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enums.go (21233B)

      1 // Code generated by smithy-go-codegen DO NOT EDIT.
      3 package types
      5 type AccountLimitType string
      7 // Enum values for AccountLimitType
      8 const (
      9 	AccountLimitTypeMaxHealthChecksByOwner           AccountLimitType = "MAX_HEALTH_CHECKS_BY_OWNER"
     10 	AccountLimitTypeMaxHostedZonesByOwner            AccountLimitType = "MAX_HOSTED_ZONES_BY_OWNER"
     11 	AccountLimitTypeMaxTrafficPolicyInstancesByOwner AccountLimitType = "MAX_TRAFFIC_POLICY_INSTANCES_BY_OWNER"
     12 	AccountLimitTypeMaxReusableDelegationSetsByOwner AccountLimitType = "MAX_REUSABLE_DELEGATION_SETS_BY_OWNER"
     13 	AccountLimitTypeMaxTrafficPoliciesByOwner        AccountLimitType = "MAX_TRAFFIC_POLICIES_BY_OWNER"
     14 )
     16 // Values returns all known values for AccountLimitType. Note that this can be
     17 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
     18 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
     19 func (AccountLimitType) Values() []AccountLimitType {
     20 	return []AccountLimitType{
     26 	}
     27 }
     29 type ChangeAction string
     31 // Enum values for ChangeAction
     32 const (
     33 	ChangeActionCreate ChangeAction = "CREATE"
     34 	ChangeActionDelete ChangeAction = "DELETE"
     35 	ChangeActionUpsert ChangeAction = "UPSERT"
     36 )
     38 // Values returns all known values for ChangeAction. Note that this can be
     39 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
     40 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
     41 func (ChangeAction) Values() []ChangeAction {
     42 	return []ChangeAction{
     43 		"CREATE",
     44 		"DELETE",
     45 		"UPSERT",
     46 	}
     47 }
     49 type ChangeStatus string
     51 // Enum values for ChangeStatus
     52 const (
     53 	ChangeStatusPending ChangeStatus = "PENDING"
     54 	ChangeStatusInsync  ChangeStatus = "INSYNC"
     55 )
     57 // Values returns all known values for ChangeStatus. Note that this can be
     58 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
     59 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
     60 func (ChangeStatus) Values() []ChangeStatus {
     61 	return []ChangeStatus{
     62 		"PENDING",
     63 		"INSYNC",
     64 	}
     65 }
     67 type CidrCollectionChangeAction string
     69 // Enum values for CidrCollectionChangeAction
     70 const (
     71 	CidrCollectionChangeActionPut            CidrCollectionChangeAction = "PUT"
     72 	CidrCollectionChangeActionDeleteIfExists CidrCollectionChangeAction = "DELETE_IF_EXISTS"
     73 )
     75 // Values returns all known values for CidrCollectionChangeAction. Note that this
     76 // can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client.
     77 // The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
     78 func (CidrCollectionChangeAction) Values() []CidrCollectionChangeAction {
     79 	return []CidrCollectionChangeAction{
     80 		"PUT",
     81 		"DELETE_IF_EXISTS",
     82 	}
     83 }
     85 type CloudWatchRegion string
     87 // Enum values for CloudWatchRegion
     88 const (
     89 	CloudWatchRegionUsEast1      CloudWatchRegion = "us-east-1"
     90 	CloudWatchRegionUsEast2      CloudWatchRegion = "us-east-2"
     91 	CloudWatchRegionUsWest1      CloudWatchRegion = "us-west-1"
     92 	CloudWatchRegionUsWest2      CloudWatchRegion = "us-west-2"
     93 	CloudWatchRegionCaCentral1   CloudWatchRegion = "ca-central-1"
     94 	CloudWatchRegionEuCentral1   CloudWatchRegion = "eu-central-1"
     95 	CloudWatchRegionEuCentral2   CloudWatchRegion = "eu-central-2"
     96 	CloudWatchRegionEuWest1      CloudWatchRegion = "eu-west-1"
     97 	CloudWatchRegionEuWest2      CloudWatchRegion = "eu-west-2"
     98 	CloudWatchRegionEuWest3      CloudWatchRegion = "eu-west-3"
     99 	CloudWatchRegionApEast1      CloudWatchRegion = "ap-east-1"
    100 	CloudWatchRegionMeSouth1     CloudWatchRegion = "me-south-1"
    101 	CloudWatchRegionMeCentral1   CloudWatchRegion = "me-central-1"
    102 	CloudWatchRegionApSouth1     CloudWatchRegion = "ap-south-1"
