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ledger-schedule.el (14849B)

      1 ;;; ledger-schedule.el --- Helper code for use with the "ledger" command-line tool  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2013 Craig Earls (enderw88 at gmail dot com)
      5 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
      7 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
      8 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      9 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
     10 ;; any later version.
     11 ;;
     12 ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     13 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     14 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
     15 ;; License for more details.
     16 ;;
     17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     18 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
     19 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
     20 ;; MA 02110-1301 USA.
     22 ;;; Commentary:
     23 ;;
     24 ;; This module provides for automatically adding transactions to a
     25 ;; ledger buffer on a periodic basis.  Recurrence expressions are
     26 ;; inspired by Martin Fowler's "Recurring Events for Calendars",
     27 ;;
     29 ;; use (fset 'VARNAME (macro args)) to put the macro definition in the
     30 ;; function slot of the symbol VARNAME.  Then use VARNAME as the
     31 ;; function without have to use funcall.
     34 (require 'ledger-init)
     35 (require 'cl-lib)
     37 (declare-function ledger-mode "ledger-mode")
     38 ;;; Code:
     40 (defgroup ledger-schedule nil
     41   "Support for automatically recommendation transactions."
     42   :group 'ledger)
     44 (defcustom ledger-schedule-buffer-name "*Ledger Schedule*"
     45   "Name for the schedule buffer."
     46   :type 'string
     47   :group 'ledger-schedule)
     49 (defcustom ledger-schedule-look-backward 7
     50   "Number of days to look back in time for transactions."
     51   :type 'integer
     52   :group 'ledger-schedule)
     54 (defcustom ledger-schedule-look-forward 14
     55   "Number of days auto look forward to recommend transactions."
     56   :type 'integer
     57   :group 'ledger-schedule)
     59 (defcustom ledger-schedule-file "~/ledger-schedule.ledger"
     60   "File to find scheduled transactions."
     61   :type 'file
     62   :group 'ledger-schedule)
     64 (defcustom ledger-schedule-week-days '(("Mo" 1)
     65                                        ("Tu" 2)
     66                                        ("We" 3)
     67                                        ("Th" 4)
     68                                        ("Fr" 5)
     69                                        ("Sa" 6)
     70                                        ("Su" 0))
     71   "List of weekday abbreviations.
     72 There must be exactly seven entries each with a two character
     73 abbreviation for a day and the number of that day in the week."
     74   :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type (group integer))
     75   :group 'ledger-schedule)
     77 (defsubst ledger-between (val low high)
     78   "Return TRUE if VAL >= LOW and <= HIGH."
     79   (declare (obsolete <= "Ledger-mode v4.0.1"))
     80   (<= low val high))
     82 (defun ledger-schedule-days-in-month (month year)
     83   "Return number of days in the MONTH, MONTH is from 1 to 12.
     84 If YEAR is nil, assume it is not a leap year"
     85   (if (<= 1 month 12)
     86       (if (and year (date-leap-year-p year) (= 2 month))
     87           29
     88         (nth (1- month) '(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)))
     89     (error "Month out of range, MONTH=%S" month)))
     91 (defun ledger-schedule-encode-day-of-week (day-string)
     92   "Return the numerical day of week corresponding to DAY-STRING."
     93   (cadr (assoc day-string ledger-schedule-week-days)))
     95 ;; Macros to handle date expressions
     97 (defun ledger-schedule-constrain-day-in-month (count day-of-week)
     98   "Return a form that returns TRUE for the  the COUNT DAY-OF-WEEK.
