value 'gptel-backend (plist-get info :buffer)))
    120          (process (apply #'start-process "gptel-curl"
    121                          (generate-new-buffer "*gptel-curl*") "curl" args)))
    122     (when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
    123       ;; Don't try to convert cr-lf to cr on Windows so that curl's "header size
    124       ;; in bytes" stays correct
    125       (set-process-coding-system process 'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix))
    126     (when (eq gptel-log-level 'debug)
    127       (gptel--log (mapconcat #'shell-quote-argument (cons "curl" args) " \\\n")
    128                   "request Curl command" 'no-json))
    129     (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
    130       (set-process-query-on-exit-flag process nil)
    131       (setf (alist-get process gptel--request-alist)
    132             (nconc (list :token token
    133                          :backend backend
    134                          ;; FIXME `aref' breaks `cl-struct' abstraction boundary
    135                          ;; FIXME `cl--generic-method' is an internal `cl-struct'
    136                          :parser (cl--generic-method-function
    137                                   (if stream
    138                                       (cl-find-method
    139                                        'gptel-curl--parse-stream nil
    140                                        (list (aref backend 0) t))
    141                                     (cl-find-method
    142                                      'gptel--parse-response nil
    143                                      (list (aref backend 0) t t))))
    144                          :callback (or callback
    145                                        (if stream
    146                                            #'gptel-curl--stream-insert-response
    147                                          #'gptel--insert-response))
    148                          :transformer (when (with-current-buffer (plist-get info :buffer)
    149                                               (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
    150                                         (gptel--stream-convert-markdown->org)))
    151                    info))
    152       (if stream
    153           (progn (plist-put info :stream t)
    154                  (set-process-sentinel process #'gptel-curl--stream-cleanup)
    155                  (set-process-filter process #'gptel-curl--stream-filter))
    156         (set-process-sentinel process #'gptel-curl--sentinel)))))
    158 (defun gptel-curl--log-response (proc-buf proc-info)
    159   "Parse response buffer PROC-BUF and log response.
    161 PROC-INFO is the plist containing process metadata."
    162   (with-current-buffer proc-buf
    163     (save-excursion
    164       (goto-char (point-min))
    165       (when (re-search-forward "?\n?\n" nil t)
    166         (when (eq gptel-log-level 'debug)
    167           (gptel--log (gptel--json-encode
    168                        (buffer-substring-no-properties
    169                         (point-min) (1- (point))))
    170                       "response headers"))
    171         (let ((p (point)))
    172           (when (search-forward (plist-get proc-info :token) nil t)
    173             (goto-char (1- (match-beginning 0)))
    174             (gptel--log (buffer-substring-no-properties p (point))
    175                         "response body")))))))
    177 ;; TODO: Separate user-messaging from this function
    178 (defun gptel-curl--stream-cleanup (process _status)
    179   "Process sentinel for GPTel curl requests.
    181 PROCESS and _STATUS are process parameters."
    182   (let ((proc-buf (process-buffer process)))
    183     (let* ((info (alist-get process gptel--request-alist))
    184            (gptel-buffer (plist-get info :buffer))
    185            (backend-name
    186             (gptel-backend-name
    187              (buffer-local-value 'gptel-backend gptel-buffer)))
    188            (tracking-marker (plist-get info :tracking-marker))
    189            (start-marker (plist-get info :position))
    190            (http-status (plist-get info :http-status))
    191            (http-msg (plist-get info :status)))
    192       (when gptel-log-level (gptel-curl--log-response proc-buf info)) ;logging
    193       (if (member http-status '("200" "100")) ;Finish handling response
    194           (progn
    195             ;; Run the callback one last time to signal that the process has ended
    196             (with-demoted-errors "gptel callback error: %S"
    197               (funcall (plist-get info :callback) t info))
    198             (with-current-buffer gptel-buffer
    199               (if (not tracking-marker)   ;Empty response
    200                   (when gptel-mode (gptel--update-status " Empty response" 'success))
    201                 (pulse-momentary-highlight-region start-marker tracking-marker)
    202                 (when gptel-mode
    203                   (save-excursion (goto-char tracking-marker)
    204                                   (insert "\n\n" (gptel-prompt-prefix-string)))
    205                   (gptel--update-status  " Ready" 'success)))))
    206         ;; Or Capture error message
    207         (with-current-buffer proc-buf
    208           (goto-char (point-max))
    209           (search-backward (plist-get info :token))
    210           (backward-char)
    211           (pcase-let* ((`(,_ . ,header-size) (read (current-buffer)))
    212                        (response (progn (goto-char header-size)
    213                                         (condition-case nil (gptel--json-read)
    214                                           (error 'json-read-error))))
    215                        (error-data (plist-get response :error)))
    216             (cond
    217              (error-data
    218               (if (stringp error-data)
    219                   (message "%s error: (%s) %s" backend-name http-msg error-data)
    220                 (when-let ((error-msg (plist-get error-data :message)))
    221                     (message "%s error: (%s) %s" backend-name http-msg error-msg))
    222                 (when-let ((error-type (plist-get error-data :type)))
