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popon.el (27377B)

      1 ;;; popon.el --- "Pop" floating text "on" a window -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2022 Akib Azmain Turja.
      5 ;; Author: Akib Azmain Turja <>
      6 ;; Created: 2022-04-11
      7 ;; Version: 0.13
      8 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
      9 ;; Keywords: lisp extensions frames
     10 ;; Homepage:
     12 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
     14 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     16 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     17 ;; any later version.
     19 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     24 ;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
     25 ;; see <>.
     27 ;;; Commentary:
     29 ;; Popon allows you to pop text on a window, what we call a popon.
     30 ;; Popons are window-local and sticky, they don't move while
     31 ;; scrolling, and they even don't go away when switching buffer, but
     32 ;; you can bind a popon to a specific buffer to only show on that
     33 ;; buffer.
     35 ;; If some popons are annoying you and you can't kill them, do M-x
     36 ;; popon-kill-all to kill all popons.
     38 ;;; Code:
     40 (require 'subr-x)
     41 (require 'cl-lib)
     43 (defun popon--render-lines (framebuffer x y lines width)
     44   "Place LINES on top of FRAMEBUFFER.
     46 Place LINES on top of text at line X and column Y on FRAMEBUFFER and
     47 return FRAMEBUFFER.  LINES is a list of list as string.  FRAMEBUFFER
     48 is a list, each element is of form: (LINE MODIFIED EXTENDED
     49 OTHERS...), where LINE is as string, MODIFIED is t when LINE is
     50 modified and EXTENDED is t when the line has been extended.  OTHERS is
     51 not modified in any way.  Each line in LINES is assumed to occupy
     52 WIDTH character.  FRAMEBUFFER and LINES shouldn\\='t contain newlines.
     53 Example:
     55 \(`popon--render-lines'
     56  \\='((\"GNU Emacs is “free software”; this means\" nil nil)
     57    (\"that everyone is free to use it and free\" nil nil)
     58    (\"to redistribute it under certain\"         nil nil)
     59    (\"conditions.  GNU Emacs is not in the\"     nil nil)
     60    (\"public domain; it is copyrighted and\"     nil nil)
     61    (\"there are restrictions on its\"            nil nil)
     62    (\"distribution, but these restrictions are\" nil nil)
     63    (\"designed to permit everything that a\"     nil nil foo)
     64    (\"good cooperating citizen would want to\"   nil nil bar)
     65    (\"do.  What is not allowed is to try to\"    nil nil)
     66    (\"prevent others from further sharing any\"  nil nil)
     67    (\"version of GNU Emacs that they might get\" nil nil)
     68    (\"from you.  The precise conditions are\"    nil nil)
     69    (\"found in the GNU General Public License\"  nil nil)
     70    (\"that comes with Emacs and also appears\"   nil nil)
     71    (\"in this manual(1).  See Copying.\"         t nil))
     72  11 1 \\='(\"+--^^^^^^^^^^^^^-------------------------+\"
     73         \"|Free software is a type of software that|\"
     74         \"|respects user freedom.  Think free as in|\"
     75         \"|free speech, not as in free beer.       |\"
     76         \"+----------------------------------------+\")
     77  42)
     78 => ((\"GNU Emacs is “free software”; this means\"              nil nil)
     79     (\"that everyo+--^^^^^^^^^^^^^-------------------------+\" t t)
     80     (\"to redistri|Free software is a type of software that|\" t t)
     81     (\"conditions.|respects user freedom.  Think free as in|\" t t)
     82     (\"public doma|free speech, not as in free beer.       |\" t t)
     83     (\"there are r+----------------------------------------+\" t t)
     84     (\"distribution, but these restrictions are\"              nil nil)
     85     (\"designed to permit everything that a\"                  nil nil foo)
     86     (\"good cooperating citizen would want to\"                nil nil bar)
     87     (\"do.  What is not allowed is to try to\"                 nil nil)
     88     (\"prevent others from further sharing any\"               nil nil)
     89     (\"version of GNU Emacs that they might get\"              nil nil)
     90     (\"from you.  The precise conditions are\"                 nil nil)
     91     (\"found in the GNU General Public License\"               nil nil)
     92     (\"that comes with Emacs and also appears\"                nil nil)
     93     (\"in this manual(1).  See Copying.\"                      t nil))"
     94   (let ((tab-size tab-width)
     95         ;; The text might have `read-only' property.
     96         (inhibit-read-only t))
     97     (with-temp-buffer
     98       (setq-local tab-width tab-size) ; Preseve tab width.
