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cv-experience.gohtml (8534B)

      1 {{ define "cv-experience" }}
      2   <h2 class="bg-blue white" id="experience">Experience</h2>
      3   <div class="split-row">
      4     <h3>
      5       Vice-President of Engineering
      6     </h3>
      7     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
      8       <a href="">Daybreak Health</a>
      9     </h3>
     10   </div>
     11   <h4 class="gray3 italic">January 2022 – October 2022</h4>
     12   <ul>
     13     <li>Architected and built Daybreak Health API, utilized by its cross-platform React Native app.</li>
     14     <li>Stood up backend development environment, including build scripts, service configuration, and containerization.</li>
     15     <li>Developed database schema, migrations, queries, and Go packages for database models.</li>
     16     <li>Integrated backend with AWS, Salesforce, Slack, Twilio, and Health Gorilla APIs.</li>
     17     <li>Documented API and backend development setup for onboarding engineers.
     18     </li>
     19     <li>Mentored and trained junior engineers and interns.</li>
     20     <li>Coducted code review and maintained the backend monorepo.</li>
     21   </ul>
     23   <hr class="gray0">
     24   <div class="split-row">
     25     <h3>Vice-President of Engineering</h3>
     26     <div>
     27       <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
     28 	<a href="">Good Uncle</a>
     29       </h3>
     30     </div>
     31   </div>
     32   <h4 class="gray3 italic">January 2018 – January 2022</h4>
     33   <h4 class="gray3">
     34     Acquired by <a href="">Aramark</a>, May 2019.
     35   </h4>
     36   <ul>
     37     <li>Built backend services, enabling simultaneous cooking and delivery of orders from proprietary vans.</li>
     38     <li>~400K orders and $5M in revenue as of August 2021, with an average delivery time of 25 minutes.</li>
     39     <li>Rearchitected infrastructure to obtain cost reductions of 99% for AWS, 69% for MongoDB, and 85% for CI/CD.</li>
     40     <li>Built control panel web app, utilized by delivery drivers, operations, marketing, and customer support.</li>
     41     <li>Managed development and release of cross-platform React Native app; contributed refactors and bug fixes.</li>
     42     <li>Consolidated the engineering team to two engineers, reducing the largest engineering expenditure.</li>
     43     <li>Built an inventory prediction engine used by the culinary team to estimate the number of meals to prepare.</li>
     44     <li>Integrated backend with university payment systems, including: Atrium, CBORD, and Transact.</li>
     45     <li>Designed and developed a mealplan subscription system in three months, collecting over $500K in revenue.</li>
     46     <li>Created command-line tools to assist the engineering team, including an orders generator to simulate load.</li>
     47     <li>Found and fixed mission critical application and infrastructure bugs while under the pressure of live delivery operations.</li>
     48     <li>Integrated APIs, including: AWS, Big Query, Google Maps, Intercom, Samsara, Slack, Stripe, and Twilio.</li>
     49   </ul>
     51   <hr class="gray0">
     52   <div class="split-row">
     53     <h3>Consultant</h3>
     54     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
     55       <a href="">
     56 	China Energy Fund Committee
     57       </a>
     58     </h3>
     59   </div>
     60   <h4 class="gray3 italic">August 2014 – July 2017</h4>
     61   <ul>
     62     <li>Drafted speeches delivered at high-level events on public policy and international relations, including the Internet
     63       Governance Forum, the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport, and CEFC
     64       sponsored events on Sino-U.S. relations and sustainable development.
     65     </li>
     66     <li>Composed editorials for publications on sustainability, international relations, internet governance, and China’s economic
     67       development.