     99 For example, return true if date is the 3rd Thursday of the
    100 month.  Negative COUNT starts from the end of the month. (EQ
    101 COUNT 0) means EVERY day-of-week (eg. every Saturday)"
    102   (if (and (<= -6 count 6) (<= 0 day-of-week 6))
    103       (cond ((zerop count) ;; Return true if day-of-week matches
    104              `(eq (nth 6 (decode-time date)) ,day-of-week))
    105             ((> count 0) ;; Positive count
    106              (let ((decoded (cl-gensym)))
    107                `(let ((,decoded (decode-time date)))
    108                   (and (eq (nth 6 ,decoded) ,day-of-week)
    109                        (<= ,(* (1- count) 7)
    110                            (nth 3 ,decoded)
    111                            ,(* count 7))))))
    112             ((< count 0)
    113              (let ((days-in-month (cl-gensym))
    114                    (decoded (cl-gensym)))
    115                `(let* ((,decoded (decode-time date))
    116                        (,days-in-month (ledger-schedule-days-in-month
    117                                         (nth 4 ,decoded)
    118                                         (nth 5 ,decoded))))
    119                   (and (eq (nth 6 ,decoded) ,day-of-week)
    120                        (<= (+ ,days-in-month ,(* count 7))
    121                            (nth 3 ,decoded)
    122                            (+ ,days-in-month ,(* (1+ count) 7)))))))
    123             (t
    124              (error "COUNT out of range, COUNT=%S" count)))
    125     (error "Invalid argument to ledger-schedule-day-in-month-macro %S %S"
    126            count
    127            day-of-week)))
    129 (defun ledger-schedule-constrain-every-count-day (day-of-week skip start-date)
    130   "Return a form that is true for every DAY-OF-WEEK.
    131 Skips SKIP, and starts on START-DATE.
    132 For example every second Friday, regardless of month."
    133   (let ((start-day (nth 6 (decode-time start-date))))
    134     (if (eq start-day day-of-week)  ;; good, can proceed
    135         `(zerop (mod (- (time-to-days date) ,(time-to-days start-date)) ,(* skip 7)))
    136       (error "START-DATE day of week doesn't match DAY-OF-WEEK"))))
    138 (defun ledger-schedule-constrain-date-range (month1 day1 month2 day2)
    139   "Return a form of DATE that is true if DATE falls between two dates.
    140 The dates are given by the pairs MONTH1 DAY1 and MONTH2 DAY2."
    141   (let ((decoded (cl-gensym))
    142         (target-month (cl-gensym))
    143         (target-day (cl-gensym)))
    144     `(let* ((,decoded (decode-time date))
    145             (,target-month (nth 4 decoded))
    146             (,target-day (nth 3 decoded)))
    147        (and (and (> ,target-month ,month1)
    148                  (< ,target-month ,month2))
    149             (and (> ,target-day ,day1)
    150                  (< ,target-day ,day2))))))
    154 (defun ledger-schedule-scan-transactions (schedule-file)
    155   "Scan SCHEDULE-FILE and return a list of transactions with date predicates.
    156 The car of each item is a function of date that returns true if
    157 the transaction should be logged for that day."
    158   (interactive "fFile name: ")
    159   (let ((xact-list (list)))
    160     (with-current-buffer
    161         (find-file-noselect schedule-file)
    162       (goto-char (point-min))
    163       (while (re-search-forward "^\\[\\(.*\\)\\] " nil t)
    164         (let ((date-descriptor "")
    165               (transaction nil)
    166               (xact-start (match-end 0)))
    167           (setq date-descriptor
    168                 (ledger-schedule-read-descriptor-tree
    169                  (buffer-substring-no-properties
    170                   (match-beginning 0)
    171                   (match-end 0))))
    172           (forward-paragraph)
    173           (setq transaction (list date-descriptor
    174                                   (buffer-substring-no-properties
    175                                    xact-start
    176                                    (point))))
    177           (setq xact-list (cons transaction xact-list))))
    178       xact-list)))
    180 (defun ledger-schedule-read-descriptor-tree (descriptor-string)
    181   "Read DESCRIPTOR-STRING and return a form that evaluates dates."
    182   (ledger-schedule-transform-auto-tree
    183    (split-string
    184     (substring descriptor-string 1 (string-match "]" descriptor-string)) " ")))
    186 (defun ledger-schedule-transform-auto-tree (descriptor-string-list)
    187   "Take DESCRIPTOR-STRING-LIST, and return a string with a lambda function of date."
