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emojipresentation.go (26466B)

      1 // Code generated via go generate from gen_properties.go. DO NOT EDIT.
      3 package uniseg
      5 // emojiPresentation are taken from
      6 //
      7 // and
      8 //
      9 // ("Extended_Pictographic" only)
     10 // on September 5, 2023. See for the Unicode
     11 // license agreement.
     12 var emojiPresentation = [][3]int{
     13 	{0x231A, 0x231B, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (⌚..⌛)    watch..hourglass done
     14 	{0x23E9, 0x23EC, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [4] (⏩..⏬)    fast-forward down button
     15 	{0x23F0, 0x23F0, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⏰)       alarm clock
     16 	{0x23F3, 0x23F3, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⏳)       hourglass not done
     17 	{0x25FD, 0x25FE, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (◽..◾)    white medium-small medium-small square
     18 	{0x2614, 0x2615, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (☔..☕)    umbrella with rain beverage
     19 	{0x2648, 0x2653, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6  [12] (♈..♓)    Aries..Pisces
     20 	{0x267F, 0x267F, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (♿)       wheelchair symbol
     21 	{0x2693, 0x2693, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⚓)       anchor
     22 	{0x26A1, 0x26A1, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⚡)       high voltage
     23 	{0x26AA, 0x26AB, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (⚪..⚫)    white circle
     24 	{0x26BD, 0x26BE, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (⚽..⚾)    soccer
     25 	{0x26C4, 0x26C5, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (⛄..⛅)    snowman without snow..sun behind cloud
     26 	{0x26CE, 0x26CE, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⛎)       Ophiuchus
     27 	{0x26D4, 0x26D4, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⛔)       no entry
     28 	{0x26EA, 0x26EA, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⛪)       church
     29 	{0x26F2, 0x26F3, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (⛲..⛳)    fountain..flag in hole
     30 	{0x26F5, 0x26F5, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⛵)       sailboat
     31 	{0x26FA, 0x26FA, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⛺)       tent
     32 	{0x26FD, 0x26FD, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⛽)       fuel pump
     33 	{0x2705, 0x2705, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (✅)       check mark button
     34 	{0x270A, 0x270B, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (✊..✋)    raised fist..raised hand
     35 	{0x2728, 0x2728, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (✨)       sparkles
     36 	{0x274C, 0x274C, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (❌)       cross mark
     37 	{0x274E, 0x274E, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (❎)       cross mark button
     38 	{0x2753, 0x2755, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [3] (❓..❕)    red question mark..white exclamation mark
     39 	{0x2757, 0x2757, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (❗)       red exclamation mark
     40 	{0x2795, 0x2797, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [3] (➕..➗)    plus..divide
     41 	{0x27B0, 0x27B0, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (➰)       curly loop
     42 	{0x27BF, 0x27BF, prEmojiPresentation},   // E1.0   [1] (➿)       double curly loop
     43 	{0x2B1B, 0x2B1C, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [2] (⬛..⬜)    black large square..white large square
     44 	{0x2B50, 0x2B50, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⭐)       star
     45 	{0x2B55, 0x2B55, prEmojiPresentation},   // E0.6   [1] (⭕)       hollow red circle
     46 	{0x1F004, 0x1F004, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🀄)       mahjong red dragon
     47 	{0x1F0CF, 0x1F0CF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🃏)       joker
     48 	{0x1F18E, 0x1F18E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🆎)       AB button (blood type)
     49 	{0x1F191, 0x1F19A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [10] (🆑..🆚)    CL button..VS button
     50 	{0x1F1E6, 0x1F1FF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.0  [26] (🇦..🇿)    regional indicator symbol letter a..regional indicator symbol letter z
     51 	{0x1F201, 0x1F201, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🈁)       Japanese “here” button
