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git-rebase.el (32889B)

      1 ;;; git-rebase.el --- Edit Git rebase files  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2024 The Magit Project Contributors
      5 ;; Author: Phil Jackson <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      8 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     10 ;; Magit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     11 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     14 ;;
     15 ;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     16 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     17 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
     18 ;; License for more details.
     19 ;;
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with Magit.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; This package assists the user in editing the list of commits to be
     26 ;; rewritten during an interactive rebase.
     28 ;; When the user initiates an interactive rebase, e.g., using "r e" in
     29 ;; a Magit buffer or on the command line using "git rebase -i REV",
     30 ;; Git invokes the `$GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR' (or if that is undefined
     31 ;; `$GIT_EDITOR' or even `$EDITOR') letting the user rearrange, drop,
     32 ;; reword, edit, and squash commits.
     34 ;; This package provides the major-mode `git-rebase-mode' which makes
     35 ;; doing so much more fun, by making the buffer more colorful and
     36 ;; providing the following commands:
     37 ;;
     38 ;;   C-c C-c  Tell Git to make it happen.
     39 ;;   C-c C-k  Tell Git that you changed your mind, i.e., abort.
     40 ;;
     41 ;;   p        Move point to previous line.
     42 ;;   n        Move point to next line.
     43 ;;
     44 ;;   M-p      Move the commit at point up.
     45 ;;   M-n      Move the commit at point down.
     46 ;;
     47 ;;   k        Drop the commit at point.
     48 ;;   c        Don't drop the commit at point.
     49 ;;   r        Change the message of the commit at point.
     50 ;;   e        Edit the commit at point.
     51 ;;   s        Squash the commit at point, into the one above.
     52 ;;   f        Like "s" but don't also edit the commit message.
     53 ;;   b        Break for editing at this point in the sequence.
     54 ;;   x        Add a script to be run with the commit at point
     55 ;;            being checked out.
     56 ;;   z        Add noop action at point.
     57 ;;
     58 ;;   SPC      Show the commit at point in another buffer.
     59 ;;   RET      Show the commit at point in another buffer and
     60 ;;            select its window.
     61 ;;   C-/      Undo last change.
     62 ;;
     63 ;;   Commands for --rebase-merges:
     64 ;;   l        Associate label with current HEAD in sequence.
     65 ;;   MM       Merge specified revisions into HEAD.
     66 ;;   Mt       Toggle whether the merge will invoke an editor
     67 ;;            before committing.
     68 ;;   t        Reset HEAD to the specified label.
     70 ;; You should probably also read the `git-rebase' manpage.
     72 ;;; Code:
     74 (require 'magit)
     76 (require 'easymenu)
     77 (require 'server)
     78 (require 'with-editor)
     80 (defvar recentf-exclude)
     82 ;;; Options
     83 ;;;; Variables
     85 (defgroup git-rebase nil
     86   "Edit Git rebase sequences."
     87   :link '(info-link "(magit)Editing Rebase Sequences")
     88   :group 'tools)
     90 (defcustom git-rebase-auto-advance t
     91   "Whether to move to next line after changing a line."
     92   :group 'git-rebase
     93   :type 'boolean)
     95 (defcustom git-rebase-show-instructions t
     96   "Whether to show usage instructions inside the rebase buffer."
     97   :group 'git-rebase
     98   :type 'boolean)
    100 (defcustom git-rebase-confirm-cancel t
    101   "Whether confirmation is required to cancel."
    102   :group 'git-rebase
    103   :type 'boolean)
    105 ;;;; Faces
    107 (defgroup git-rebase-faces nil
    108   "Faces used by Git-Rebase mode."
    109   :group 'faces
    110   :group 'git-rebase)
    112 (defface git-rebase-hash '((t :inherit magit-hash))
    113   "Face for commit hashes."
    114   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    116 (defface git-rebase-label '((t :inherit magit-refname))
    117   "Face for labels in label, merge, and reset lines."
    118   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    120 (defface git-rebase-description '((t nil))
    121   "Face for commit descriptions."
    122   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    124 (defface git-rebase-action
    125   '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
    126   "Face for action keywords."
    127   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    129 (defface git-rebase-killed-action
    130   '((t :inherit font-lock-comment-face :strike-through t))
    131   "Face for commented commit action lines."
    132   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    134 (defface git-rebase-comment-hash
    135   '((t :inherit git-rebase-hash :weight bold))
    136   "Face for commit hashes in commit message comments."
