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ledger-commodities.el (6983B)

      1 ;;; ledger-commodities.el --- Helper code for use with the "ledger" command-line tool  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2003-2016 John Wiegley (johnw AT gnu DOT org)
      5 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
      7 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
      8 ;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
      9 ;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
     10 ;; version.
     11 ;;
     12 ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     13 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
     14 ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     15 ;; for more details.
     16 ;;
     17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     18 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
     19 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
     20 ;; MA 02110-1301 USA.
     22 ;;; Commentary:
     23 ;; Helper functions to deal with commoditized numbers.  A commoditized
     24 ;; number will be a list of value and string where the string contains
     25 ;; the commodity
     27 ;;; Code:
     29 (require 'ledger-regex)
     31 ;; These keep the byte-compiler from warning about them, but have no other
     32 ;; effect:
     33 (defvar ledger-environment-alist)
     34 (declare-function ledger-exec-ledger "ledger-exec" (input-buffer &optional output-buffer &rest args))
     36 (defcustom ledger-reconcile-default-commodity "$"
     37   "The default commodity for use in target calculations in ledger reconcile."
     38   :type 'string
     39   :group 'ledger-reconcile)
     41 (defun ledger-read-commodity-with-prompt (prompt)
     42   "Read commodity name after PROMPT.
     44 Default value is `ledger-reconcile-default-commodity'."
     45   (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
     46          (commodities (with-temp-buffer
     47                         (ledger-exec-ledger buffer (current-buffer) "commodities")
     48                         (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t))))
     49     (completing-read prompt commodities nil t nil nil ledger-reconcile-default-commodity)))
     51 (defun ledger-split-commodity-string (str)
     52   "Split a commoditized string, STR, into two parts.
     53 Returns a list with (value commodity)."
     54   (let ((number-regex (if (assoc "decimal-comma" ledger-environment-alist)
     55                           ledger-amount-decimal-comma-regex
     56                         ledger-amount-decimal-period-regex)))
     57     (if (> (length str) 0)
     58         (with-temp-buffer
     59           (insert str)
     60           (goto-char (point-min))
     61           (cond
     62            ((re-search-forward "\"\\(.*\\)\"" nil t) ; look for quoted commodities
     63             (let ((com (delete-and-extract-region
     64                         (match-beginning 1)
     65                         (match-end 1))))
     66               (if (re-search-forward
     67                    number-regex nil t)
     68                   (list
     69                    (ledger-string-to-number
     70                     (delete-and-extract-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
     71                    com))))
     72            ((re-search-forward number-regex nil t)
     73             ;; found a number in the current locale, return it in the
     74             ;; car.  Anything left over is annotation, the first
     75             ;; thing should be the commodity, separated by
     76             ;; whitespace, return it in the cdr.  I can't think of
     77             ;; any counterexamples
     78             (list
     79              (ledger-string-to-number
     80               (delete-and-extract-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
     81              (nth 0 (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))
     82            ((re-search-forward "0" nil t)
     83             ;; couldn't find a decimal number, look for a single 0,
     84             ;; indicating account with zero balance
     85             (list 0 ledger-reconcile-default-commodity))
     86            ;; nothing found, return 0
     87            (t (list 0 ledger-reconcile-default-commodity)))))))
     89 (defun ledger-string-balance-to-commoditized-amount (str)
     90   "Return a commoditized amount (val, \"comm\") from STR."
     91                                         ; break any balances with multi commodities into a list
     92   (mapcar #'(lambda (st)
     93               (ledger-split-commodity-string st))
     94           (split-string str "[\n\r]")))
     96 (defun ledger-subtract-commodity (c1 c2)
     97   "Subtract C2 from C1, ensuring their commodities match.
     99 As an exception, if the quantity of C2 is zero, C1 is returned
    100 directly."
    101   (cond
    102    ((zerop (car c2)) c1)
    103    ((string= (cadr c1) (cadr c2))
    104     (list (- (car c1) (car c2)) (cadr c1)))
    105    (t (error "Can't subtract different commodities: %S - %S" c1 c2))))
    107 (defun ledger-add-commodity (c1 c2)
    108   "Add C1 and C2, ensuring their commodities match.
    110 As an exception, if the quantity of C2 is zero, C1 is returned
    111 directly."
    112   (cond
    113    ((zerop (car c2)) c1)
    114    ((string= (cadr c1) (cadr c2))
    115     (list (+ (car c1) (car c2)) (cadr c1)))
    116    (t (error "Can't add different commodities: %S + %S" c1 c2))))
    118 (defun ledger-negate-commodity (c)
    119   "Return the negative of the commoditized amount C."
    120   (list (- (car c)) (cadr c)))
    122 (defun ledger-strip (str char)
    123   "Return STR with CHAR removed."
    124   (replace-regexp-in-string char "" str))
    126 (defun ledger-string-to-number (str &optional decimal-comma)
    127   "Parse STR as a number and return that number.
    129 Improves builtin `string-to-number' by handling
    130 internationalization, and return nil if number can't be parsed.
    131 See `ledger-environment-alist' for DECIMAL-COMMA."
    132   (let ((nstr (if (or decimal-comma
    133                       (assoc "decimal-comma" ledger-environment-alist))
    134                   (ledger-strip str "[.]")
    135                 (ledger-strip str ","))))
    136     (while (string-match "," nstr)  ;if there is a comma now, it is a decimal point
    137       (setq nstr (replace-match "." nil nil nstr)))
    138     (string-to-number nstr)))
    140 (defun ledger-number-to-string (n &optional decimal-comma)
    141   "See `number-to-string' for N.
    142 DECIMAL-COMMA is as documented in `ledger-environment-alist'."
    143   (let ((str (number-to-string n)))
    144     (when (or decimal-comma
    145               (assoc "decimal-comma" ledger-environment-alist))
    146       (while (string-match "\\." str)
    147         (setq str (replace-match "," nil nil str))))
    148     str))
    150 (defun ledger-commodity-to-string (c1)
    151   "Return string representing C1.
    152 Single character commodities are placed ahead of the value,
    153 longer ones are after the value."
    154   (let ((str (ledger-number-to-string (car c1)))
    155         (commodity (cadr c1)))
    156     (if (> (length commodity) 1)
    157         (concat str " " commodity)
    158       (concat commodity " " str))))
    160 (defun ledger-read-commodity-string (prompt)
    161   "Read an amount from mini-buffer using PROMPT."
    162   (let ((str (read-from-minibuffer
    163               (concat prompt " (" ledger-reconcile-default-commodity "): ")))
    164         comm)
    165     (when (and (> (length str) 0)
    166              (ledger-split-commodity-string str))
    167       (setq comm (ledger-split-commodity-string str))
    168       (if (cadr comm)
    169           comm
    170         (list (car comm) ledger-reconcile-default-commodity)))))
    172 (provide 'ledger-commodities)
    174 ;;; ledger-commodities.el ends here