     52 	{0x1F21A, 0x1F21A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🈚)       Japanese “free of charge” button
     53 	{0x1F22F, 0x1F22F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🈯)       Japanese “reserved” button
     54 	{0x1F232, 0x1F236, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [5] (🈲..🈶)    Japanese “prohibited” button..Japanese “not free of charge” button
     55 	{0x1F238, 0x1F23A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (🈸..🈺)    Japanese “application” button..Japanese “open for business” button
     56 	{0x1F250, 0x1F251, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🉐..🉑)    Japanese “bargain” button..Japanese “acceptable” button
     57 	{0x1F300, 0x1F30C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [13] (🌀..🌌)    cyclone..milky way
     58 	{0x1F30D, 0x1F30E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [2] (🌍..🌎)    globe showing Europe-Africa..globe showing Americas
     59 	{0x1F30F, 0x1F30F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🌏)       globe showing Asia-Australia
     60 	{0x1F310, 0x1F310, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🌐)       globe with meridians
     61 	{0x1F311, 0x1F311, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🌑)       new moon
     62 	{0x1F312, 0x1F312, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🌒)       waxing crescent moon
     63 	{0x1F313, 0x1F315, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (🌓..🌕)    first quarter moon..full moon
     64 	{0x1F316, 0x1F318, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [3] (🌖..🌘)    waning gibbous moon..waning crescent moon
     65 	{0x1F319, 0x1F319, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🌙)       crescent moon
     66 	{0x1F31A, 0x1F31A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🌚)       new moon face
     67 	{0x1F31B, 0x1F31B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🌛)       first quarter moon face
     68 	{0x1F31C, 0x1F31C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🌜)       last quarter moon face
     69 	{0x1F31D, 0x1F31E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🌝..🌞)    full moon face..sun with face
     70 	{0x1F31F, 0x1F320, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🌟..🌠)    glowing star..shooting star
     71 	{0x1F32D, 0x1F32F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [3] (🌭..🌯)    hot dog..burrito
     72 	{0x1F330, 0x1F331, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🌰..🌱)    chestnut..seedling
     73 	{0x1F332, 0x1F333, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🌲..🌳)    evergreen tree..deciduous tree
     74 	{0x1F334, 0x1F335, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🌴..🌵)    palm tree..cactus
     75 	{0x1F337, 0x1F34A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [20] (🌷..🍊)    tulip..tangerine
     76 	{0x1F34B, 0x1F34B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🍋)       lemon
     77 	{0x1F34C, 0x1F34F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [4] (🍌..🍏) apple
     78 	{0x1F350, 0x1F350, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🍐)       pear
     79 	{0x1F351, 0x1F37B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [43] (🍑..🍻)    peach..clinking beer mugs
     80 	{0x1F37C, 0x1F37C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🍼)       baby bottle
     81 	{0x1F37E, 0x1F37F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🍾..🍿)    bottle with popping cork..popcorn
     82 	{0x1F380, 0x1F393, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [20] (🎀..🎓)    ribbon..graduation cap
     83 	{0x1F3A0, 0x1F3C4, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [37] (🎠..🏄)    carousel horse..person surfing
     84 	{0x1F3C5, 0x1F3C5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🏅)       sports medal
     85 	{0x1F3C6, 0x1F3C6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🏆)       trophy
     86 	{0x1F3C7, 0x1F3C7, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🏇)       horse racing
     87 	{0x1F3C8, 0x1F3C8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🏈)       american football
     88 	{0x1F3C9, 0x1F3C9, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🏉)       rugby football
     89 	{0x1F3CA, 0x1F3CA, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🏊)       person swimming
     90 	{0x1F3CF, 0x1F3D3, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [5] (🏏..🏓)    cricket pong
     91 	{0x1F3E0, 0x1F3E3, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [4] (🏠..🏣)    house..Japanese post office