    137   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    139 (defface git-rebase-comment-heading
    140   '((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
    141   "Face for headings in rebase message comments."
    142   :group 'git-rebase-faces)
    144 ;;; Keymaps
    146 (defvar-keymap git-rebase-mode-map
    147   :doc "Keymap for Git-Rebase mode."
    148   :parent special-mode-map
    149   "C-m" #'git-rebase-show-commit
    150   "p"   #'git-rebase-backward-line
    151   "n"   #'forward-line
    152   "M-p" #'git-rebase-move-line-up
    153   "M-n" #'git-rebase-move-line-down
    154   "c"   #'git-rebase-pick
    155   "k"   #'git-rebase-kill-line
    156   "C-k" #'git-rebase-kill-line
    157   "b"   #'git-rebase-break
    158   "e"   #'git-rebase-edit
    159   "l"   #'git-rebase-label
    160   "M M" #'git-rebase-merge
    161   "M t" #'git-rebase-merge-toggle-editmsg
    162   "m"   #'git-rebase-edit
    163   "f"   #'git-rebase-fixup
    164   "q"   #'undefined
    165   "r"   #'git-rebase-reword
    166   "w"   #'git-rebase-reword
    167   "s"   #'git-rebase-squash
    168   "t"   #'git-rebase-reset
    169   "u"   #'git-rebase-update-ref
    170   "x"   #'git-rebase-exec
    171   "y"   #'git-rebase-insert
    172   "z"   #'git-rebase-noop
    173   "SPC" #'git-rebase-show-or-scroll-up
    174   "DEL" #'git-rebase-show-or-scroll-down
    175   "C-x C-t"        #'git-rebase-move-line-up
    176   "M-<up>"         #'git-rebase-move-line-up
    177   "M-<down>"       #'git-rebase-move-line-down
    178   "<remap> <undo>" #'git-rebase-undo)
    179 (put 'git-rebase-reword       :advertised-binding (kbd "r"))
    180 (put 'git-rebase-move-line-up :advertised-binding (kbd "M-p"))
    181 (put 'git-rebase-kill-line    :advertised-binding (kbd "k"))
    183 (easy-menu-define git-rebase-mode-menu git-rebase-mode-map
    184   "Git-Rebase mode menu"
    185   '("Rebase"
    186     ["Pick" git-rebase-pick t]
    187     ["Reword" git-rebase-reword t]
    188     ["Edit" git-rebase-edit t]
    189     ["Squash" git-rebase-squash t]
    190     ["Fixup" git-rebase-fixup t]
    191     ["Kill" git-rebase-kill-line t]
    192     ["Noop" git-rebase-noop t]
    193     ["Execute" git-rebase-exec t]
    194     ["Move Down" git-rebase-move-line-down t]
    195     ["Move Up" git-rebase-move-line-up t]
    196     "---"
    197     ["Cancel" with-editor-cancel t]
    198     ["Finish" with-editor-finish t]))
    200 (defvar git-rebase-command-descriptions
    201   '((with-editor-finish           . "tell Git to make it happen")
    202     (with-editor-cancel           . "tell Git that you changed your mind, i.e., abort")
    203     (git-rebase-backward-line     . "move point to previous line")
    204     (forward-line                 . "move point to next line")
    205     (git-rebase-move-line-up      . "move the commit at point up")
    206     (git-rebase-move-line-down    . "move the commit at point down")
    207     (git-rebase-show-or-scroll-up . "show the commit at point in another buffer")
    208     (git-rebase-show-commit
    209      . "show the commit at point in another buffer and select its window")
    210     (undo                         . "undo last change")
    211     (git-rebase-kill-line         . "drop the commit at point")
    212     (git-rebase-insert            . "insert a line for an arbitrary commit")
    213     (git-rebase-noop              . "add noop action at point")))
    215 ;;; Commands
    217 (defun git-rebase-pick ()
    218   "Use commit on current line.
    219 If the region is active, act on all lines touched by the region."
    220   (interactive)
    221   (git-rebase-set-action "pick"))
    223 (defun git-rebase-reword ()
    224   "Edit message of commit on current line.
    225 If the region is active, act on all lines touched by the region."
    226   (interactive)
    227   (git-rebase-set-action "reword"))
    229 (defun git-rebase-edit ()
    230   "Stop at the commit on the current line.
    231 If the region is active, act on all lines touched by the region."
    232   (interactive)
    233   (git-rebase-set-action "edit"))
    235 (defun git-rebase-squash ()
    236   "Meld commit on current line into previous commit, edit message.