     99       (dotimes (i (length lines))
    100         (when (< (+ y i) (length framebuffer))
    101           (erase-buffer)
    102           (insert (car (nth (+ y i) framebuffer)))
    103           (goto-char (point-min))
    104           (let ((end (line-end-position)))
    105             (move-to-column x t)
    106             (let ((mark (point)))
    107               (move-to-column (+ x width) t)
    108               (setf (car (nth (+ y i) framebuffer))
    109                     (concat (buffer-substring (point-min) mark)
    110                             (nth i lines)
    111                             (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
    112               (setf (cadr (nth (+ y i) framebuffer)) t)
    113               (when (< end (point-max))
    114                 (setf (cadr (cdr (nth (+ y i) framebuffer))) t))))))))
    115   framebuffer)
    117 ;;;###autoload
    118 (defun poponp (object)
    119   "Return t if OBJECT is a popon."
    120   (and (listp object)
    121        (eq (car-safe object) 'popon)))
    123 ;;;###autoload
    124 (defun popon-live-p (object)
    125   "Return t if OBJECT is a popon and not killed."
    126   (and (poponp object)
    127        (plist-get (cdr object) :live)
    128        (and (plist-get (cdr object) :window)
    129             (window-live-p (plist-get (cdr object) :window)))
    130        (or (not (plist-get (cdr object) :buffer))
    131            (buffer-live-p (plist-get (cdr object) :buffer)))
    132        t))
    134 ;;;###autoload
    135 (defun popon-get (popon prop)
    136   "Get the PROP property of popon POPON."
    137   (plist-get (plist-get (cdr popon) :plist) prop))
    139 ;;;###autoload
    140 (defun popon-put (popon prop value)
    141   "Set the PROP property of popon POPON to VALUE."
    142   (setcdr popon
    143           (plist-put (cdr popon) :plist
    144                      (plist-put (plist-get (cdr popon) :plist)
    145                                 prop value))))
    147 ;;;###autoload
    148 (defun popon-properties (popon)
    149   "Return a copy the property list of popon POPON."
    150   (copy-sequence (plist-get (cdr popon) :plist)))
    152 ;;;###autoload
    153 (defun popon-position (popon)
    154   "Return the position of popon POPON as a cons (X, Y).
    156 When popon POPON is killed, return nil."
    157   (when (popon-live-p popon)
    158     (cons (plist-get (cdr popon) :x)
    159           (plist-get (cdr popon) :y))))
    161 ;;;###autoload
    162 (defun popon-size (popon)
    163   "Return the size of popon POPON as a cons (WIDTH . HEIGHT).
    165 When popon POPON is killed, return nil."
    166   (when (popon-live-p popon)
    167     (cons (plist-get (cdr popon) :width)
    168           (length (plist-get (cdr popon) :lines)))))
    170 ;;;###autoload
    171 (defun popon-window (popon)
    172   "Return the window popon POPON belongs to.
    174 Return nil if popon POPON is killed."
    175   (when (popon-live-p popon)
    176     (plist-get (cdr popon) :window)))
    178 ;;;###autoload
    179 (defun popon-buffer (popon)
    180   "Return the buffer popon POPON belongs to.
    182 Return nil if popon POPON is killed."
    183   (when (popon-live-p popon)
    184     (plist-get (cdr popon) :buffer)))
    186 ;;;###autaload
    187 (defun popon-priority (popon)
    188   "Return the priority of popon POPON.
    190 Return nil if popon POPON is killed."
    191   (when (popon-live-p popon)
    192     (plist-get (cdr popon) :priority)))
    194 ;;;###autoload
    195 (defun popon-text (popon)
    196   "Return the text popon POPON is displaying.
    198 POPON may be a killed popon.  Return nil if POPON isn't a popon at
    199 all."
    200   (when (poponp popon)
    201     (mapconcat #'identity (plist-get (cdr popon) :lines) "\n")))
    203 (defun popon--render (popon framebuffer offset)
    204   "Render POPON in FRAMEBUFFER at vertical offset OFFSET."
    205   (popon--render-lines framebuffer
    206                        (+ (plist-get (cdr popon) :x) offset)
    207                        (plist-get (cdr popon) :y)
    208                        (plist-get (cdr popon) :lines)
    209                        (plist-get (cdr popon) :width)))
    211 ;;;###autoload
    212 (defun popon-create (text pos &optional window buffer priority)
    213   "Create a popon showing TEXT at POS of WINDOW.
