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sections.go (3611B)

      1 package ini
      3 import (
      4 	"sort"
      5 )
      7 // Sections is a map of Section structures that represent
      8 // a configuration.
      9 type Sections struct {
     10 	container map[string]Section
     11 }
     13 // NewSections returns empty ini Sections
     14 func NewSections() Sections {
     15 	return Sections{
     16 		container: make(map[string]Section, 0),
     17 	}
     18 }
     20 // GetSection will return section p. If section p does not exist,
     21 // false will be returned in the second parameter.
     22 func (t Sections) GetSection(p string) (Section, bool) {
     23 	v, ok := t.container[p]
     24 	return v, ok
     25 }
     27 // HasSection denotes if Sections consist of a section with
     28 // provided name.
     29 func (t Sections) HasSection(p string) bool {
     30 	_, ok := t.container[p]
     31 	return ok
     32 }
     34 // SetSection sets a section value for provided section name.
     35 func (t Sections) SetSection(p string, v Section) Sections {
     36 	t.container[p] = v
     37 	return t
     38 }
     40 // DeleteSection deletes a section entry/value for provided section name./
     41 func (t Sections) DeleteSection(p string) {
     42 	delete(t.container, p)
     43 }
     45 // values represents a map of union values.
     46 type values map[string]Value
     48 // List will return a list of all sections that were successfully
     49 // parsed.
     50 func (t Sections) List() []string {
     51 	keys := make([]string, len(t.container))
     52 	i := 0
     53 	for k := range t.container {
     54 		keys[i] = k
     55 		i++
     56 	}
     58 	sort.Strings(keys)
     59 	return keys
     60 }
     62 // Section contains a name and values. This represent
     63 // a sectioned entry in a configuration file.
     64 type Section struct {
     65 	// Name is the Section profile name
     66 	Name string
     68 	// values are the values within parsed profile
     69 	values values
     71 	// Errors is the list of errors
     72 	Errors []error
     74 	// Logs is the list of logs
     75 	Logs []string
     77 	// SourceFile is the INI Source file from where this section
     78 	// was retrieved. They key is the property, value is the
     79 	// source file the property was retrieved from.
     80 	SourceFile map[string]string
     81 }
     83 // NewSection returns an initialize section for the name
     84 func NewSection(name string) Section {
     85 	return Section{
     86 		Name:       name,
     87 		values:     values{},
     88 		SourceFile: map[string]string{},
     89 	}
     90 }
     92 // List will return a list of all
     93 // services in values
     94 func (t Section) List() []string {
     95 	keys := make([]string, len(t.values))
     96 	i := 0
     97 	for k := range t.values {
     98 		keys[i] = k
     99 		i++
    100 	}
    102 	sort.Strings(keys)
    103 	return keys
    104 }
    106 // UpdateSourceFile updates source file for a property to provided filepath.
    107 func (t Section) UpdateSourceFile(property string, filepath string) {
    108 	t.SourceFile[property] = filepath
    109 }
    111 // UpdateValue updates value for a provided key with provided value
    112 func (t Section) UpdateValue(k string, v Value) error {
    113 	t.values[k] = v
    114 	return nil
    115 }
    117 // Has will return whether or not an entry exists in a given section
    118 func (t Section) Has(k string) bool {
    119 	_, ok := t.values[k]
    120 	return ok
    121 }
    123 // ValueType will returned what type the union is set to. If
    124 // k was not found, the NoneType will be returned.
    125 func (t Section) ValueType(k string) (ValueType, bool) {
    126 	v, ok := t.values[k]
    127 	return v.Type, ok
    128 }
    130 // Bool returns a bool value at k
    131 func (t Section) Bool(k string) (bool, bool) {
    132 	return t.values[k].BoolValue()
    133 }
    135 // Int returns an integer value at k
    136 func (t Section) Int(k string) (int64, bool) {
    137 	return t.values[k].IntValue()
    138 }
    140 // Map returns a map value at k
    141 func (t Section) Map(k string) map[string]string {
    142 	return t.values[k].MapValue()
    143 }
    145 // Float64 returns a float value at k
    146 func (t Section) Float64(k string) (float64, bool) {
    147 	return t.values[k].FloatValue()
    148 }
    150 // String returns the string value at k
    151 func (t Section) String(k string) string {
    152 	_, ok := t.values[k]
    153 	if !ok {
    154 		return ""
    155 	}
    156 	return t.values[k].StringValue()
    157 }