    237 If the region is active, act on all lines touched by the region."
    238   (interactive)
    239   (git-rebase-set-action "squash"))
    241 (defun git-rebase-fixup ()
    242   "Meld commit on current line into previous commit, discard its message.
    243 If the region is active, act on all lines touched by the region."
    244   (interactive)
    245   (git-rebase-set-action "fixup"))
    247 (defvar-local git-rebase-comment-re nil)
    249 (defvar git-rebase-short-options
    250   '((?b . "break")
    251     (?e . "edit")
    252     (?f . "fixup")
    253     (?l . "label")
    254     (?m . "merge")
    255     (?p . "pick")
    256     (?r . "reword")
    257     (?s . "squash")
    258     (?t . "reset")
    259     (?u . "update-ref")
    260     (?x . "exec"))
    261   "Alist mapping single key of an action to the full name.")
    263 (defclass git-rebase-action ()
    264   (;; action-type: commit, exec, bare, label, merge
    265    (action-type    :initarg :action-type    :initform nil)
    266    ;; Examples for each action type:
    267    ;; | action | action options | target  | trailer |
    268    ;; |--------+----------------+---------+---------|
    269    ;; | pick   |                | hash    | subject |
    270    ;; | exec   |                | command |         |
    271    ;; | noop   |                |         |         |
    272    ;; | reset  |                | name    | subject |
    273    ;; | merge  | -C hash        | name    | subject |
    274    (action         :initarg :action         :initform nil)
    275    (action-options :initarg :action-options :initform nil)
    276    (target         :initarg :target         :initform nil)
    277    (trailer        :initarg :trailer        :initform nil)
    278    (comment-p      :initarg :comment-p      :initform nil)))
    280 (defvar git-rebase-line-regexps
    281   `((commit . ,(concat
    282                 (regexp-opt '("e" "edit"
    283                               "f" "fixup"
    284                               "p" "pick"
    285                               "r" "reword"
    286                               "s" "squash")
    287                             "\\(?1:")
    288                 " \\(?3:[^ \n]+\\) ?\\(?4:.*\\)"))
    289     (exec . "\\(?1:x\\|exec\\) \\(?3:.*\\)")
    290     (bare . ,(concat (regexp-opt '("b" "break" "noop") "\\(?1:")
    291                      " *$"))
    292     (label . ,(concat (regexp-opt '("l" "label"
    293                                     "t" "reset"
    294                                     "u" "update-ref")
    295                                   "\\(?1:")
    296                       " \\(?3:[^ \n]+\\) ?\\(?4:.*\\)"))
    297     (merge . ,(concat "\\(?1:m\\|merge\\) "
    298                       "\\(?:\\(?2:-[cC] [^ \n]+\\) \\)?"
    299                       "\\(?3:[^ \n]+\\)"
    300                       " ?\\(?4:.*\\)"))))
    302 ;;;###autoload
    303 (defun git-rebase-current-line ()
    304   "Parse current line into a `git-rebase-action' instance.
    305 If the current line isn't recognized as a rebase line, an
    306 instance with all nil values is returned."
    307   (save-excursion
    308     (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
    309     (if-let ((re-start (concat "^\\(?5:" (regexp-quote comment-start)
    310                                "\\)? *"))
    311              (type (seq-some (lambda (arg)
    312                                (let ((case-fold-search nil))
    313                                  (and (looking-at (concat re-start (cdr arg)))
    314                                       (car arg))))
    315                              git-rebase-line-regexps)))
    316         (git-rebase-action
    317          :action-type    type
    318          :action         (and-let* ((action (match-string-no-properties 1)))
    319                            (or (cdr (assoc action git-rebase-short-options))
    320                                action))
    321          :action-options (match-string-no-properties 2)
    322          :target         (match-string-no-properties 3)
    323          :trailer        (match-string-no-properties 4)
    324          :comment-p      (and (match-string 5) t))
    325       ;; Use default empty class rather than nil to ease handling.
    326       (git-rebase-action))))
    328 (defun git-rebase-set-action (action)
    329   "Set action of commit line to ACTION.
    330 If the region is active, operate on all lines that it touches.
    331 Otherwise, operate on the current line.  As a special case, an
    332 ACTION of nil comments the rebase line, regardless of its action
    333 type."
