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func.s (1120B)

      1 .text
      2 	.global _start
      4 _start:
      5 	# Store 3 on the stack.
      6 	push $3
      7 	# call stores return address on the stack.
      8 	call square
      9 	# Use the return value, in %rax, as our exit status number.
     10 	mov %rax, %rdi
     11 	mov $231, %rax
     12         syscall
     14 # square expects an integer on the stack, 16 bytes down from RBP.
     15 # The squared value is returned on %rax.
     16 square:
     17 	# Function Epilogue --> {
     18 	push %rbp
     19         mov %rsp, %rbp
     21 	# Retrieve the parameter from the stack.
     22 	# 8 bytes down from RSP is the return address from square.
     23 	# 8 bytes down from that is the parameter to multiple.
     24 	mov 16(%rbp), %rax
     25 	mul %rax
     27 	# Function Prologue --> }
     28 	mov %rbp, %rsp
     29         pop %rbp
     30 	# ret pops and return to address on stack.
     31 	ret
     33 # |----------------+-----------+----------------|
     34 # |        Address |      Data | Stack Pointers |
     35 # |----------------+-----------+----------------|
     36 # | 0x7fffffffe8f8 |           |                |
     37 # | 0x7fffffffe900 | 0x0 (rbp) |                |
     38 # | 0x7fffffffe908 |  0x401002 |                |
     39 # | 0x7fffffffe910 |         3 | ←rsp           |
     40 # |----------------+-----------+----------------|
     41 #  ←rbp