     92 	{0x1F3E4, 0x1F3E4, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🏤)       post office
     93 	{0x1F3E5, 0x1F3F0, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [12] (🏥..🏰)    hospital..castle
     94 	{0x1F3F4, 0x1F3F4, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🏴)       black flag
     95 	{0x1F3F8, 0x1F407, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0  [16] (🏸..🐇)    badminton..rabbit
     96 	{0x1F408, 0x1F408, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🐈)       cat
     97 	{0x1F409, 0x1F40B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [3] (🐉..🐋)    dragon..whale
     98 	{0x1F40C, 0x1F40E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (🐌..🐎)
     99 	{0x1F40F, 0x1F410, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🐏..🐐)    ram..goat
    100 	{0x1F411, 0x1F412, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🐑..🐒)    ewe..monkey
    101 	{0x1F413, 0x1F413, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🐓)       rooster
    102 	{0x1F414, 0x1F414, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🐔)       chicken
    103 	{0x1F415, 0x1F415, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🐕)       dog
    104 	{0x1F416, 0x1F416, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🐖)       pig
    105 	{0x1F417, 0x1F429, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [19] (🐗..🐩)    boar..poodle
    106 	{0x1F42A, 0x1F42A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🐪)       camel
    107 	{0x1F42B, 0x1F43E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [20] (🐫..🐾)    two-hump camel..paw prints
    108 	{0x1F440, 0x1F440, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (👀)       eyes
    109 	{0x1F442, 0x1F464, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [35] (👂..👤)    ear..bust in silhouette
    110 	{0x1F465, 0x1F465, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (👥)       busts in silhouette
    111 	{0x1F466, 0x1F46B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [6] (👦..👫)    boy..woman and man holding hands
    112 	{0x1F46C, 0x1F46D, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (👬..👭)    men holding hands..women holding hands
    113 	{0x1F46E, 0x1F4AC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [63] (👮..💬)    police officer..speech balloon
    114 	{0x1F4AD, 0x1F4AD, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (💭)       thought balloon
    115 	{0x1F4AE, 0x1F4B5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [8] (💮..💵)    white flower..dollar banknote
    116 	{0x1F4B6, 0x1F4B7, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (💶..💷)    euro banknote..pound banknote
    117 	{0x1F4B8, 0x1F4EB, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [52] (💸..📫)    money with wings..closed mailbox with raised flag
    118 	{0x1F4EC, 0x1F4ED, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [2] (📬..📭)    open mailbox with raised mailbox with lowered flag
    119 	{0x1F4EE, 0x1F4EE, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (📮)       postbox
    120 	{0x1F4EF, 0x1F4EF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (📯)       postal horn
    121 	{0x1F4F0, 0x1F4F4, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [5] (📰..📴) phone off
    122 	{0x1F4F5, 0x1F4F5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (📵)       no mobile phones
    123 	{0x1F4F6, 0x1F4F7, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (📶..📷)    antenna
    124 	{0x1F4F8, 0x1F4F8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (📸)       camera with flash
    125 	{0x1F4F9, 0x1F4FC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [4] (📹..📼)    video camera..videocassette
    126 	{0x1F4FF, 0x1F502, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [4] (📿..🔂)    prayer beads..repeat single button
    127 	{0x1F503, 0x1F503, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🔃)       clockwise vertical arrows
    128 	{0x1F504, 0x1F507, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [4] (🔄..🔇)    counterclockwise arrows button..muted speaker
    129 	{0x1F508, 0x1F508, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🔈)       speaker low volume
    130 	{0x1F509, 0x1F509, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🔉)       speaker medium volume
    131 	{0x1F50A, 0x1F514, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [11] (🔊..🔔)    speaker high volume..bell
    132 	{0x1F515, 0x1F515, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🔕)       bell with slash