    334   (pcase (git-rebase-region-bounds t)
    335     (`(,beg ,end)
    336      (let ((end-marker (copy-marker end))
    337            (pt-below-p (and mark-active (< (mark) (point)))))
    338        (set-marker-insertion-type end-marker t)
    339        (goto-char beg)
    340        (while (< (point) end-marker)
    341          (with-slots (action-type target trailer comment-p)
    342              (git-rebase-current-line)
    343            (cond
    344             ((and action (eq action-type 'commit))
    345              (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    346                (magit-delete-line)
    347                (insert (concat action " " target " " trailer "\n"))))
    348             ((and action-type (not (or action comment-p)))
    349              (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    350                (insert comment-start " "))
    351              (forward-line))
    352             (t
    353              ;; In the case of --rebase-merges, commit lines may have
    354              ;; other lines with other action types, empty lines, and
    355              ;; "Branch" comments interspersed.  Move along.
    356              (forward-line)))))
    357        (goto-char
    358         (if git-rebase-auto-advance
    359             end-marker
    360           (if pt-below-p (1- end-marker) beg)))
    361        (goto-char (line-beginning-position))))
    362     (_ (ding))))
    364 (defun git-rebase-line-p (&optional pos)
    365   (save-excursion
    366     (when pos (goto-char pos))
    367     (and (oref (git-rebase-current-line) action-type)
    368          t)))
    370 (defun git-rebase-region-bounds (&optional fallback)
    371   "Return region bounds if both ends touch rebase lines.
    372 Each bound is extended to include the entire line touched by the
    373 point or mark.  If the region isn't active and FALLBACK is
    374 non-nil, return the beginning and end of the current rebase line,
    375 if any."
    376   (cond
    377    ((use-region-p)
    378     (let ((beg (save-excursion (goto-char (region-beginning))
    379                                (line-beginning-position)))
    380           (end (save-excursion (goto-char (region-end))
    381                                (line-end-position))))
    382       (when (and (git-rebase-line-p beg)
    383                  (git-rebase-line-p end))
    384         (list beg (1+ end)))))
    385    ((and fallback (git-rebase-line-p))
    386     (list (line-beginning-position)
    387           (1+ (line-end-position))))))
    389 (defun git-rebase-move-line-down (n)
    390   "Move the current commit (or command) N lines down.
    391 If N is negative, move the commit up instead.  With an active
    392 region, move all the lines that the region touches, not just the
    393 current line."
    394   (interactive "p")
    395   (pcase-let* ((`(,beg ,end)
    396                 (or (git-rebase-region-bounds)
    397                     (list (line-beginning-position)
    398                           (1+ (line-end-position)))))
    399                (pt-offset (- (point) beg))
    400                (mark-offset (and mark-active (- (mark) beg))))
    401     (save-restriction
    402       (narrow-to-region
    403        (point-min)
    404        (1-
    405         (if git-rebase-show-instructions
    406             (save-excursion
    407               (goto-char (point-min))
    408               (while (or (git-rebase-line-p)
    409                          ;; The output for --rebase-merges has empty
    410                          ;; lines and "Branch" comments interspersed.
    411                          (looking-at-p "^$")
    412                          (looking-at-p (concat git-rebase-comment-re
    413                                                " Branch")))
    414                 (forward-line))
    415               (line-beginning-position))
    416           (point-max))))
    417       (if (or (and (< n 0) (= beg (point-min)))
    418               (and (> n 0) (= end (point-max)))
    419               (> end (point-max)))
    420           (ding)
    421         (goto-char (if (< n 0) beg end))
    422         (forward-line n)
    423         (atomic-change-group
    424           (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    425             (insert (delete-and-extract-region beg end)))
    426           (let ((new-beg (- (point) (- end beg))))
    427             (when (use-region-p)
    428               (setq deactivate-mark nil)
    429               (set-mark (+ new-beg mark-offset)))
    430             (goto-char (+ new-beg pt-offset))))))))
    432 (defun git-rebase-move-line-up (n)
    433   "Move the current commit (or command) N lines up.
    434 If N is negative, move the commit down instead.  With an active
    435 region, move all the lines that the region touches, not just the
    436 current line."
    437   (interactive "p")
    438   (git-rebase-move-line-down (- n)))
    440 (defun git-rebase-highlight-region (start end window rol)
    441   (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
    442         (deactivate-mark nil)
    443         (bounds (git-rebase-region-bounds)))
    444     (mapc #'delete-overlay magit-section-highlight-overlays)
    445     (when bounds
    446       (magit-section-make-overlay (car bounds) (cadr bounds)
    447                                   'magit-section-heading-selection))
    448     (if (and bounds (not magit-section-keep-region-overlay))
    449         (funcall (default-value 'redisplay-unhighlight-region-function) rol)
    450       (funcall (default-value 'redisplay-highlight-region-function)
    451                start end window rol))))
    453 (defun git-rebase-unhighlight-region (rol)
    454   (mapc #'delete-overlay magit-section-highlight-overlays)
    455   (funcall (default-value 'redisplay-unhighlight-region-function) rol))
    457 (defun git-rebase-kill-line ()
    458   "Kill the current action line.