    188   ;; use funcall to use the lambda function spit out here
    189   (if (consp descriptor-string-list)
    190       (let (result)
    191         (while (consp descriptor-string-list)
    192           (let ((newcar (car descriptor-string-list)))
    193             (if (consp newcar)
    194                 (setq newcar (ledger-schedule-transform-auto-tree (car descriptor-string-list))))
    195             ;; newcar may be a cons now, after ledger-schedule-transfrom-auto-tree
    196             (if (consp newcar)
    197                 (push newcar result)
    198               ;; this is where we actually turn the string descriptor into useful lisp
    199               (push (ledger-schedule-compile-constraints newcar) result)) )
    200           (setq descriptor-string-list (cdr descriptor-string-list)))
    202         ;; tie up all the clauses in a big or lambda, and return
    203         ;; the lambda function as list to be executed by funcall
    204         `(lambda (date)
    205            ,(nconc (list 'or) (nreverse result) descriptor-string-list)))))
    207 (defun ledger-schedule-compile-constraints (descriptor-string)
    208   "Return a list with the year, month and day fields split."
    209   (let ((fields (split-string descriptor-string "[/\\-]" t)))
    210     (list 'and
    211           (ledger-schedule-constrain-day (nth 0 fields) (nth 1 fields) (nth 2 fields))
    212           (ledger-schedule-constrain-year (nth 0 fields) (nth 1 fields) (nth 2 fields))
    213           (ledger-schedule-constrain-month (nth 0 fields) (nth 1 fields) (nth 2 fields)))))
    215 (defun ledger-schedule-constrain-year (year-desc month-desc day-desc)
    216   "Return a form that constrains the year.
    218 YEAR-DESC, MONTH-DESC, and DAY-DESC are the string portions of the
    219 date descriptor."
    220   (cond
    221    ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" day-desc) t) ; there is an advanced day descriptor which overrides the year
    222    ((string= year-desc "*") t)
    223    ((/= 0 (string-to-number year-desc))
    224     `(memq (nth 5 (decode-time date)) ',(mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string year-desc ","))))
    225    (t
    226     (error "Improperly specified year constraint: %s %s %s" year-desc month-desc day-desc))))
    228 (defun ledger-schedule-constrain-month (year-desc month-desc day-desc)
    229   "Return a form that constrains the month.
    231 YEAR-DESC, MONTH-DESC, and DAY-DESC are the string portions of the
    232 date descriptor."
    233   (cond
    234    ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" day-desc) t) ; there is an advanced day descriptor which overrides the month
    235    ((string= month-desc "*")
    236     t)  ;; always match
    237    ((string= month-desc "E")  ;; Even
    238     `(cl-evenp (nth 4 (decode-time date))))
    239    ((string= month-desc "O")  ;; Odd
    240     `(cl-oddp (nth 4 (decode-time date))))
    241    ((/= 0 (string-to-number month-desc)) ;; Starts with number
    242     `(memq (nth 4 (decode-time date)) ',(mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string month-desc ","))))
    243    (t
    244     (error "Improperly specified month constraint: %s %s %s" year-desc month-desc day-desc))))
    246 (defun ledger-schedule-constrain-day (year-desc month-desc day-desc)
    247   "Return a form that constrains the day.
    249 YEAR-DESC, MONTH-DESC, and DAY-DESC are the string portions of the
    250 date descriptor."
    251   (cond ((string= day-desc "*")
    252          t)
    253         ((string= day-desc "L")
    254          `(= (nth 3 (decode-time date)) (ledger-schedule-days-in-month (nth 4 (decode-time date)) (nth 5 (decode-time date)))))
    255         ((string-match "[A-Za-z]" day-desc)  ;; There is something other than digits and commas
    256          (ledger-schedule-parse-complex-date year-desc month-desc day-desc))
    257         ((/= 0 (string-to-number day-desc))
    258          `(memq (nth 3 (decode-time date)) ',(mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string day-desc ","))))
    259         (t
    260          (error "Improperly specified day constraint: %s %s %s" year-desc month-desc day-desc))))
    264 (defun ledger-schedule-parse-complex-date (year-desc month-desc day-desc)
    265   "Parse day descriptors that have repeats."