    215 Display popon only if WINDOW is displaying BUFFER.
    217 POS is a cons (X, Y), where X is column and Y is line in WINDOW.  TEXT
    218 should be a string or a cons cell of form (STR . WIDTH).  When TEXT is
    219 a string, each line of it should be of same length (i.e `string-width'
    220 should return the same length for every line).  When TEXT is a cons
    221 cell, STR is used as the text to display and each line of it should be
    222 of visual length width.
    224 PRIORITY is a number (integer or float) between -100 and 100.  Popons
    225 with larger priority values are rendered first."
    226   (when (not (or (consp text) (stringp text)))
    227     (signal 'wrong-type-argument
    228             `((or (consp text) (stringp text)) ,text)))
    229   (when (not (consp pos))
    230     (signal 'wrong-type-argument `(consp ,pos)))
    231   (when (and window (not (windowp window)))
    232     (signal 'wrong-type-argument `(windowp ,window)))
    233   (when (and buffer (not (bufferp buffer)))
    234     (signal 'wrong-type-argument `(bufferp ,buffer)))
    235   (when (and priority (not (numberp priority)))
    236     (signal 'wrong-type-argument `(numberp ,priority)))
    237   (let* ((lines (split-string (if (consp text) (car text) text) "\n"))
    238          (popon `(popon :live t
    239                         :x ,(car pos)
    240                         :y ,(cdr pos)
    241                         :lines ,lines
    242                         :width ,(or (and (consp text) (cdr text))
    243                                     (string-width (car lines)))
    244                         :window ,(or window (selected-window))
    245                         :buffer ,buffer
    246                         :priority ,(or priority 0)
    247                         :plist nil)))
    248     (push popon (window-parameter window 'popon-list))
    249     (popon-update)
    250     popon))
    252 ;;;###autoload
    253 (defun popon-kill (popon)
    254   "Kill popon POPON.
    256 Do nothing if POPON isn't a live popon.  Return nil."
    257   (when (popon-live-p popon)
    258     (let ((window (popon-window popon)))
    259       (setf (window-parameter window 'popon-list)
    260             (delete popon (window-parameter window 'popon-list))))
    261     (setcdr popon (plist-put (cdr popon) :live nil))
    262     (popon-update)
    263     nil))
    265 (defvar-local popon--line-beginnings nil
    266   "List of line beginning of current buffer.
    268 The value is of form (TICK . LINE-BEGINNINGS), where LINE-BEGINNINGS
    269 is the sorted list of beginning of lines and TICK is the value of tick
    270 counter when LINE-BEGINNINGS was calculated.")
    272 (defun popon--buffer-visible-substring (start end)
    273   "Return the visible contents of part of the current buffer.
    275 Take the `invisible' text property into account.
    277 START and END specifies which part to return.  They can be in any
    278 order."
    279   (when (> start end)
    280     (let ((tmp end))
    281       (setq end start)
    282       (setq start tmp)))
    283   (let ((str ""))
    284     (save-excursion
    285       (goto-char start)
    286       (while (< (point) end)
    287         (let ((prop (get-char-property (point) 'invisible))
    288               (next-change (next-single-char-property-change
    289                             (point) 'invisible nil end)))
    290           (cond
    291            ((null prop)
    292             (setq str (concat str (buffer-substring
    293                                    (point) next-change))))
    294            ((and (consp buffer-invisibility-spec)
    295                  (member (cons prop t) buffer-invisibility-spec))
    296             (setq str
    297                   (concat str (apply #'propertize "..." 'invisible nil
    298                                      (text-properties-at (point)))))))
    299           (goto-char next-change))))
    300     str))
    302 (defun popon--make-framebuffer ()
    303   "Create a framebuffer for current window and buffer."