    459 If the region is active, act on all lines touched by the region."
    460   (interactive)
    461   (git-rebase-set-action nil))
    463 (defun git-rebase-insert (rev)
    464   "Read an arbitrary commit and insert it below current line."
    465   (interactive (list (magit-read-branch-or-commit "Insert revision")))
    466   (forward-line)
    467   (if-let ((info (magit-rev-format "%h %s" rev)))
    468       (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    469         (insert "pick " info ?\n))
    470     (user-error "Unknown revision")))
    472 (defun git-rebase-set-noncommit-action (action value-fn arg)
    473   (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
    474   (pcase-let* ((inhibit-read-only t)
    475                (`(,initial ,trailer ,comment-p)
    476                 (and (not arg)
    477                      (with-slots ((ln-action action)
    478                                   target trailer comment-p)
    479                          (git-rebase-current-line)
    480                        (and (equal ln-action action)
    481                             (list target trailer comment-p)))))
    482                (value (funcall value-fn initial)))
    483     (pcase (list value initial comment-p)
    484       (`("" nil ,_)
    485        (ding))
    486       (`(""  ,_ ,_)
    487        (magit-delete-line))
    488       (_
    489        (if initial
    490            (magit-delete-line)
    491          (forward-line))
    492        (insert (concat action " " value
    493                        (and (equal value initial)
    494                             trailer
    495                             (concat " " trailer))
    496                        "\n"))
    497        (unless git-rebase-auto-advance
    498          (forward-line -1))))))
    500 (defun git-rebase-exec (arg)
    501   "Insert a shell command to be run after the current commit.
    503 If there already is such a command on the current line, then edit
    504 that instead.  With a prefix argument insert a new command even
    505 when there already is one on the current line.  With empty input
    506 remove the command on the current line, if any."
    507   (interactive "P")
    508   (git-rebase-set-noncommit-action
    509    "exec"
    510    (lambda (initial) (read-shell-command "Execute: " initial))
    511    arg))
    513 (defun git-rebase-label (arg)
    514   "Add a label after the current commit.
    515 If there already is a label on the current line, then edit that
    516 instead.  With a prefix argument, insert a new label even when
    517 there is already a label on the current line.  With empty input,
    518 remove the label on the current line, if any."
    519   (interactive "P")
    520   (git-rebase-set-noncommit-action
    521    "label"
    522    (lambda (initial)
    523      (read-from-minibuffer
    524       "Label: " initial magit-minibuffer-local-ns-map))
    525    arg))
    527 (defun git-rebase-buffer-labels ()
    528   (let (labels)
    529     (save-excursion
    530       (goto-char (point-min))
    531       (while (re-search-forward "^\\(?:l\\|label\\) \\([^ \n]+\\)" nil t)
    532         (push (match-string-no-properties 1) labels)))
    533     (nreverse labels)))
    535 (defun git-rebase-reset (arg)
    536   "Reset the current HEAD to a label.
    537 If there already is a reset command on the current line, then
    538 edit that instead.  With a prefix argument, insert a new reset
    539 line even when point is already on a reset line.  With empty
    540 input, remove the reset command on the current line, if any."
    541   (interactive "P")
    542   (git-rebase-set-noncommit-action
    543    "reset"
    544    (lambda (initial)
    545      (or (magit-completing-read "Label" (git-rebase-buffer-labels)
    546                                 nil t initial)
    547          ""))
    548    arg))
    550 (defun git-rebase-update-ref (arg)
    551   "Insert an update-ref action after the current line.
    552 If there is already an update-ref action on the current line,
    553 then edit that instead.  With a prefix argument, insert a new
    554 action even when there is already one on the current line.  With
    555 empty input, remove the action on the current line, if any."
    556   (interactive "P")
    557   (git-rebase-set-noncommit-action
    558    "update-ref"
    559    (lambda (initial)
    560      (or (magit-completing-read "Ref" (magit-list-refs) nil nil initial)
    561          ""))
    562    arg))
    564 (defun git-rebase-merge (arg)
    565   "Add a merge command after the current commit.