     68     </li>
     69     <li>Assembled the preliminary rules and procedures for the award of a $1M energy grant.</li>
     70     <li>As Sherpa, supported Member of the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport; contributing to the group’s internal discussions and final outlook report.</li>
     71     <li>Supported Member of the Internet Governance Forum’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group, including the Group’s guidance for the 11th Internet Governance Forum.</li>
     72   </ul>
     74   <hr class="gray0">
     75   <div class="split-row">
     76     <h3>Consultant</h3>
     77     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
     78       FISO Group LLC
     79     </h3>
     80   </div>
     81   <h4 class="gray3 italic">January 2016 – June 2016</h4>
     82   <ul>
     83     <li>Drafted a private sector Commitment Letter to the Sustainable Development Goals, signed by dozens of businesses.</li>
     84     <li>Wrote the concept note, press release, M.C.’s script, and remarks for the UN Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development for the letter’s signing and submission ceremony, held at the United Nations.</li>
     85   </ul>
     87   <hr class="gray0">
     88   <div class="split-row">
     89     <h3>Intern</h3>
     90     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
     91       <a href="">
     92 	New York City Department of Environmental Protection
     93       </a>
     94     </h3>
     95   </div>
     96   <h4 class="gray3 italic">June 2013 – August 2013</h4>
     97   <ul>
     98     <li>Researched and drafted legal memoranda in support of NYC Air Code revision, SPDES permit modifications, and compliance with state law and consent orders.</li>
     99     <li>Examined legal implications of railbanking proposal, drafted legal memoranda and intergovernmental agreement, and explained railbanking process and provided legal options to Bureau of Water Supply.</li>
    100     <li>Represented the City of New York at environmental administrative hearings, wrote and filed appeals to administrative court decisions, conferenced with opposing counsel and pro se respondents.</li>
    101   </ul>
    103   <hr class="gray0">
    104   <div class="split-row">
    105     <h3>Infantry Assault Marine</h3>
    106     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
    107       <a href="">United States Marine Corps Reserve</a>
    108     </h3>
    109   </div>
    110   <h4 class="gray3 italic">August 2009 – Jun 2013</h4>
    111   <ul>
    112     <li>Trained in the employment of rockets, military explosives, dynamic breaching, infantry and anti-armor operations.</li>
    113     <li>Supervised, trained, and mentored junior Marines.</li>
    114     <li>Professional achievements: meritorious promotion to Corporal (December 2011), "Excellent" (4.7/5.0) proficiency and conduct marks, Certificate of Commendation (July 2011), completed Scout-Sniper Platoon indoctrination (July 2011), high scorer on Javelin anti-armor missile certification (December 2010), multiple High Physical Fitness Awards.</li>
    115     <li>Training achievements: Company Honor Graduate and Platoon Honor Graduate (Recruit Training, November 2009), Meritorious Mast (School of Infantry, April 2010), “Excellent” (4.8/5.0) proficiency and conduct marks. Consistently placed in leadership positions: Platoon Guide (Basic Marine Platoon, Recruit Training), Assault Section Squad Leader (School of Infantry).
    116     </li>
    117   </ul>
    120   <hr class="gray0">
    121   <div class="split-row">
    122     <h3>Intern</h3>
    123     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
    124       <a href="">
    125 	United States Environmental Protection Agency
    126       </a>
    127     </h3>
    128   </div>
    129   <h4 class="gray3 italic">January 2013 – April 2013</h4>
    130   <ul>
    131     <li>Researched and drafted legal memoranda reviewing the Clean Air Act, EPA manuals and regulations, Environmental Appeals Board decisions, and academic literature.</li>
    132     <li>Examined the use of Prevention of Significant Deterioration Best Available Control Technology analysis to promote climate change adaptation.</li>
    133     <li>Attended meetings for the development of EPA Region 2 climate change adaptation strategies.</li>
    134   </ul>
    136   <hr class="gray0">
    137   <div class="split-row">
    138     <h3>Intern</h3>
    139     <h3 class="text-right-if-wide">
    140       <a href="">United Nations</a>
    141     </h3>
    142   </div>
    143   <h4 class="gray3 italic">September 2012 – Decemeber 2012</h4>
    144   <ul>
    145     <li>Prepared preliminary draft of <a href="">Secretary-General’s report on Rio+20 proposal for High Commissioner for Future Generations</a>.</li>
    146     <li>Researched academic literature, stakeholder submissions, case law and statutes.</li>
    147     <li>Collaborated with NGO directors, political figures, and judges across the globe for research and assessment of the proposal.</li>
    148     <li>Reviewed legal and political implications, highlighting support for and vulnerabilities of the proposal.</li>
    149     <li>Summarized experiences of national examples of similar offices.</li>
    150     <li>Proposed recommendations on possible responses to the proposal, in the context of the existing UN system.</li>
    151   </ul>
    153 {{ end }}