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ini.go (1206B)

      1 // Package ini implements parsing of the AWS shared config file.
      2 //
      3 //	Example:
      4 //	sections, err := ini.OpenFile("/path/to/file")
      5 //	if err != nil {
      6 //		panic(err)
      7 //	}
      8 //
      9 //	profile := "foo"
     10 //	section, ok := sections.GetSection(profile)
     11 //	if !ok {
     12 //		fmt.Printf("section %q could not be found", profile)
     13 //	}
     14 package ini
     16 import (
     17 	"fmt"
     18 	"io"
     19 	"os"
     20 	"strings"
     21 )
     23 // OpenFile parses shared config from the given file path.
     24 func OpenFile(path string) (sections Sections, err error) {
     25 	f, oerr := os.Open(path)
     26 	if oerr != nil {
     27 		return Sections{}, &UnableToReadFile{Err: oerr}
     28 	}
     30 	defer func() {
     31 		closeErr := f.Close()
     32 		if err == nil {
     33 			err = closeErr
     34 		} else if closeErr != nil {
     35 			err = fmt.Errorf("close error: %v, original error: %w", closeErr, err)
     36 		}
     37 	}()
     39 	return Parse(f, path)
     40 }
     42 // Parse parses shared config from the given reader.
     43 func Parse(r io.Reader, path string) (Sections, error) {
     44 	contents, err := io.ReadAll(r)
     45 	if err != nil {
     46 		return Sections{}, fmt.Errorf("read all: %v", err)
     47 	}
     49 	lines := strings.Split(string(contents), "\n")
     50 	tokens, err := tokenize(lines)
     51 	if err != nil {
     52 		return Sections{}, fmt.Errorf("tokenize: %v", err)
     53 	}
     55 	return parse(tokens, path), nil
     56 }