    566 If there is already a merge command on the current line, then
    567 replace that command instead.  With a prefix argument, insert a
    568 new merge command even when there is already one on the current
    569 line.  With empty input, remove the merge command on the current
    570 line, if any."
    571   (interactive "P")
    572   (git-rebase-set-noncommit-action
    573    "merge"
    574    (lambda (_)
    575      (or (magit-completing-read "Merge" (git-rebase-buffer-labels))
    576          ""))
    577    arg))
    579 (defun git-rebase-merge-toggle-editmsg ()
    580   "Toggle whether an editor is invoked when performing the merge at point.
    581 When a merge command uses a lower-case -c, the message for the
    582 specified commit will be opened in an editor before creating the
    583 commit.  For an upper-case -C, the message will be used as is."
    584   (interactive)
    585   (with-slots (action-type target action-options trailer)
    586       (git-rebase-current-line)
    587     (if (eq action-type 'merge)
    588         (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    589           (magit-delete-line)
    590           (insert
    591            (format "merge %s %s %s\n"
    592                    (replace-regexp-in-string
    593                     "-[cC]" (lambda (c)
    594                               (if (equal c "-c") "-C" "-c"))
    595                     action-options t t)
    596                    target
    597                    trailer)))
    598       (ding))))
    600 (defun git-rebase-set-bare-action (action arg)
    601   (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
    602   (with-slots ((ln-action action) comment-p)
    603       (git-rebase-current-line)
    604     (let ((same-action-p (equal action ln-action))
    605           (inhibit-read-only t))
    606       (when (or arg
    607                 (not ln-action)
    608                 (not same-action-p)
    609                 (and same-action-p comment-p))
    610         (unless (or arg (not same-action-p))
    611           (magit-delete-line))
    612         (insert action ?\n)
    613         (unless git-rebase-auto-advance
    614           (forward-line -1))))))
    616 (defun git-rebase-noop (&optional arg)
    617   "Add noop action at point.
    619 If the current line already contains a noop action, leave it
    620 unchanged.  If there is a commented noop action present, remove
    621 the comment.  Otherwise add a new noop action.  With a prefix
    622 argument insert a new noop action regardless of what is already
    623 present on the current line.
    625 A noop action can be used to make git perform a rebase even if
    626 no commits are selected.  Without the noop action present, git
    627 would see an empty file and therefore do nothing."
    628   (interactive "P")
    629   (git-rebase-set-bare-action "noop" arg))
    631 (defun git-rebase-break (&optional arg)
    632   "Add break action at point.
    634 If there is a commented break action present, remove the comment.
    635 If the current line already contains a break action, add another
    636 break action only if a prefix argument is given.
    638 A break action can be used to interrupt the rebase at the
    639 specified point.  It is particularly useful for pausing before
    640 the first commit in the sequence.  For other cases, the
    641 equivalent behavior can be achieved with `git-rebase-edit'."
    642   (interactive "P")
    643   (git-rebase-set-bare-action "break" arg))
    645 (defun git-rebase-undo (&optional arg)
    646   "Undo some previous changes.
    647 Like `undo' but works in read-only buffers."
    648   (interactive "P")
    649   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    650     (undo arg)))
    652 (defun git-rebase--show-commit (&optional scroll)
    653   (let ((magit--disable-save-buffers t))
    654     (save-excursion
    655       (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
    656       (if-let ((rev (with-slots (action-type target)
    657                         (git-rebase-current-line)
    658                       (and (eq action-type 'commit)
    659                            target))))
    660           (pcase scroll
    661             ('up   (magit-diff-show-or-scroll-up))
    662             ('down (magit-diff-show-or-scroll-down))
    663             (_     (apply #'magit-show-commit rev
    664                           (magit-diff-arguments 'magit-revision-mode))))
    665         (ding)))))
    667 (defun git-rebase-show-commit ()
    668   "Show the commit on the current line if any."
    669   (interactive)
    670   (git-rebase--show-commit))
    672 (defun git-rebase-show-or-scroll-up ()
    673   "Update the commit buffer for commit on current line.
    675 Either show the commit at point in the appropriate buffer, or if
    676 that buffer is already being displayed in the current frame and
    677 contains information about that commit, then instead scroll the
    678 buffer up."
    679   (interactive)
    680   (git-rebase--show-commit 'up))
    682 (defun git-rebase-show-or-scroll-down ()
    683   "Update the commit buffer for commit on current line.