    133 	{0x1F516, 0x1F52B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [22] (🔖..🔫)    bookmark..water pistol
    134 	{0x1F52C, 0x1F52D, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🔬..🔭)    microscope..telescope
    135 	{0x1F52E, 0x1F53D, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [16] (🔮..🔽)    crystal ball..downwards button
    136 	{0x1F54B, 0x1F54E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [4] (🕋..🕎)    kaaba..menorah
    137 	{0x1F550, 0x1F55B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [12] (🕐..🕛)    one o’clock..twelve o’clock
    138 	{0x1F55C, 0x1F567, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7  [12] (🕜..🕧)    one-thirty..twelve-thirty
    139 	{0x1F57A, 0x1F57A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [1] (🕺)       man dancing
    140 	{0x1F595, 0x1F596, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🖕..🖖)    middle finger..vulcan salute
    141 	{0x1F5A4, 0x1F5A4, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [1] (🖤)       black heart
    142 	{0x1F5FB, 0x1F5FF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [5] (🗻..🗿)    mount fuji..moai
    143 	{0x1F600, 0x1F600, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😀)       grinning face
    144 	{0x1F601, 0x1F606, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [6] (😁..😆)    beaming face with smiling eyes..grinning squinting face
    145 	{0x1F607, 0x1F608, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (😇..😈)    smiling face with halo..smiling face with horns
    146 	{0x1F609, 0x1F60D, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [5] (😉..😍)    winking face..smiling face with heart-eyes
    147 	{0x1F60E, 0x1F60E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😎)       smiling face with sunglasses
    148 	{0x1F60F, 0x1F60F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (😏)       smirking face
    149 	{0x1F610, 0x1F610, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (😐)       neutral face
    150 	{0x1F611, 0x1F611, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😑)       expressionless face
    151 	{0x1F612, 0x1F614, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (😒..😔)    unamused face..pensive face
    152 	{0x1F615, 0x1F615, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😕)       confused face
    153 	{0x1F616, 0x1F616, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (😖)       confounded face
    154 	{0x1F617, 0x1F617, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😗)       kissing face
    155 	{0x1F618, 0x1F618, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (😘)       face blowing a kiss
    156 	{0x1F619, 0x1F619, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😙)       kissing face with smiling eyes
    157 	{0x1F61A, 0x1F61A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (😚)       kissing face with closed eyes
    158 	{0x1F61B, 0x1F61B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😛)       face with tongue
    159 	{0x1F61C, 0x1F61E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (😜..😞)    winking face with tongue..disappointed face
    160 	{0x1F61F, 0x1F61F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😟)       worried face
    161 	{0x1F620, 0x1F625, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [6] (😠..😥)    angry face..sad but relieved face
    162 	{0x1F626, 0x1F627, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (😦..😧)    frowning face with open mouth..anguished face
    163 	{0x1F628, 0x1F62B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [4] (😨..😫)    fearful face..tired face
    164 	{0x1F62C, 0x1F62C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😬)       grimacing face
    165 	{0x1F62D, 0x1F62D, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (😭)       loudly crying face
    166 	{0x1F62E, 0x1F62F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (😮..😯)    face with open mouth..hushed face
    167 	{0x1F630, 0x1F633, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [4] (😰..😳)    anxious face with sweat..flushed face
    168 	{0x1F634, 0x1F634, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😴)       sleeping face
    169 	{0x1F635, 0x1F635, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (😵)       face with crossed-out eyes
    170 	{0x1F636, 0x1F636, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (😶)       face without mouth
    171 	{0x1F637, 0x1F640, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [10] (😷..🙀)    face with medical mask..weary cat
    172 	{0x1F641, 0x1F644, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [4] (🙁..🙄)    slightly frowning face..face with rolling eyes