    223                     (setq http-msg (concat "("  http-msg ") " (string-trim error-type))))))
    224              ((eq response 'json-read-error)
    225               (message "%s error (%s): Malformed JSON in response." backend-name http-msg))
    226              (t (message "%s error (%s): Could not parse HTTP response." backend-name http-msg)))))
    227         (with-demoted-errors "gptel callback error: %S"
    228           (funcall (plist-get info :callback) nil info))
    229         (with-current-buffer gptel-buffer
    230           (when gptel-mode
    231             (gptel--update-status
    232              (format " Response Error: %s" http-msg) 'error))))
    233       ;; Run hook in visible window to set window-point, BUG #269
    234       (if-let ((gptel-window (get-buffer-window gptel-buffer 'visible)))
    235           (with-selected-window gptel-window
    236             (run-hook-with-args 'gptel-post-response-functions
    237                                 (marker-position start-marker)
    238                                 (marker-position (or tracking-marker start-marker))))
    239         (with-current-buffer gptel-buffer
    240           (run-hook-with-args 'gptel-post-response-functions
    241                               (marker-position start-marker)
    242                               (marker-position (or tracking-marker start-marker))))))
    243     (setf (alist-get process gptel--request-alist nil 'remove) nil)
    244     (kill-buffer proc-buf)))
    246 (defun gptel-curl--stream-insert-response (response info)
    247   "Insert streaming RESPONSE from an LLM into the gptel buffer.
    249 INFO is a mutable plist containing information relevant to this buffer.
    250 See `gptel--url-get-response' for details."
    251   (when (stringp response)
    252     (let ((start-marker (plist-get info :position))
    253           (tracking-marker (plist-get info :tracking-marker))
    254           (transformer (plist-get info :transformer)))
    255       (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer start-marker)
    256         (save-excursion
    257           (unless tracking-marker
    258             (gptel--update-status " Typing..." 'success)
    259             (goto-char start-marker)
    260             (unless (or (bobp) (plist-get info :in-place))
    261               (insert "\n\n")
    262               (when gptel-mode
    263                 ;; Put prefix before AI response.
    264                 (insert (gptel-response-prefix-string)))
    265               (move-marker start-marker (point)))
    266             (setq tracking-marker (set-marker (make-marker) (point)))
    267             (set-marker-insertion-type tracking-marker t)
    268             (plist-put info :tracking-marker tracking-marker))
    270           (when transformer
    271             (setq response (funcall transformer response)))
    273           (put-text-property
    274            0 (length response) 'gptel 'response response)
    275           (goto-char tracking-marker)
    276           ;; (run-hooks 'gptel-pre-stream-hook)
    277           (insert response)
    278           (run-hooks 'gptel-post-stream-hook))))))
    280 (defun gptel-curl--stream-filter (process output)
    281   (let* ((proc-info (alist-get process gptel--request-alist)))
    282     (with-current-buffer (process-buffer process)
    283       ;; Insert output
    284       (save-excursion
    285         (goto-char (process-mark process))
    286         (insert output)
    287         (set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))
    289       ;; Find HTTP status
    290       (unless (plist-get proc-info :http-status)
    291         (save-excursion
    292           (goto-char (point-min))
    293           (when-let* (((not (= (line-end-position) (point-max))))
    294                       (http-msg (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
    295                                                   (line-end-position)))
    296                       (http-status
    297                        (save-match-data
    298                          (and (string-match "HTTP/[.0-9]+ +\\([0-9]+\\)" http-msg)
    299                               (match-string 1 http-msg)))))
    300             (plist-put proc-info :http-status http-status)
    301             (plist-put proc-info :status (string-trim http-msg))))
    302         ;; Handle read-only gptel buffer
    303         (when (with-current-buffer (plist-get proc-info :buffer)
    304                 (or buffer-read-only
    305                     (get-char-property (plist-get proc-info :position) 'read-only)))
    306           (message "Buffer is read only, displaying reply in buffer \"*LLM response*\"")
    307           (display-buffer
    308            (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*LLM response*")
    309              (visual-line-mode 1)
    310              (goto-char (point-max))
    311              (move-marker (plist-get proc-info :position) (point) (current-buffer))
    312              (current-buffer))
    313            '((display-buffer-reuse-window
    314               display-buffer-pop-up-window)
    315              (reusable-frames . visible))))
    316         ;; Run pre-response hook
    317         (when (and (member (plist-get proc-info :http-status) '("200" "100"))
    318                    gptel-pre-response-hook)
    319           (with-current-buffer (marker-buffer (plist-get proc-info :position))
    320             (run-hooks 'gptel-pre-response-hook))))
    322       (when-let ((http-msg (plist-get proc-info :status))
    323                  (http-status (plist-get proc-info :http-status)))
    324         ;; Find data chunk(s) and run callback
    325         ;; FIXME Handle the case where HTTP 100 is followed by HTTP (not 200) BUG #194
    326         (when-let (((member http-status '("200" "100")))
    327                    (response (funcall (plist-get proc-info :parser) nil proc-info))
    328                    ((not (equal response ""))))
    329           (funcall (or (plist-get proc-info :callback)
    330                        #'gptel-curl--stream-insert-response)
    331                    response proc-info))))))
    333 (cl-defgeneric gptel-curl--parse-stream (backend proc-info)
    334   "Stream parser for gptel-curl.
