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magit-tag.el (9956B)

      1 ;;; magit-tag.el --- Tag functionality  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2024 The Magit Project Contributors
      5 ;; Author: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Jonas Bernoulli <>
      8 ;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
     10 ;; Magit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     11 ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     14 ;;
     15 ;; Magit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
     16 ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
     17 ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
     18 ;; License for more details.
     19 ;;
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with Magit.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; This library implements tag commands.
     27 ;;; Code:
     29 (require 'magit)
     31 ;; For `magit-tag-delete'.
     32 (defvar helm-comp-read-use-marked)
     34 ;;; Commands
     36 ;;;###autoload (autoload 'magit-tag "magit" nil t)
     37 (transient-define-prefix magit-tag ()
     38   "Create or delete a tag."
     39   :man-page "git-tag"
     40   ["Arguments"
     41    ("-f" "Force"        ("-f" "--force"))
     42    ("-e" "Edit message" ("-e" "--edit"))
     43    ("-a" "Annotate"     ("-a" "--annotate"))
     44    ("-s" "Sign"         ("-s" "--sign"))
     45    (magit-tag:--local-user)]
     46   [["Create"
     47     ("t"  "tag"     magit-tag-create)
     48     ("r"  "release" magit-tag-release)]
     49    ["Do"
     50     ("k"  "delete"  magit-tag-delete)
     51     ("p"  "prune"   magit-tag-prune)]])
     53 (defun magit-tag-arguments ()
     54   (transient-args 'magit-tag))
     56 (transient-define-argument magit-tag:--local-user ()
     57   :description "Sign as"
     58   :class 'transient-option
     59   :shortarg "-u"
     60   :argument "--local-user="
     61   :reader #'magit-read-gpg-signing-key
     62   :history-key 'magit:--gpg-sign)
     64 ;;;###autoload
     65 (defun magit-tag-create (name rev &optional args)
     66   "Create a new tag with the given NAME at REV.
     67 With a prefix argument annotate the tag.
     68 \n(git tag [--annotate] NAME REV)"
     69   (interactive (list (magit-read-tag "Tag name")
     70                      (magit-read-branch-or-commit "Place tag on")
     71                      (let ((args (magit-tag-arguments)))
     72                        (when current-prefix-arg
     73                          (cl-pushnew "--annotate" args :test #'equal))
     74                        args)))
     75   (magit-run-git-with-editor "tag" args name rev))
     77 ;;;###autoload
     78 (defun magit-tag-delete (tags)
     79   "Delete one or more tags.
     80 If the region marks multiple tags (and nothing else), then offer
     81 to delete those, otherwise prompt for a single tag to be deleted,
     82 defaulting to the tag at point.
     83 \n(git tag -d TAGS)"
     84   (interactive (list (if-let ((tags (magit-region-values 'tag)))
     85                          (magit-confirm t nil "Delete %d tags" nil tags)
     86                        (let ((helm-comp-read-use-marked t))
     87                          (magit-read-tag "Delete tag" t)))))
     88   (magit-run-git "tag" "-d" tags))
     90 ;;;###autoload
     91 (defun magit-tag-prune (tags remote-tags remote)
     92   "Offer to delete tags missing locally from REMOTE, and vice versa."
     93   (interactive
     94    (let* ((remote (magit-read-remote "Prune tags using remote"))
     95           (tags   (magit-list-tags))
     96           (rtags  (prog2 (message "Determining remote tags...")
     97                       (magit-remote-list-tags remote)
     98                     (message "Determining remote tags...done")))
     99           (ltags  (cl-set-difference tags rtags :test #'equal))
    100           (rtags  (cl-set-difference rtags tags :test #'equal)))
    101      (unless (or ltags rtags)
    102        (message "Same tags exist locally and remotely"))
    103      (unless (magit-confirm t
    104                "Delete %s locally"
    105                "Delete %d tags locally"
    106                'noabort ltags)
    107        (setq ltags nil))
    108      (unless (magit-confirm t
    109                "Delete %s from remote"
    110                "Delete %d tags from remote"
    111                'noabort rtags)
    112        (setq rtags nil))
    113      (list ltags rtags remote)))
    114   (when tags
    115     (magit-call-git "tag" "-d" tags))
    116   (when remote-tags
    117     (magit-run-git-async "push" remote (--map (concat ":" it) remote-tags))))
    119 (defvar magit-tag-version-regexp-alist
    120   '(("^[-._+ ]?snapshot\\.?$" . -4)
    121     ("^[-._+]$" . -4)
    122     ("^[-._+ ]?\\(cvs\\|git\\|bzr\\|svn\\|hg\\|darcs\\)\\.?$" . -4)
    123     ("^[-._+ ]?unknown\\.?$" . -4)
    124     ("^[-._+ ]?alpha\\.?$" . -3)
    125     ("^[-._+ ]?beta\\.?$" . -2)
    126     ("^[-._+ ]?\\(pre\\|rc\\)\\.?$" . -1))
    127   "Overrides `version-regexp-alist' for `magit-tag-release'.