    685 Either show the commit at point in the appropriate buffer, or if
    686 that buffer is already being displayed in the current frame and
    687 contains information about that commit, then instead scroll the
    688 buffer down."
    689   (interactive)
    690   (git-rebase--show-commit 'down))
    692 (defun git-rebase-backward-line (&optional n)
    693   "Move N lines backward (forward if N is negative).
    694 Like `forward-line' but go into the opposite direction."
    695   (interactive "p")
    696   (forward-line (- (or n 1))))
    698 ;;; Mode
    700 ;;;###autoload
    701 (define-derived-mode git-rebase-mode special-mode "Git Rebase"
    702   "Major mode for editing of a Git rebase file.
    704 Rebase files are generated when you run \"git rebase -i\" or run
    705 `magit-interactive-rebase'.  They describe how Git should perform
    706 the rebase.  See the documentation for git-rebase (e.g., by
    707 running \"man git-rebase\" at the command line) for details."
    708   :group 'git-rebase
    709   (setq comment-start (or (magit-get "core.commentChar") "#"))
    710   (setq git-rebase-comment-re (concat "^" (regexp-quote comment-start)))
    711   (setq font-lock-defaults (list (git-rebase-mode-font-lock-keywords) t t))
    712   (unless git-rebase-show-instructions
    713     (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    714       (flush-lines git-rebase-comment-re)))
    715   (unless with-editor-mode
    716     ;; Maybe already enabled when using `shell-command' or an Emacs shell.
    717     (with-editor-mode 1))
    718   (when git-rebase-confirm-cancel
    719     (add-hook 'with-editor-cancel-query-functions
    720               #'git-rebase-cancel-confirm nil t))
    721   (setq-local redisplay-highlight-region-function
    722               #'git-rebase-highlight-region)
    723   (setq-local redisplay-unhighlight-region-function
    724               #'git-rebase-unhighlight-region)
    725   (add-hook 'with-editor-pre-cancel-hook  #'git-rebase-autostash-save  nil t)
    726   (add-hook 'with-editor-post-cancel-hook #'git-rebase-autostash-apply nil t)
    727   (setq imenu-prev-index-position-function
    728         #'magit-imenu--rebase-prev-index-position-function)
    729   (setq imenu-extract-index-name-function
    730         #'magit-imenu--rebase-extract-index-name-function)
    731   (when (boundp 'save-place)
    732     (setq save-place nil)))
    734 (defun git-rebase-cancel-confirm (force)
    735   (or (not (buffer-modified-p))
    736       force
    737       (magit-confirm 'abort-rebase "Abort this rebase" nil 'noabort)))
    739 (defun git-rebase-autostash-save ()
    740   (when-let ((rev (magit-file-line
    741                    (expand-file-name "rebase-merge/autostash" (magit-gitdir)))))
    742     (push (cons 'stash rev) with-editor-cancel-alist)))
    744 (defun git-rebase-autostash-apply ()
    745   (when-let ((rev (cdr (assq 'stash with-editor-cancel-alist))))
    746     (magit-stash-apply rev)))
    748 (defun git-rebase-match-comment-line (limit)
    749   (re-search-forward (concat git-rebase-comment-re ".*") limit t))
    751 (defun git-rebase-mode-font-lock-keywords ()
    752   "Font lock keywords for Git-Rebase mode."
    753   `((,(concat "^" (cdr (assq 'commit git-rebase-line-regexps)))
    754      (1 'git-rebase-action)
    755      (3 'git-rebase-hash)
    756      (4 'git-rebase-description))
    757     (,(concat "^" (cdr (assq 'exec git-rebase-line-regexps)))
    758      (1 'git-rebase-action)
    759      (3 'git-rebase-description))
    760     (,(concat "^" (cdr (assq 'bare git-rebase-line-regexps)))
    761      (1 'git-rebase-action))
    762     (,(concat "^" (cdr (assq 'label git-rebase-line-regexps)))
    763      (1 'git-rebase-action)
    764      (3 'git-rebase-label)
    765      (4 'font-lock-comment-face))
    766     ("^\\(m\\(?:erge\\)?\\) -[Cc] \\([^ \n]+\\) \\([^ \n]+\\)\\( #.*\\)?"