    103 	CloudWatchRegionApSouth2     CloudWatchRegion = "ap-south-2"
    104 	CloudWatchRegionApSoutheast1 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-southeast-1"
    105 	CloudWatchRegionApSoutheast2 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-southeast-2"
    106 	CloudWatchRegionApSoutheast3 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-southeast-3"
    107 	CloudWatchRegionApNortheast1 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-northeast-1"
    108 	CloudWatchRegionApNortheast2 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-northeast-2"
    109 	CloudWatchRegionApNortheast3 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-northeast-3"
    110 	CloudWatchRegionEuNorth1     CloudWatchRegion = "eu-north-1"
    111 	CloudWatchRegionSaEast1      CloudWatchRegion = "sa-east-1"
    112 	CloudWatchRegionCnNorthwest1 CloudWatchRegion = "cn-northwest-1"
    113 	CloudWatchRegionCnNorth1     CloudWatchRegion = "cn-north-1"
    114 	CloudWatchRegionAfSouth1     CloudWatchRegion = "af-south-1"
    115 	CloudWatchRegionEuSouth1     CloudWatchRegion = "eu-south-1"
    116 	CloudWatchRegionEuSouth2     CloudWatchRegion = "eu-south-2"
    117 	CloudWatchRegionUsGovWest1   CloudWatchRegion = "us-gov-west-1"
    118 	CloudWatchRegionUsGovEast1   CloudWatchRegion = "us-gov-east-1"
    119 	CloudWatchRegionUsIsoEast1   CloudWatchRegion = "us-iso-east-1"
    120 	CloudWatchRegionUsIsoWest1   CloudWatchRegion = "us-iso-west-1"
    121 	CloudWatchRegionUsIsobEast1  CloudWatchRegion = "us-isob-east-1"
    122 	CloudWatchRegionApSoutheast4 CloudWatchRegion = "ap-southeast-4"
    123 	CloudWatchRegionIlCentral1   CloudWatchRegion = "il-central-1"
    124 	CloudWatchRegionCaWest1      CloudWatchRegion = "ca-west-1"
    125 )
    127 // Values returns all known values for CloudWatchRegion. Note that this can be
    128 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    129 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    130 func (CloudWatchRegion) Values() []CloudWatchRegion {
    131 	return []CloudWatchRegion{
    132 		"us-east-1",
    133 		"us-east-2",
    134 		"us-west-1",
    135 		"us-west-2",
    136 		"ca-central-1",
    137 		"eu-central-1",
    138 		"eu-central-2",
    139 		"eu-west-1",
    140 		"eu-west-2",
    141 		"eu-west-3",
    142 		"ap-east-1",
    143 		"me-south-1",
    144 		"me-central-1",
    145 		"ap-south-1",
    146 		"ap-south-2",
    147 		"ap-southeast-1",
    148 		"ap-southeast-2",
    149 		"ap-southeast-3",
    150 		"ap-northeast-1",
    151 		"ap-northeast-2",
    152 		"ap-northeast-3",
    153 		"eu-north-1",
    154 		"sa-east-1",
    155 		"cn-northwest-1",
    156 		"cn-north-1",
    157 		"af-south-1",
    158 		"eu-south-1",
    159 		"eu-south-2",
    160 		"us-gov-west-1",
    161 		"us-gov-east-1",
    162 		"us-iso-east-1",
    163 		"us-iso-west-1",
    164 		"us-isob-east-1",
    165 		"ap-southeast-4",
    166 		"il-central-1",
    167 		"ca-west-1",
    168 	}
    169 }
    171 type ComparisonOperator string
    173 // Enum values for ComparisonOperator
    174 const (
    175 	ComparisonOperatorGreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold ComparisonOperator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
    176 	ComparisonOperatorGreaterThanThreshold          ComparisonOperator = "GreaterThanThreshold"
    177 	ComparisonOperatorLessThanThreshold             ComparisonOperator = "LessThanThreshold"
    178 	ComparisonOperatorLessThanOrEqualToThreshold    ComparisonOperator = "LessThanOrEqualToThreshold"
    179 )
    181 // Values returns all known values for ComparisonOperator. Note that this can be
    182 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    183 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    184 func (ComparisonOperator) Values() []ComparisonOperator {
    185 	return []ComparisonOperator{
    186 		"GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold",
    187 		"GreaterThanThreshold",
    188 		"LessThanThreshold",
    189 		"LessThanOrEqualToThreshold",
    190 	}
    191 }
    193 type HealthCheckRegion string
    195 // Enum values for HealthCheckRegion