    173 	{0x1F645, 0x1F64F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6  [11] (🙅..🙏)    person gesturing NO..folded hands
    174 	{0x1F680, 0x1F680, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚀)       rocket
    175 	{0x1F681, 0x1F682, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🚁..🚂)    helicopter..locomotive
    176 	{0x1F683, 0x1F685, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (🚃..🚅)    railway car..bullet train
    177 	{0x1F686, 0x1F686, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚆)       train
    178 	{0x1F687, 0x1F687, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚇)       metro
    179 	{0x1F688, 0x1F688, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚈)       light rail
    180 	{0x1F689, 0x1F689, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚉)       station
    181 	{0x1F68A, 0x1F68B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🚊..🚋)    tram..tram car
    182 	{0x1F68C, 0x1F68C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚌)       bus
    183 	{0x1F68D, 0x1F68D, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🚍)       oncoming bus
    184 	{0x1F68E, 0x1F68E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚎)       trolleybus
    185 	{0x1F68F, 0x1F68F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚏)       bus stop
    186 	{0x1F690, 0x1F690, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚐)       minibus
    187 	{0x1F691, 0x1F693, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [3] (🚑..🚓)    ambulance..police car
    188 	{0x1F694, 0x1F694, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🚔)       oncoming police car
    189 	{0x1F695, 0x1F695, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚕)       taxi
    190 	{0x1F696, 0x1F696, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚖)       oncoming taxi
    191 	{0x1F697, 0x1F697, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚗)       automobile
    192 	{0x1F698, 0x1F698, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.7   [1] (🚘)       oncoming automobile
    193 	{0x1F699, 0x1F69A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🚙..🚚)    sport utility truck
    194 	{0x1F69B, 0x1F6A1, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [7] (🚛..🚡)    articulated lorry..aerial tramway
    195 	{0x1F6A2, 0x1F6A2, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚢)       ship
    196 	{0x1F6A3, 0x1F6A3, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚣)       person rowing boat
    197 	{0x1F6A4, 0x1F6A5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [2] (🚤..🚥)    speedboat..horizontal traffic light
    198 	{0x1F6A6, 0x1F6A6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚦)       vertical traffic light
    199 	{0x1F6A7, 0x1F6AD, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [7] (🚧..🚭) smoking
    200 	{0x1F6AE, 0x1F6B1, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [4] (🚮..🚱)    litter in bin sign..non-potable water
    201 	{0x1F6B2, 0x1F6B2, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚲)       bicycle
    202 	{0x1F6B3, 0x1F6B5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [3] (🚳..🚵)    no bicycles..person mountain biking
    203 	{0x1F6B6, 0x1F6B6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🚶)       person walking
    204 	{0x1F6B7, 0x1F6B8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🚷..🚸)    no pedestrians..children crossing
    205 	{0x1F6B9, 0x1F6BE, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [6] (🚹..🚾)    men’s room..water closet
    206 	{0x1F6BF, 0x1F6BF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🚿)       shower
    207 	{0x1F6C0, 0x1F6C0, prEmojiPresentation}, // E0.6   [1] (🛀)       person taking bath
    208 	{0x1F6C1, 0x1F6C5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [5] (🛁..🛅)    bathtub..left luggage
    209 	{0x1F6CC, 0x1F6CC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🛌)       person in bed
    210 	{0x1F6D0, 0x1F6D0, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🛐)       place of worship
    211 	{0x1F6D1, 0x1F6D2, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [2] (🛑..🛒)    stop cart
    212 	{0x1F6D5, 0x1F6D5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [1] (🛕)       hindu temple
    213 	{0x1F6D6, 0x1F6D7, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [2] (🛖..🛗)    hut..elevator
    214 	{0x1F6DC, 0x1F6DC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [1] (🛜)       wireless