    767      (1 'git-rebase-action)
    768      (2 'git-rebase-hash)
    769      (3 'git-rebase-label)
    770      (4 'font-lock-comment-face))
    771     ("^\\(m\\(?:erge\\)?\\) \\([^ \n]+\\)"
    772      (1 'git-rebase-action)
    773      (2 'git-rebase-label))
    774     (,(concat git-rebase-comment-re " *"
    775               (cdr (assq 'commit git-rebase-line-regexps)))
    776      0 'git-rebase-killed-action t)
    777     (git-rebase-match-comment-line 0 'font-lock-comment-face)
    778     ("\\[[^[]*\\]"
    779      0 'magit-keyword t)
    780     ("\\(?:fixup!\\|squash!\\)"
    781      0 'magit-keyword-squash t)
    782     (,(format "^%s Rebase \\([^ ]*\\) onto \\([^ ]*\\)" comment-start)
    783      (1 'git-rebase-comment-hash t)
    784      (2 'git-rebase-comment-hash t))
    785     (,(format "^%s \\(Commands:\\)" comment-start)
    786      (1 'git-rebase-comment-heading t))
    787     (,(format "^%s Branch \\(.*\\)" comment-start)
    788      (1 'git-rebase-label t))))
    790 (defun git-rebase-mode-show-keybindings ()
    791   "Modify the \"Commands:\" section of the comment Git generates
    792 at the bottom of the file so that in place of the one-letter
    793 abbreviation for the command, it shows the command's keybinding.
    794 By default, this is the same except for the \"pick\" command."
    795   (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    796     (save-excursion
    797       (goto-char (point-min))
    798       (when (and git-rebase-show-instructions
    799                  (re-search-forward
    800                   (concat git-rebase-comment-re "\\s-+p, pick")
    801                   nil t))
    802         (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
    803         (pcase-dolist (`(,cmd . ,desc) git-rebase-command-descriptions)
    804           (insert (format (propertize "%s %s %s\n"
    805                                       'font-lock-face 'font-lock-comment-face)
    806                           comment-start
    807                           (string-pad
    808                            (substitute-command-keys (format "\\[%s]" cmd)) 8)
    809                           desc)))
    810         (while (re-search-forward
    811                 (concat git-rebase-comment-re "\\(?:"
    812                         "\\( \\.?     *\\)\\|"
    813                         "\\( +\\)\\([^\n,],\\) \\([^\n ]+\\) \\)")
    814                 nil t)
    815           (if (match-string 1)
    816               (replace-match (make-string 10 ?\s) t t nil 1)
    817             (let ((cmd (intern (concat "git-rebase-" (match-string 4)))))
    818               (if (not (fboundp cmd))
    819                   (delete-region (line-beginning-position)
    820                                  (1+ (line-end-position)))
    821                 (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position)
    822                                      (1+ (line-end-position))
    823                                      '(font-lock-face font-lock-comment-face))
    824                 (replace-match " " t t nil 2)
    825                 (replace-match
    826                  (string-pad
    827                   (save-match-data
    828                     (substitute-command-keys (format "\\[%s]" cmd)))
    829                   8)
    830                  t t nil 3)))))))))
    832 (add-hook 'git-rebase-mode-hook #'git-rebase-mode-show-keybindings t)
    834 (defun git-rebase-mode-disable-before-save-hook ()
    835   (setq-local before-save-hook nil))
    837 (add-hook 'git-rebase-mode-hook #'git-rebase-mode-disable-before-save-hook)
    839 ;;;###autoload
    840 (defconst git-rebase-filename-regexp "/git-rebase-todo\\'")
    841 ;;;###autoload
    842 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
    843              (cons git-rebase-filename-regexp #'git-rebase-mode))
    845 (add-to-list 'with-editor-server-window-alist
    846              (cons git-rebase-filename-regexp #'switch-to-buffer))
    848 (with-eval-after-load 'recentf
    849   (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude git-rebase-filename-regexp))
    851 (add-to-list 'with-editor-file-name-history-exclude git-rebase-filename-regexp)
    853 ;;; Imenu Support
    855 (defun magit-imenu--rebase-prev-index-position-function ()
    856   "Move point to previous commit in git-rebase buffer.
    857 Used as a value for `imenu-prev-index-position-function'."
    858   (catch 'found
    859     (while (not (bobp))
    860       (git-rebase-backward-line)
    861       (when (git-rebase-line-p)
    862         (throw 'found t)))))
    864 (defun magit-imenu--rebase-extract-index-name-function ()
    865   "Return imenu name for line at point.
    866 Point should be at the beginning of the line.  This function
    867 is used as a value for `imenu-extract-index-name-function'."
    868   (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
    869                                   (line-end-position)))
    871 ;;; _
    872 (provide 'git-rebase)
    873 ;;; git-rebase.el ends here