    196 const (
    197 	HealthCheckRegionUsEast1      HealthCheckRegion = "us-east-1"
    198 	HealthCheckRegionUsWest1      HealthCheckRegion = "us-west-1"
    199 	HealthCheckRegionUsWest2      HealthCheckRegion = "us-west-2"
    200 	HealthCheckRegionEuWest1      HealthCheckRegion = "eu-west-1"
    201 	HealthCheckRegionApSoutheast1 HealthCheckRegion = "ap-southeast-1"
    202 	HealthCheckRegionApSoutheast2 HealthCheckRegion = "ap-southeast-2"
    203 	HealthCheckRegionApNortheast1 HealthCheckRegion = "ap-northeast-1"
    204 	HealthCheckRegionSaEast1      HealthCheckRegion = "sa-east-1"
    205 )
    207 // Values returns all known values for HealthCheckRegion. Note that this can be
    208 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    209 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    210 func (HealthCheckRegion) Values() []HealthCheckRegion {
    211 	return []HealthCheckRegion{
    212 		"us-east-1",
    213 		"us-west-1",
    214 		"us-west-2",
    215 		"eu-west-1",
    216 		"ap-southeast-1",
    217 		"ap-southeast-2",
    218 		"ap-northeast-1",
    219 		"sa-east-1",
    220 	}
    221 }
    223 type HealthCheckType string
    225 // Enum values for HealthCheckType
    226 const (
    227 	HealthCheckTypeHttp             HealthCheckType = "HTTP"
    228 	HealthCheckTypeHttps            HealthCheckType = "HTTPS"
    229 	HealthCheckTypeHttpStrMatch     HealthCheckType = "HTTP_STR_MATCH"
    230 	HealthCheckTypeHttpsStrMatch    HealthCheckType = "HTTPS_STR_MATCH"
    231 	HealthCheckTypeTcp              HealthCheckType = "TCP"
    232 	HealthCheckTypeCalculated       HealthCheckType = "CALCULATED"
    233 	HealthCheckTypeCloudwatchMetric HealthCheckType = "CLOUDWATCH_METRIC"
    234 	HealthCheckTypeRecoveryControl  HealthCheckType = "RECOVERY_CONTROL"
    235 )
    237 // Values returns all known values for HealthCheckType. Note that this can be
    238 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    239 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    240 func (HealthCheckType) Values() []HealthCheckType {
    241 	return []HealthCheckType{
    242 		"HTTP",
    243 		"HTTPS",
    244 		"HTTP_STR_MATCH",
    245 		"HTTPS_STR_MATCH",
    246 		"TCP",
    247 		"CALCULATED",
    250 	}
    251 }
    253 type HostedZoneLimitType string
    255 // Enum values for HostedZoneLimitType
    256 const (
    257 	HostedZoneLimitTypeMaxRrsetsByZone         HostedZoneLimitType = "MAX_RRSETS_BY_ZONE"
    258 	HostedZoneLimitTypeMaxVpcsAssociatedByZone HostedZoneLimitType = "MAX_VPCS_ASSOCIATED_BY_ZONE"
    259 )
    261 // Values returns all known values for HostedZoneLimitType. Note that this can be
    262 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    263 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    264 func (HostedZoneLimitType) Values() []HostedZoneLimitType {
    265 	return []HostedZoneLimitType{
    266 		"MAX_RRSETS_BY_ZONE",
    268 	}
    269 }
    271 type HostedZoneType string
    273 // Enum values for HostedZoneType
    274 const (
    275 	HostedZoneTypePrivateHostedZone HostedZoneType = "PrivateHostedZone"
    276 )
    278 // Values returns all known values for HostedZoneType. Note that this can be
    279 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    280 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    281 func (HostedZoneType) Values() []HostedZoneType {
    282 	return []HostedZoneType{
    283 		"PrivateHostedZone",
    284 	}
    285 }
    287 type InsufficientDataHealthStatus string
    289 // Enum values for InsufficientDataHealthStatus
    290 const (
    291 	InsufficientDataHealthStatusHealthy         InsufficientDataHealthStatus = "Healthy"
    292 	InsufficientDataHealthStatusUnhealthy       InsufficientDataHealthStatus = "Unhealthy"
    293 	InsufficientDataHealthStatusLastKnownStatus InsufficientDataHealthStatus = "LastKnownStatus"
    294 )
    296 // Values returns all known values for InsufficientDataHealthStatus. Note that
    297 // this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the
    298 // client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across
    299 // updates.