    304   (let ((framebuffer nil)
    305         (line-boundaries
    306          (let ((pair popon--line-beginnings)
    307                (boundaries nil))
    308            (when (eq (car pair) (buffer-modified-tick))
    309              (setq pair (cdr pair))
    310              (while pair
    311                (when (and (integerp (car pair))
    312                           (integerp (cadr pair)))
    313                  (push (cons (car pair) (cadr pair)) boundaries))
    314                (setq pair (cdr pair))))
    315            boundaries)))
    316     (save-excursion
    317       (goto-char (window-start))
    318       (let ((mark (point))
    319             (point-to-line nil)
    320             (next-invisible
    321              (if (get-char-property (point) 'invisible)
    322                  (point)
    323                (next-single-char-property-change
    324                 (point) 'invisible nil (window-end)))))
    325         (dotimes (i (floor (window-screen-lines)))
    326           (if-let ((next (alist-get (point) line-boundaries)))
    327               (goto-char next)
    328             (if truncate-lines
    329                 (forward-line 1)
    330               (vertical-motion 1))
    331             (when (< next-invisible (point))
    332               (let ((next-visible
    333                      (let ((pos next-invisible))
    334                        (while (get-char-property pos 'invisible)
    335                          (setq pos (next-single-char-property-change
    336                                     pos 'invisible nil (window-end))))
    337                        pos)))
    338                 (setq next-invisible (next-single-char-property-change
    339                                       next-visible 'invisible nil
    340                                       (window-end)))
    341                 (while (> next-visible (point))
    342                   (if truncate-lines
    343                       (forward-line 1)
    344                     (vertical-motion 1))))))
    345           (let ((line (alist-get mark point-to-line)))
    346             (unless line
    347               (setq line i)
    348               (setf (alist-get mark point-to-line) line))
    349             (let* ((str (popon--buffer-visible-substring
    350                          mark (point)))
    351                    (disp-str (if (>= emacs-major-version 26)
    352                                  (string-trim-right str "\n")
    353                                (let ((i (string-match-p
    354                                          (concat "\\(?:\n\\)\\'")
    355                                          str)))
    356                                  (if i (substring str 0 i) str)))))
    357               (unless (string-empty-p disp-str)
    358                 (let ((prefix
    359                        (if (and (> mark (point-min))
    360                                 (= (char-before mark) ?\n))
    361                            (or (get-text-property 0 'line-prefix
    362                                                   disp-str)
    363                                line-prefix)
    364                          (or (get-text-property 0 'wrap-prefix
    365                                                 disp-str)
    366                              wrap-prefix))))
    367                   (when (stringp prefix)
    368                     (setq disp-str
    369                           (propertize (concat prefix disp-str)
    370                                       ;; Set these to empty strings to
    371                                       ;; avoid using the buffer-local
    372                                       ;; variables.
    373                                       'line-prefix ""
    374                                       'wrap-prefix "")))))
    375               (push (list disp-str nil nil line mark
    376                           (if (equal str disp-str)
    377                               (point)
    378                             (1- (point))))
    379                     framebuffer)))
    380           (push (cons mark (point)) line-boundaries)
    381           (setq mark (point)))))
    382     (let ((line-beginnings nil))
    383       (dolist (pair (sort (delete-dups line-boundaries)
    384                           #'car-less-than-car))
    385         (unless (eq (car line-beginnings) (car pair))
    386           (when (car line-beginnings)
    387             (push nil line-beginnings))
    388           (push (car pair) line-beginnings))
    389         (push (cdr pair) line-beginnings))
    390       (push nil line-beginnings)
    391       (setq popon--line-beginnings (cons (buffer-modified-tick)
    392                                          (nreverse line-beginnings))))
    393     (nreverse framebuffer)))
    395 (defun popon--make-overlays (framebuffer)
    396   "Make overlays to display FRAMEBUFFER on window."
    397   (let ((line-map nil))
    398     (let ((i 0)
    399           (lines-left framebuffer))
    400       (while lines-left
    401         (let ((line (pop lines-left)))
    402           (when (nth 1 line)
    403             (when (and (< (point-min) (nth 4 line) (point-max))
    404                        (not (eq (char-before (nth 4 line)) ?\n)))
    405               ;; Let's assume that the last glyph of a wrapped
    406               ;; line is a invisible space.  Then we can replace
    407               ;; it with a newline, instead of inserting.
