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ledger-occur.el (6897B)

      1 ;;; ledger-occur.el --- Helper code for use with the "ledger" command-line tool  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2003-2016 John Wiegley (johnw AT gnu DOT org)
      5 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
      7 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
      8 ;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
      9 ;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
     10 ;; version.
     11 ;;
     12 ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     13 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
     14 ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
     15 ;; for more details.
     16 ;;
     17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     18 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
     19 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
     20 ;; MA 02110-1301 USA.
     22 ;;; Commentary:
     23 ;; Provide buffer narrowing to ledger mode.  Adapted from original loccur
     24 ;; mode by Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot
     25 ;; com>
     26 ;;
     27 ;; Adapted to ledger mode by Craig Earls <enderww at gmail dot
     28 ;; com>
     30 ;;; Code:
     32 (require 'cl-lib)
     33 (require 'ledger-navigate)
     35 (defconst ledger-occur-overlay-property-name 'ledger-occur-custom-buffer-grep)
     37 (defcustom ledger-occur-use-face-shown t
     38   "If non-nil, use a custom face for xacts shown in `ledger-occur' mode.
     39 This uses `ledger-occur-xact-face'."
     40   :type 'boolean
     41   :group 'ledger)
     42 (make-variable-buffer-local 'ledger-occur-use-face-shown)
     45 (defvar ledger-occur-history nil
     46   "History of previously searched expressions for the prompt.")
     48 (defvar-local ledger-occur-current-regex nil
     49   "Pattern currently applied to narrow the buffer.")
     51 (defvar ledger-occur-mode-map
     52   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
     53     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-g") #'ledger-occur-refresh)
     54     (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-f") #'ledger-occur-mode)
     55     map)
     56   "Keymap used by `ledger-occur-mode'.")
     58 (define-minor-mode ledger-occur-mode
     59   "A minor mode which display only transactions matching a pattern.
     60 The pattern is given by `ledger-occur-current-regex'."
     61   :init-value nil
     62   :lighter (:eval (format " Ledger-Narrow(%s)" ledger-occur-current-regex))
     63   :keymap ledger-occur-mode-map
     64   (if (and ledger-occur-current-regex ledger-occur-mode)
     65       (progn (ledger-occur-refresh)
     66              ;; Clear overlays after revert-buffer and similar commands.
     67              (add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook #'ledger-occur-remove-overlays nil t))
     68     (ledger-occur-remove-overlays)
     69     (message "Showing all transactions")))
     71 (defun ledger-occur-refresh ()
     72   "Re-apply the current narrowing expression."
     73   (interactive)
     74   (let ((matches (ledger-occur-compress-matches
     75                   (ledger-occur-find-matches ledger-occur-current-regex))))
     76     (if matches
     77         (ledger-occur-create-overlays matches)
     78       (message "No matches found for '%s'" ledger-occur-current-regex)
     79       (ledger-occur-mode -1))))
     81 (defun ledger-occur (regex)
     82   "Show only transactions in the current buffer which match REGEX.
     84 This command hides all xact in the current buffer except those
     85 matching REGEX.  If REGEX is nil or empty, turn off any narrowing
     86 currently active."
     87   (interactive
     88    (list (read-regexp "Regexp" (ledger-occur-prompt) 'ledger-occur-history)))
     89   (if (or (null regex)
     90           (zerop (length regex)))  ; empty regex, or already have narrowed, clear narrowing
     91       (ledger-occur-mode -1)
     92     (setq ledger-occur-current-regex regex)
     93     (ledger-occur-mode 1)))
     95 (defun ledger-occur-prompt ()
     96   "Return the default value of the prompt.
     98 Default value for prompt is the active region, if it is one line
     99 long, otherwise it is the word at point."
    100   (if (use-region-p)
    101       (let ((pos1 (region-beginning))
    102             (pos2 (region-end)))
    103         ;; Check if the start and the of an active region is on
    104         ;; the same line
    105         (if (= (line-number-at-pos pos1)
    106                (line-number-at-pos pos2))
    107             (buffer-substring-no-properties pos1 pos2)))
    108     (current-word)))
    111 (defun ledger-occur-make-visible-overlay (beg end)
    112   "Make an overlay for a visible portion of the buffer, from BEG to END."
    113   (let ((ovl (make-overlay beg end)))
    114     (overlay-put ovl ledger-occur-overlay-property-name t)
    115     (when ledger-occur-use-face-shown
    116       (overlay-put ovl 'font-lock-face 'ledger-occur-xact-face))))
    118 (defun ledger-occur-make-invisible-overlay (beg end)
    119   "Make an overlay for an invisible portion of the buffer, from BEG to END."
    120   (let ((ovl (make-overlay beg end)))
    121     (overlay-put ovl ledger-occur-overlay-property-name t)
    122     (overlay-put ovl 'invisible t)))
    124 (defun ledger-occur-create-overlays (ovl-bounds)
    125   "Create the overlays for the visible transactions.
    126 Argument OVL-BOUNDS contains bounds for the transactions to be left visible."
    127   (ledger-occur-remove-overlays)
    128   (let ((end-of-last-visible (point-min)))
    129     (pcase-dolist (`(,beg ,end) ovl-bounds)
    130       ;; keep newline before xact visible, but do not highlight it with
    131       ;; `ledger-occur-xact-face'
    132       (ledger-occur-make-invisible-overlay end-of-last-visible (1- beg))
    133       (ledger-occur-make-visible-overlay beg end)
    134       ;; keep newline after xact visible
    135       (setq end-of-last-visible (1+ end)))
    136     (ledger-occur-make-invisible-overlay end-of-last-visible (point-max))))
    138 (defun ledger-occur-remove-overlays ()
    139   "Remove the transaction hiding overlays."
    140   (interactive)
    141   (remove-overlays (point-min)
    142                    (point-max) ledger-occur-overlay-property-name t))
    144 (defun ledger-occur-find-matches (regex)
    145   "Return a list of bounds for transactions matching REGEX."
    146   (save-excursion
    147     (goto-char (point-min))
    148     ;; Set initial values for variables
    149     (let (lines)
    150       ;; Search loop
    151       (while (not (eobp))
    152         ;; if something found
    153         (when-let ((endpoint (re-search-forward regex nil 'end))
    154                    (bounds (ledger-navigate-find-element-extents endpoint)))
    155           (push bounds lines)
    156           ;; move to the end of the xact, no need to search inside it more
    157           (goto-char (cadr bounds))))
    158       (nreverse lines))))
    160 (defun ledger-occur-compress-matches (buffer-matches)
    161   "Identify sequential xacts to reduce number of overlays required.
    163 BUFFER-MATCHES should be a list of (BEG END) lists."
    164   (if buffer-matches
    165       (let ((points (list))
    166             (current-beginning (caar buffer-matches))
    167             (current-end (cl-cadar buffer-matches)))
    168         (dolist (match (cdr buffer-matches))
    169           (if (< (- (car match) current-end) 2)
    170               (setq current-end (cadr match))
    171             (push (list current-beginning current-end) points)
    172             (setq current-beginning (car match))
    173             (setq current-end (cadr match))))
    174         (nreverse (push (list current-beginning current-end) points)))))
    176 (provide 'ledger-occur)
    178 ;;; ledger-occur.el ends here