    300 func (InsufficientDataHealthStatus) Values() []InsufficientDataHealthStatus {
    301 	return []InsufficientDataHealthStatus{
    302 		"Healthy",
    303 		"Unhealthy",
    304 		"LastKnownStatus",
    305 	}
    306 }
    308 type ResettableElementName string
    310 // Enum values for ResettableElementName
    311 const (
    312 	ResettableElementNameFullyQualifiedDomainName ResettableElementName = "FullyQualifiedDomainName"
    313 	ResettableElementNameRegions                  ResettableElementName = "Regions"
    314 	ResettableElementNameResourcePath             ResettableElementName = "ResourcePath"
    315 	ResettableElementNameChildHealthChecks        ResettableElementName = "ChildHealthChecks"
    316 )
    318 // Values returns all known values for ResettableElementName. Note that this can
    319 // be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    320 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    321 func (ResettableElementName) Values() []ResettableElementName {
    322 	return []ResettableElementName{
    323 		"FullyQualifiedDomainName",
    324 		"Regions",
    325 		"ResourcePath",
    326 		"ChildHealthChecks",
    327 	}
    328 }
    330 type ResourceRecordSetFailover string
    332 // Enum values for ResourceRecordSetFailover
    333 const (
    334 	ResourceRecordSetFailoverPrimary   ResourceRecordSetFailover = "PRIMARY"
    335 	ResourceRecordSetFailoverSecondary ResourceRecordSetFailover = "SECONDARY"
    336 )
    338 // Values returns all known values for ResourceRecordSetFailover. Note that this
    339 // can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client.
    340 // The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    341 func (ResourceRecordSetFailover) Values() []ResourceRecordSetFailover {
    342 	return []ResourceRecordSetFailover{
    343 		"PRIMARY",
    344 		"SECONDARY",
    345 	}
    346 }
    348 type ResourceRecordSetRegion string
    350 // Enum values for ResourceRecordSetRegion
    351 const (
    352 	ResourceRecordSetRegionUsEast1      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "us-east-1"
    353 	ResourceRecordSetRegionUsEast2      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "us-east-2"
    354 	ResourceRecordSetRegionUsWest1      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "us-west-1"
    355 	ResourceRecordSetRegionUsWest2      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "us-west-2"
    356 	ResourceRecordSetRegionCaCentral1   ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ca-central-1"
    357 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuWest1      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-west-1"
    358 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuWest2      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-west-2"
    359 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuWest3      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-west-3"
    360 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuCentral1   ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-central-1"
    361 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuCentral2   ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-central-2"
    362 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApSoutheast1 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-southeast-1"
    363 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApSoutheast2 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-southeast-2"
    364 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApSoutheast3 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-southeast-3"
    365 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApNortheast1 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-northeast-1"
    366 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApNortheast2 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-northeast-2"
    367 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApNortheast3 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-northeast-3"
    368 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuNorth1     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-north-1"
    369 	ResourceRecordSetRegionSaEast1      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "sa-east-1"
    370 	ResourceRecordSetRegionCnNorth1     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "cn-north-1"