    408               (let ((ov (make-overlay (1- (nth 4 line))
    409                                       (nth 4 line))))
    410                 (push ov (window-parameter nil 'popon-overlays))
    411                 (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))
    412                 (overlay-put ov 'display (copy-sequence
    413                                           '(space :width (0))))
    414                 (overlay-put ov 'after-string
    415                              (propertize "\n"
    416                                          'line-prefix ""
    417                                          'wrap-prefix ""))))
    418             (let* ((key (cons (nth 4 line) (nth 5 line)))
    419                    (pair (assoc key line-map)))
    420               (unless pair
    421                 (setq pair (list key nil nil))
    422                 (push pair line-map))
    423               (setf (cadr pair) (or (cadr pair) (nth 2 line)))
    424               (push (cons (- i (nth 3 line)) (car line))
    425                     (cadr (cdr pair))))))
    426         (setq i (1+ i))))
    427     (dolist (block line-map)
    428       (let ((ov (make-overlay (caar block) (cdar block))))
    429         (push ov (window-parameter nil 'popon-overlays))
    430         (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))
    431         (overlay-put ov 'line-prefix "")
    432         (overlay-put ov 'wrap-prefix "")
    433         (overlay-put ov 'display (copy-sequence '(space :width (0))))
    434         (overlay-put
    435          ov 'before-string
    436          (let ((text "")
    437                (current-offset 0))
    438            (when (and (= (caar block) (cdar block) (point-max))
    439                       (not (equal (buffer-substring-no-properties
    440                                    (1- (caar block)) (caar block))
    441                                   "\n")))
    442              (setq text "\n"))
    443            (dolist (line (sort (cadr (cdr block))
    444                                #'car-less-than-car))
    445              (setq text (concat text
    446                                 (make-string (- (car line)
    447                                                 current-offset)
    448                                              ?\n)
    449                                 (cdr line)))
    450              (setq current-offset (car line)))
    451            (add-face-text-property 0 (length text) 'default 'append
    452                                    text)
    454            ;; Pay attention to the `font-lock-face' property.
    455            (when font-lock-mode
    456              (let ((pos 0))
    457                (while (< pos (length text))
    458                  (let ((next-pos (or (next-single-property-change
    459                                       pos 'font-lock-face text)
    460                                      (length text))))
    461                    (when-let ((face (get-pos-property
    462                                      pos 'font-lock-face text)))
    463                      (add-face-text-property pos next-pos face nil
    464                                              text))
    465                    (setq pos next-pos)))))
    466            text)))
    467       (when (and (cadr block)
    468                  (< (cdar block) (point-max))
    469                  (not (let* ((extend-attr
    470                               (lambda (face)
    471                                 (if (facep face)
    472                                     (when (>= emacs-major-version 27)
    473                                       (face-attribute face :extend))
    474                                   (if-let (val (plist-member
    475                                                 face :extend))
    476                                       (cadr val)
    477                                     'unspecified))))
    478                              (extend 'unspecified))
    479                         (let ((faceprop (get-char-property
    480                                          (cdar block) 'face)))
    481                           (catch 'done
    482                             (if (face-list-p faceprop)
    483                                 (dolist (face faceprop)
    484                                   (setq extend (funcall extend-attr
    485                                                         face))
    486                                   (when (booleanp extend)
    487                                     (throw 'done extend)))
    488                               (setq extend (funcall extend-attr
    489                                                     faceprop))
    490                               (when (booleanp extend)
    491                                 (throw 'done extend)))
    492                             (funcall extend-attr 'default))))))
    493         (let ((ov (make-overlay (cdar block) (1+ (cdar block)))))
    494           (push ov (window-parameter nil 'popon-overlays))
    495           (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))
    496           (overlay-put ov 'face 'default))))))
    498 (defun popon--redisplay-1 (force)
    499   "Redisplay popon overlays.