    128 See also `magit-release-tag-regexp'.")
    130 (defvar magit-release-tag-regexp "\\`\
    131 \\(?1:\\(?:v\\(?:ersion\\)?\\|r\\(?:elease\\)?\\)[-_]?\\)?\
    132 \\(?2:[0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]+\\)*\
    133 \\(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\)*\\)?\\)\\'"
    134   "Regexp used by `magit-tag-release' to parse release tags.
    136 The first submatch must match the prefix, if any.  The second
    137 submatch must match the version string.
    139 If this matches versions that are not dot separated numbers,
    140 then `magit-tag-version-regexp-alist' has to contain entries
    141 for the separators allowed here.")
    143 (defvar magit-release-commit-regexp "\\`Release version \\(.+\\)\\'"
    144   "Regexp used by `magit-tag-release' to parse release commit messages.
    145 The first submatch must match the version string.")
    147 ;;;###autoload
    148 (defun magit-tag-release (tag msg &optional args)
    149   "Create a release tag for `HEAD'.
    151 Assume that release tags match `magit-release-tag-regexp'.
    153 If `HEAD's message matches `magit-release-commit-regexp', then
    154 base the tag on the version string specified by that.  Otherwise
    155 prompt for the name of the new tag using the highest existing
    156 tag as initial input and leaving it to the user to increment the
    157 desired part of the version string.
    159 When creating an annotated tag, prepare a message based on the message
    160 of the highest existing tag, provided that contains the corresponding
    161 version string, and substituting the new version string for that.  If
    162 that is not the case, propose a message using a reasonable format."
    163   (interactive
    164    (save-match-data
    165      (pcase-let*
    166          ((args (magit-tag-arguments))
    167           (`(,pver ,ptag ,pmsg) (car (magit--list-releases)))
    168           (msg (magit-rev-format "%s"))
    169           (ver (and (string-match magit-release-commit-regexp msg)
    170                     (match-string 1 msg)))
    171           (_   (and (not ver)
    172                     (require (quote sisyphus) nil t)
    173                     (string-match magit-release-commit-regexp
    174                                   (magit-rev-format "%s" ptag))
    175                     (user-error "Use `sisyphus-create-release' first")))
    176           (tag (cond
    177                 ((not ptag)
    178                  ;; Force the user to review the message used for the
    179                  ;; initial release tag, in case they do not like the
    180                  ;; default format.
    181                  (cl-pushnew "--edit" args :test #'equal)
    182                  (read-string "Create first release tag: "
    183                               (if (and ver (string-match-p "\\`[0-9]" ver))
    184                                   (concat "v" ver)
    185                                 ver)))
    186                 (ver
    187                  (concat (and (string-match magit-release-tag-regexp ptag)
    188                               (match-string 1 ptag))
    189                          ver))
    190                 (t
    191                  (read-string
    192                   (format "Create release tag (previous was %s): " ptag)
    193                   ptag))))
    194           (ver (and (string-match magit-release-tag-regexp tag)
    195                     (match-string 2 tag))))
    196        (list tag
    197              (and (seq-some (apply-partially
    198                              #'string-match-p
    199                              "\\`--\\(annotate\\|local-user\\|sign\\)")
    200                             args)
    201                   (cond ((and pver (string-match (regexp-quote pver) pmsg))
    202                          (replace-match ver t t pmsg))
    203                         ((and ptag (string-match (regexp-quote ptag) pmsg))
    204                          (replace-match tag t t pmsg))
    205                         ((format "%s %s"
    206                                  (capitalize
    207                                   (file-name-nondirectory
    208                                    (directory-file-name (magit-toplevel))))
    209                                  ver))))
    210              args))))
    211   (magit-run-git-with-editor "tag" args (and msg (list "-m" msg)) tag)
    212   (set-process-sentinel
    213    magit-this-process
    214    (lambda (process event)
    215      (when (memq (process-status process) '(exit signal))
    216        (magit-process-sentinel process event)
    217        (magit-refs-setup-buffer "HEAD" (magit-show-refs-arguments))))))
    219 (defun magit--list-releases ()
    220   "Return a list of releases.
    221 The list is ordered, beginning with the highest release.
    222 Each release element has the form (VERSION TAG MESSAGE).
    223 `magit-release-tag-regexp' is used to determine whether
    224 a tag qualifies as a release tag."
    225   (save-match-data
    226     (mapcar
    227      #'cdr
    228      (nreverse
    229       (cl-sort (mapcan
    230                 (lambda (line)
    231                   (and (string-match " +" line)
    232                        (let ((tag (substring line 0 (match-beginning 0)))
    233                              (msg (substring line (match-end 0))))
    234                          (and (string-match magit-release-tag-regexp tag)
    235                               (let ((ver (match-string 2 tag))
    236                                     (version-regexp-alist
    237                                      magit-tag-version-regexp-alist))
    238                                 (list (list (version-to-list ver)
    239                                             ver tag msg)))))))
    240                 ;; Cannot rely on "--sort=-version:refname" because
    241                 ;; that gets confused if the version prefix has changed.
    242                 (magit-git-lines "tag" "-n"))
    243                ;; The inverse of this function does not exist.
    244                #'version-list-< :key #'car)))))
    246 ;;; _
    247 (provide 'magit-tag)
    248 ;;; magit-tag.el ends here