    215 	{0x1F6DD, 0x1F6DF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [3] (🛝..🛟)    playground slide..ring buoy
    216 	{0x1F6EB, 0x1F6EC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [2] (🛫..🛬)    airplane departure..airplane arrival
    217 	{0x1F6F4, 0x1F6F6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [3] (🛴..🛶)    kick scooter..canoe
    218 	{0x1F6F7, 0x1F6F8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0   [2] (🛷..🛸)    sled..flying saucer
    219 	{0x1F6F9, 0x1F6F9, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [1] (🛹)       skateboard
    220 	{0x1F6FA, 0x1F6FA, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [1] (🛺)       auto rickshaw
    221 	{0x1F6FB, 0x1F6FC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [2] (🛻..🛼)    pickup truck..roller skate
    222 	{0x1F7E0, 0x1F7EB, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0 [12] (🟠..🟫)    orange circle..brown square
    223 	{0x1F7F0, 0x1F7F0, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [1] (🟰)       heavy equals sign
    224 	{0x1F90C, 0x1F90C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [1] (🤌)       pinched fingers
    225 	{0x1F90D, 0x1F90F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [3] (🤍..🤏)    white heart..pinching hand
    226 	{0x1F910, 0x1F918, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [9] (🤐..🤘)    zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns
    227 	{0x1F919, 0x1F91E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [6] (🤙..🤞)    call me hand..crossed fingers
    228 	{0x1F91F, 0x1F91F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0   [1] (🤟)       love-you gesture
    229 	{0x1F920, 0x1F927, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [8] (🤠..🤧)    cowboy hat face..sneezing face
    230 	{0x1F928, 0x1F92F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0   [8] (🤨..🤯)    face with raised eyebrow..exploding head
    231 	{0x1F930, 0x1F930, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [1] (🤰)       pregnant woman
    232 	{0x1F931, 0x1F932, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0   [2] (🤱..🤲)    breast-feeding..palms up together
    233 	{0x1F933, 0x1F93A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [8] (🤳..🤺)    selfie..person fencing
    234 	{0x1F93C, 0x1F93E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [3] (🤼..🤾)    people wrestling..person playing handball
    235 	{0x1F93F, 0x1F93F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [1] (🤿)       diving mask
    236 	{0x1F940, 0x1F945, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [6] (🥀..🥅)    wilted flower..goal net
    237 	{0x1F947, 0x1F94B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0   [5] (🥇..🥋)    1st place medal..martial arts uniform
    238 	{0x1F94C, 0x1F94C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0   [1] (🥌)       curling stone
    239 	{0x1F94D, 0x1F94F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [3] (🥍..🥏)    lacrosse..flying disc
    240 	{0x1F950, 0x1F95E, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0  [15] (🥐..🥞)    croissant..pancakes
    241 	{0x1F95F, 0x1F96B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0  [13] (🥟..🥫)    dumpling..canned food
    242 	{0x1F96C, 0x1F970, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [5] (🥬..🥰)    leafy green..smiling face with hearts
    243 	{0x1F971, 0x1F971, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [1] (🥱)       yawning face
    244 	{0x1F972, 0x1F972, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [1] (🥲)       smiling face with tear
    245 	{0x1F973, 0x1F976, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [4] (🥳..🥶)    partying face..cold face
    246 	{0x1F977, 0x1F978, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [2] (🥷..🥸)    ninja..disguised face
    247 	{0x1F979, 0x1F979, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [1] (🥹)       face holding back tears
    248 	{0x1F97A, 0x1F97A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [1] (🥺)       pleading face
    249 	{0x1F97B, 0x1F97B, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [1] (🥻)       sari
    250 	{0x1F97C, 0x1F97F, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [4] (🥼..🥿)    lab coat..flat shoe
    251 	{0x1F980, 0x1F984, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [5] (🦀..🦄)    crab..unicorn
    252 	{0x1F985, 0x1F991, prEmojiPresentation}, // E3.0  [13] (🦅..🦑)    eagle..squid
    253 	{0x1F992, 0x1F997, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0   [6] (🦒..🦗)