    371 	ResourceRecordSetRegionCnNorthwest1 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "cn-northwest-1"
    372 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApEast1      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-east-1"
    373 	ResourceRecordSetRegionMeSouth1     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "me-south-1"
    374 	ResourceRecordSetRegionMeCentral1   ResourceRecordSetRegion = "me-central-1"
    375 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApSouth1     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-south-1"
    376 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApSouth2     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-south-2"
    377 	ResourceRecordSetRegionAfSouth1     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "af-south-1"
    378 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuSouth1     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-south-1"
    379 	ResourceRecordSetRegionEuSouth2     ResourceRecordSetRegion = "eu-south-2"
    380 	ResourceRecordSetRegionApSoutheast4 ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ap-southeast-4"
    381 	ResourceRecordSetRegionIlCentral1   ResourceRecordSetRegion = "il-central-1"
    382 	ResourceRecordSetRegionCaWest1      ResourceRecordSetRegion = "ca-west-1"
    383 )
    385 // Values returns all known values for ResourceRecordSetRegion. Note that this can
    386 // be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    387 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    388 func (ResourceRecordSetRegion) Values() []ResourceRecordSetRegion {
    389 	return []ResourceRecordSetRegion{
    390 		"us-east-1",
    391 		"us-east-2",
    392 		"us-west-1",
    393 		"us-west-2",
    394 		"ca-central-1",
    395 		"eu-west-1",
    396 		"eu-west-2",
    397 		"eu-west-3",
    398 		"eu-central-1",
    399 		"eu-central-2",
    400 		"ap-southeast-1",
    401 		"ap-southeast-2",
    402 		"ap-southeast-3",
    403 		"ap-northeast-1",
    404 		"ap-northeast-2",
    405 		"ap-northeast-3",
    406 		"eu-north-1",
    407 		"sa-east-1",
    408 		"cn-north-1",
    409 		"cn-northwest-1",
    410 		"ap-east-1",
    411 		"me-south-1",
    412 		"me-central-1",
    413 		"ap-south-1",
    414 		"ap-south-2",
    415 		"af-south-1",
    416 		"eu-south-1",
    417 		"eu-south-2",
    418 		"ap-southeast-4",
    419 		"il-central-1",
    420 		"ca-west-1",
    421 	}
    422 }
    424 type ReusableDelegationSetLimitType string
    426 // Enum values for ReusableDelegationSetLimitType
    427 const (
    428 	ReusableDelegationSetLimitTypeMaxZonesByReusableDelegationSet ReusableDelegationSetLimitType = "MAX_ZONES_BY_REUSABLE_DELEGATION_SET"
    429 )
    431 // Values returns all known values for ReusableDelegationSetLimitType. Note that
    432 // this can be expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the
    433 // client. The ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across
    434 // updates.
    435 func (ReusableDelegationSetLimitType) Values() []ReusableDelegationSetLimitType {
    436 	return []ReusableDelegationSetLimitType{
    438 	}
    439 }
    441 type RRType string
    443 // Enum values for RRType
    444 const (
    445 	RRTypeSoa   RRType = "SOA"
    446 	RRTypeA     RRType = "A"
    447 	RRTypeTxt   RRType = "TXT"
    448 	RRTypeNs    RRType = "NS"
    449 	RRTypeCname RRType = "CNAME"
    450 	RRTypeMx    RRType = "MX"
    451 	RRTypeNaptr RRType = "NAPTR"
    452 	RRTypePtr   RRType = "PTR"
    453 	RRTypeSrv   RRType = "SRV"
    454 	RRTypeSpf   RRType = "SPF"
    455 	RRTypeAaaa  RRType = "AAAA"
    456 	RRTypeCaa   RRType = "CAA"
    457 	RRTypeDs    RRType = "DS"
    458 )
    460 // Values returns all known values for RRType. Note that this can be expanded in
    461 // the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of this
    462 // slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    463 func (RRType) Values() []RRType {
    464 	return []RRType{
    465 		"SOA",
    466 		"A",
    467 		"TXT",
    468 		"NS",
    469 		"CNAME",
    470 		"MX",
    471 		"NAPTR",
    472 		"PTR",
    473 		"SRV",
    474 		"SPF",
    475 		"AAAA",
    476 		"CAA",
    477 		"DS",
    478 	}
    479 }
    481 type Statistic string
    483 // Enum values for Statistic
    484 const (
    485 	StatisticAverage     Statistic = "Average"
    486 	StatisticSum         Statistic = "Sum"
    487 	StatisticSampleCount Statistic = "SampleCount"