    336 Implementations of this function run as part of the process
    337 filter for the active query, and return partial responses from
    338 the LLM.
    340 BACKEND is the LLM backend in use.
    342 PROC-INFO is a plist with process information and other context.
    343 See `gptel-curl--get-response' for its contents.")
    345 (defun gptel-curl--sentinel (process _status)
    346   "Process sentinel for gptel curl requests.
    348 PROCESS and _STATUS are process parameters."
    349   (let ((proc-buf (process-buffer process)))
    350     (when-let* (((eq (process-status process) 'exit))
    351                 (proc-info (alist-get process gptel--request-alist))
    352                 (proc-callback (plist-get proc-info :callback)))
    353       (when gptel-log-level (gptel-curl--log-response proc-buf proc-info)) ;logging
    354       (pcase-let ((`(,response ,http-msg ,error)
    355                    (with-current-buffer proc-buf
    356                      (gptel-curl--parse-response proc-info))))
    357         (plist-put proc-info :status http-msg)
    358         (when error (plist-put proc-info :error error))
    359         (with-demoted-errors "gptel callback error: %S"
    360           (funcall proc-callback response proc-info))))
    361     (setf (alist-get process gptel--request-alist nil 'remove) nil)
    362     (kill-buffer proc-buf)))
    364 (defun gptel-curl--parse-response (proc-info)
    365   "Parse the buffer BUF with curl's response.
    367 PROC-INFO is a plist with contextual information."
    368   (let ((token (plist-get proc-info :token))
    369         (parser (plist-get proc-info :parser)))
    370     (goto-char (point-max))
    371     (search-backward token)
    372     (backward-char)
    373     (pcase-let* ((`(,_ . ,header-size) (read (current-buffer))))
    374       (goto-char (point-min))
    376       (if-let* ((http-msg (string-trim
    377                            (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position)
    378                                              (line-end-position))))
    379                 (http-status
    380                  (save-match-data
    381                    (and (string-match "HTTP/[.0-9]+ +\\([0-9]+\\)" http-msg)
    382                         (match-string 1 http-msg))))
    383                 (response (progn (goto-char header-size)
    384                                  (condition-case nil
    385                                      (gptel--json-read)
    386                                    (error 'json-read-error)))))
    387           (cond
    388            ;; FIXME Handle the case where HTTP 100 is followed by HTTP (not 200) BUG #194
    389            ((member http-status '("200" "100"))
    390             (list (string-trim
    391                    (funcall parser nil response proc-info))
    392                   http-msg))
    393            ((plist-get response :error)
    394             (let* ((error-data (plist-get response :error))
    395                    (error-msg (plist-get error-data :message))
    396                    (error-type (plist-get error-data :type))
    397                    (backend-name
    398                     (gptel-backend-name
    399                      (buffer-local-value 'gptel-backend (plist-get proc-info :buffer)))))
    400               (if (stringp error-data)
    401                   (progn (message "%s error: (%s) %s" backend-name http-msg error-data)
    402                          (setq error-msg (string-trim error-data)))
    403                 (when (stringp error-msg)
    404                   (message "%s error: (%s) %s" backend-name http-msg (string-trim error-msg)))
    405                 (when error-type (setq http-msg (concat "("  http-msg ") " (string-trim error-type)))))
    406               (list nil (concat "(" http-msg ") " (or error-msg "")))))
    407            ((eq response 'json-read-error)
    408             (list nil (concat "(" http-msg ") Malformed JSON in response.")
    409                   "Malformed JSON in response"))
    410            (t (list nil (concat "(" http-msg ") Could not parse HTTP response.")
    411                     "Could not parse HTTP response.")))
    412         (list nil (concat "(" http-msg ") Could not parse HTTP response.")
    413               "Could not parse HTTP response.")))))
    415 (provide 'gptel-curl)
    416 ;;; gptel-curl.el ends here