    254 	{0x1F998, 0x1F9A2, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0 [11] (🦘..🦢)    kangaroo..swan
    255 	{0x1F9A3, 0x1F9A4, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [2] (🦣..🦤)    mammoth..dodo
    256 	{0x1F9A5, 0x1F9AA, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [6] (🦥..🦪)    sloth..oyster
    257 	{0x1F9AB, 0x1F9AD, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [3] (🦫..🦭)    beaver..seal
    258 	{0x1F9AE, 0x1F9AF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [2] (🦮..🦯)    guide dog..white cane
    259 	{0x1F9B0, 0x1F9B9, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0 [10] (🦰..🦹)    red hair..supervillain
    260 	{0x1F9BA, 0x1F9BF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [6] (🦺..🦿)    safety vest..mechanical leg
    261 	{0x1F9C0, 0x1F9C0, prEmojiPresentation}, // E1.0   [1] (🧀)       cheese wedge
    262 	{0x1F9C1, 0x1F9C2, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0  [2] (🧁..🧂)    cupcake..salt
    263 	{0x1F9C3, 0x1F9CA, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [8] (🧃..🧊)    beverage
    264 	{0x1F9CB, 0x1F9CB, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [1] (🧋)       bubble tea
    265 	{0x1F9CC, 0x1F9CC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [1] (🧌)       troll
    266 	{0x1F9CD, 0x1F9CF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [3] (🧍..🧏)    person standing..deaf person
    267 	{0x1F9D0, 0x1F9E6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E5.0  [23] (🧐..🧦)    face with monocle..socks
    268 	{0x1F9E7, 0x1F9FF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E11.0 [25] (🧧..🧿)    red envelope..nazar amulet
    269 	{0x1FA70, 0x1FA73, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [4] (🩰..🩳)    ballet shoes..shorts
    270 	{0x1FA74, 0x1FA74, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [1] (🩴)       thong sandal
    271 	{0x1FA75, 0x1FA77, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [3] (🩵..🩷)    light blue heart
    272 	{0x1FA78, 0x1FA7A, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [3] (🩸..🩺)    drop of blood..stethoscope
    273 	{0x1FA7B, 0x1FA7C, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [2] (🩻..🩼)    x-ray..crutch
    274 	{0x1FA80, 0x1FA82, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [3] (🪀..🪂)    yo-yo..parachute
    275 	{0x1FA83, 0x1FA86, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [4] (🪃..🪆)    boomerang..nesting dolls
    276 	{0x1FA87, 0x1FA88, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [2] (🪇..🪈)    maracas..flute
    277 	{0x1FA90, 0x1FA95, prEmojiPresentation}, // E12.0  [6] (🪐..🪕)    ringed planet..banjo
    278 	{0x1FA96, 0x1FAA8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0 [19] (🪖..🪨)    military helmet..rock
    279 	{0x1FAA9, 0x1FAAC, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [4] (🪩..🪬)    mirror ball..hamsa
    280 	{0x1FAAD, 0x1FAAF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [3] (🪭..🪯)    folding hand fan..khanda
    281 	{0x1FAB0, 0x1FAB6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [7] (🪰..🪶)    fly..feather
    282 	{0x1FAB7, 0x1FABA, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [4] (🪷..🪺)    lotus..nest with eggs
    283 	{0x1FABB, 0x1FABD, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [3] (🪻..🪽)    hyacinth..wing
    284 	{0x1FABF, 0x1FABF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [1] (🪿)       goose
    285 	{0x1FAC0, 0x1FAC2, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [3] (🫀..🫂)    anatomical heart..people hugging
    286 	{0x1FAC3, 0x1FAC5, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [3] (🫃..🫅)    pregnant man..person with crown
    287 	{0x1FACE, 0x1FACF, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [2] (🫎..🫏)    moose..donkey
    288 	{0x1FAD0, 0x1FAD6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E13.0  [7] (🫐..🫖)    blueberries..teapot
    289 	{0x1FAD7, 0x1FAD9, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [3] (🫗..🫙)    pouring liquid..jar
    290 	{0x1FADA, 0x1FADB, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [2] (🫚..🫛)    ginger root..pea pod
    291 	{0x1FAE0, 0x1FAE7, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [8] (🫠..🫧)    melting face..bubbles
    292 	{0x1FAE8, 0x1FAE8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [1] (🫨)       shaking face
    293 	{0x1FAF0, 0x1FAF6, prEmojiPresentation}, // E14.0  [7] (🫰..🫶)    hand with index finger and thumb crossed..heart hands
    294 	{0x1FAF7, 0x1FAF8, prEmojiPresentation}, // E15.0  [2] (🫷..🫸)    leftwards pushing hand..rightwards pushing hand
    295 }