    501 When FORCE is non-nil, update all overlays."
    502   (let ((popon-available-p nil)
    503         (any-popon-visible-p nil))
    504     (dolist (frame (frame-list))
    505       (dolist (window (window-list frame))
    506         (set-window-parameter
    507          window 'popon-list
    508          (cl-remove-if-not #'popon-live-p
    509                            (window-parameter window 'popon-list)))
    510         (when (window-parameter window 'popon-list)
    511           (setq popon-available-p t))
    512         (let ((popons
    513                (cl-remove-if-not
    514                 (lambda (popon)
    515                   (and (or (null (popon-buffer popon))
    516                            (eq (popon-buffer popon) (window-buffer)))
    517                        (< (cdr (popon-position popon))
    518                           (with-selected-window window
    519                             (floor (window-screen-lines))))
    520                        (< (car (popon-position popon))
    521                           (- (window-width window)
    522                              (if (fboundp 'line-number-display-width)
    523                                  (with-selected-window window
    524                                    (line-number-display-width))
    525                                0)
    526                              (if (display-graphic-p)
    527                                  (let ((fringes (window-fringes
    528                                                  window)))
    529                                    (/ (+ (car fringes) (cadr fringes))
    530                                       (frame-char-width frame)))
    531                                (if (zerop (window-hscroll)) 0 1))))))
    532                 (copy-sequence (window-parameter
    533                                 window 'popon-list)))))
    534           (when (or force
    535                     (not
    536                      (and
    537                       (eq (window-parameter
    538                            window 'popon-window-start)
    539                           (window-start window))
    540                       (eq (window-parameter
    541                            window 'popon-window-hscroll)
    542                           (window-hscroll window))
    543                       (eq (window-parameter
    544                            window 'popon-window-buffer)
    545                           (window-buffer window))
    546                       (null (cl-set-exclusive-or
    547                              popons
    548                              (window-parameter
    549                               window 'popon-visible-popons))))))
    550             (while (window-parameter window 'popon-overlays)
    551               (delete-overlay
    552                (pop (window-parameter window 'popon-overlays))))
    553             (when popons
    554               (setq popons (sort popons (lambda (a b)
    555                                           (< (popon-priority a)
    556                                              (popon-priority b)))))
    557               (with-selected-window window
    558                 (let* ((framebuffer (popon--make-framebuffer)))
    559                   (dolist (popon popons)
    560                     (popon--render popon framebuffer
    561                                    (window-hscroll)))
    562                   (popon--make-overlays framebuffer))))
    563             (set-window-parameter window 'popon-visible-popons popons)
    564             (set-window-parameter window 'popon-window-start
    565                                   (window-start window))
    566             (set-window-parameter window 'popon-window-hscroll
    567                                   (window-hscroll window))
    568             (set-window-parameter window 'popon-window-buffer
    569                                   (window-buffer window))))
    570         (when (window-parameter window 'popon-visible-popons)
    571           (setq any-popon-visible-p t))))
    572     (if any-popon-visible-p
    573         (add-hook 'pre-redisplay-functions #'popon--pre-redisplay)
    574       (remove-hook 'pre-redisplay-functions #'popon--pre-redisplay))
    575     (if popon-available-p
    576         (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'popon-update)
    577       (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
    578                    #'popon-update))))
    580 ;;;###autoload
    581 (defun popon-redisplay ()
    582   "Redisplay popon overlays."
    583   (popon--redisplay-1 t))
    585 ;;;###autoload
    586 (defun popon-update ()
    587   "Update popons if needed."
    588   (popon--redisplay-1 nil))
    590 (defun popon--pre-redisplay (_)
    591   "Update popons."
    592   (popon-update))
    594 ;;;###autoload
    595 (defun popon-x-y-at-posn (posn)
    596   "Return the (X, Y) coodinate at position POSN as a cons.
    598 Return nil if a popon can't be shown at position POSN.
    600 NOTE: This uses `posn-at-point', which is slow.  So try to minimize
    601 calls to this function."
    602   (when (and posn (posn-point posn))
    603     (let* ((window-start-x-y
    604             (if (>= emacs-major-version 29)
    605                 (posn-col-row (posn-at-point (window-start))
    606                               'use-window)
    607               (posn-col-row (posn-at-point (window-start)))))
    608            (point-x-y
    609             (if (>= emacs-major-version 29)
    610                 (posn-col-row posn 'use-window)
    611               (posn-col-row posn)))
    612            (x-y (cons (if (and (or (not truncate-lines) word-wrap)
    613                                (if truncate-partial-width-windows
    614                                    (>= (window-total-width)
    615                                        truncate-partial-width-windows)
    616                                  t))
    617                           (- (car point-x-y) (car window-start-x-y))
    618                         (- (save-excursion
    619                              (goto-char (posn-point posn))
    620                              (current-column))
    621                            (window-hscroll)))
    622                       (- (cdr point-x-y) (cdr window-start-x-y)))))
    623       (when (and (>= (car x-y) 0)
    624                  (>= (cdr x-y) 0))
    625         x-y))))
    627 ;;;###autoload
    628 (defun popon-x-y-at-pos (point)
    629   "Return the (X, Y) coodinate of POINT in selected window as a cons.
    631 Return nil if POINT is not in visible text area.
    633 NOTE: This uses `posn-at-point', which is slow.  So try to minimize
    634 calls to this function."
    635   (popon-x-y-at-posn (posn-at-point point)))
    637 ;;;###autoload
    638 (defun popon-kill-all ()
    639   "Kill all popons."
    640   (interactive)
    641   (dolist (frame (frame-list))
    642     (dolist (window (window-list frame))
    643       (while (window-parameter window 'popon-list)
    644         (popon-kill (pop (window-parameter window 'popon-list)))))))
    646 (provide 'popon)
    647 ;;; popon.el ends here