    488 	StatisticMaximum     Statistic = "Maximum"
    489 	StatisticMinimum     Statistic = "Minimum"
    490 )
    492 // Values returns all known values for Statistic. Note that this can be expanded
    493 // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of
    494 // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    495 func (Statistic) Values() []Statistic {
    496 	return []Statistic{
    497 		"Average",
    498 		"Sum",
    499 		"SampleCount",
    500 		"Maximum",
    501 		"Minimum",
    502 	}
    503 }
    505 type TagResourceType string
    507 // Enum values for TagResourceType
    508 const (
    509 	TagResourceTypeHealthcheck TagResourceType = "healthcheck"
    510 	TagResourceTypeHostedzone  TagResourceType = "hostedzone"
    511 )
    513 // Values returns all known values for TagResourceType. Note that this can be
    514 // expanded in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The
    515 // ordering of this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    516 func (TagResourceType) Values() []TagResourceType {
    517 	return []TagResourceType{
    518 		"healthcheck",
    519 		"hostedzone",
    520 	}
    521 }
    523 type VPCRegion string
    525 // Enum values for VPCRegion
    526 const (
    527 	VPCRegionUsEast1      VPCRegion = "us-east-1"
    528 	VPCRegionUsEast2      VPCRegion = "us-east-2"
    529 	VPCRegionUsWest1      VPCRegion = "us-west-1"
    530 	VPCRegionUsWest2      VPCRegion = "us-west-2"
    531 	VPCRegionEuWest1      VPCRegion = "eu-west-1"
    532 	VPCRegionEuWest2      VPCRegion = "eu-west-2"
    533 	VPCRegionEuWest3      VPCRegion = "eu-west-3"
    534 	VPCRegionEuCentral1   VPCRegion = "eu-central-1"
    535 	VPCRegionEuCentral2   VPCRegion = "eu-central-2"
    536 	VPCRegionApEast1      VPCRegion = "ap-east-1"
    537 	VPCRegionMeSouth1     VPCRegion = "me-south-1"
    538 	VPCRegionUsGovWest1   VPCRegion = "us-gov-west-1"
    539 	VPCRegionUsGovEast1   VPCRegion = "us-gov-east-1"
    540 	VPCRegionUsIsoEast1   VPCRegion = "us-iso-east-1"
    541 	VPCRegionUsIsoWest1   VPCRegion = "us-iso-west-1"
    542 	VPCRegionUsIsobEast1  VPCRegion = "us-isob-east-1"
    543 	VPCRegionMeCentral1   VPCRegion = "me-central-1"
    544 	VPCRegionApSoutheast1 VPCRegion = "ap-southeast-1"
    545 	VPCRegionApSoutheast2 VPCRegion = "ap-southeast-2"
    546 	VPCRegionApSoutheast3 VPCRegion = "ap-southeast-3"
    547 	VPCRegionApSouth1     VPCRegion = "ap-south-1"
    548 	VPCRegionApSouth2     VPCRegion = "ap-south-2"
    549 	VPCRegionApNortheast1 VPCRegion = "ap-northeast-1"
    550 	VPCRegionApNortheast2 VPCRegion = "ap-northeast-2"
    551 	VPCRegionApNortheast3 VPCRegion = "ap-northeast-3"
    552 	VPCRegionEuNorth1     VPCRegion = "eu-north-1"
    553 	VPCRegionSaEast1      VPCRegion = "sa-east-1"
    554 	VPCRegionCaCentral1   VPCRegion = "ca-central-1"
    555 	VPCRegionCnNorth1     VPCRegion = "cn-north-1"
    556 	VPCRegionAfSouth1     VPCRegion = "af-south-1"
    557 	VPCRegionEuSouth1     VPCRegion = "eu-south-1"
    558 	VPCRegionEuSouth2     VPCRegion = "eu-south-2"
    559 	VPCRegionApSoutheast4 VPCRegion = "ap-southeast-4"
    560 	VPCRegionIlCentral1   VPCRegion = "il-central-1"
    561 	VPCRegionCaWest1      VPCRegion = "ca-west-1"
    562 )
    564 // Values returns all known values for VPCRegion. Note that this can be expanded
    565 // in the future, and so it is only as up to date as the client. The ordering of
    566 // this slice is not guaranteed to be stable across updates.
    567 func (VPCRegion) Values() []VPCRegion {
    568 	return []VPCRegion{
    569 		"us-east-1",
    570 		"us-east-2",
    571 		"us-west-1",
    572 		"us-west-2",
    573 		"eu-west-1",
    574 		"eu-west-2",
    575 		"eu-west-3",
    576 		"eu-central-1",
    577 		"eu-central-2",
    578 		"ap-east-1",
    579 		"me-south-1",
    580 		"us-gov-west-1",
    581 		"us-gov-east-1",
    582 		"us-iso-east-1",
    583 		"us-iso-west-1",
    584 		"us-isob-east-1",
    585 		"me-central-1",
    586 		"ap-southeast-1",
    587 		"ap-southeast-2",
    588 		"ap-southeast-3",
    589 		"ap-south-1",
    590 		"ap-south-2",
    591 		"ap-northeast-1",
    592 		"ap-northeast-2",
    593 		"ap-northeast-3",
    594 		"eu-north-1",
    595 		"sa-east-1",
    596 		"ca-central-1",
    597 		"cn-north-1",
    598 		"af-south-1",
    599 		"eu-south-1",
    600 		"eu-south-2",
    601 		"ap-southeast-4",
    602 		"il-central-1",
    603 		"ca-west-1",
    604 	}
    605 }