    266   (let ((years (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string year-desc ",")))
    267         (months (mapcar 'string-to-number (split-string month-desc ",")))
    268         (day-parts (split-string day-desc "\\+"))
    269         (every-nth (string-match "\\+" day-desc)))
    270     (if every-nth
    271         (let ((base-day (string-to-number (car day-parts)))
    272               (increment (string-to-number (substring (cadr day-parts) 0
    273                                                       (string-match "[A-Za-z]" (cadr day-parts)))))
    274               (day-of-week (ledger-schedule-encode-day-of-week
    275                             (substring (cadr day-parts) (string-match "[A-Za-z]" (cadr day-parts))))))
    276           (ledger-schedule-constrain-every-count-day day-of-week increment (encode-time 0 0 0 base-day (car months) (car years))))
    277       (let ((count (string-to-number (substring (car day-parts) 0 1)))
    278             (day-of-week (ledger-schedule-encode-day-of-week
    279                           (substring (car day-parts) (string-match "[A-Za-z]" (car day-parts))))))
    280         (ledger-schedule-constrain-day-in-month count day-of-week)))))
    282 (defun ledger-schedule-list-upcoming-xacts (candidate-items early horizon)
    283   "Search CANDIDATE-ITEMS for xacts that occur within the given period.
    284 The period runs from (today - EARLY) to (today + HORIZON)."
    285   (let ((start-date (time-subtract (current-time) (days-to-time early)))
    286         test-date items)
    287     (cl-loop for day from 0 to (+ early horizon) by 1 do
    288              (setq test-date (time-add start-date (days-to-time day)))
    289              (dolist (candidate candidate-items items)
    290                (if (funcall (car candidate) test-date)
    291                    (setq items (append items (list (list test-date (cadr candidate))))))))
    292     items))
    294 (defun ledger-schedule-create-auto-buffer (candidate-items early horizon)
    295   "Format CANDIDATE-ITEMS for display."
    296   (let ((candidates (ledger-schedule-list-upcoming-xacts candidate-items early horizon))
    297         (schedule-buf (get-buffer-create ledger-schedule-buffer-name)))
    298     (with-current-buffer schedule-buf
    299       (erase-buffer)
    300       (dolist (candidate candidates)
    301         (insert (ledger-format-date (car candidate) ) " " (cadr candidate) "\n"))
    302       (ledger-mode))
    303     (length candidates)))
    305 (defun ledger-schedule-upcoming (file look-backward look-forward)
    306   "Generate upcoming transactions.
    308 FILE is the file containing the scheduled transaction,
    309 default to `ledger-schedule-file'.
    310 LOOK-BACKWARD is the number of days in the past to look at
    311 default to `ledger-schedule-look-backward'
    312 LOOK-FORWARD is the number of days in the future to look at
    313 default to `ledger-schedule-look-forward'
    315 Use a prefix arg to change the default value"
    316   (interactive (if current-prefix-arg
    317                    (list (read-file-name "Schedule File: " () ledger-schedule-file t)
    318                          (read-number "Look backward: " ledger-schedule-look-backward)
    319                          (read-number "Look forward: " ledger-schedule-look-forward))
    320                  (list ledger-schedule-file ledger-schedule-look-backward ledger-schedule-look-forward)))
    321   (unless (and file (file-exists-p file))
    322     (error "Could not find ledger schedule file at %s" file))
    323   (ledger-schedule-create-auto-buffer
    324    (ledger-schedule-scan-transactions file)
    325    look-backward
    326    look-forward)
    327   (pop-to-buffer ledger-schedule-buffer-name))
    330 (provide 'ledger-schedule)
    332 ;;; ledger-schedule.el ends here