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stack.s (1402B)

      1 .text
      2 	.global _start
      4 _start:
      5 	# Push some 64-bit integers onto the stack.
      6 	push $3
      7 	push $2
      8 	push $1
     10 	# Let's print "Hey\n", using the stack.
     11 	# man ascii
     12 	# |---------+----+-----+-----+-----|
     13 	# | ASCII   |  H |   e |   y | \n  |
     14 	# |---------+----+-----+-----+-----|
     15 	# | Decimal | 10 | 171 | 145 | 110 |
     16 	# |---------+----+-----+-----+-----|
     17 	# | Hex     | 48 |  65 |  79 | 0A  |
     18 	# |---------+----+-----+-----+-----|
     20 	# Remember that the stack is backwards:
     21 	# it starts at high memory addresses, and "grows" down.
     22 	# However, the write system call follows a low-to-high address order.
     23 	# This means we need to reverse the order of our string.
     24 	#    <-- high           low -->
     25 	#               \n y e H
     26 	push $0x000000000A796548
     28 	# %rsp points to the top of the stack.
     29 	# (Where 'H' is -- a lower address).
     30 	# We can pass this address to the kernel.
     31 	# write will start at 'H', and work up to '\n'.
     32 	mov $1, %rax     # write
     33 	mov $1, %rdi     # stdout
     34 	lea (%rsp), %rsi # address of buffer
     35 	# Try changing the number of bytes to 9, 17, 25.
     36 	# Then call the program with strace.
     37 	# You'll be able to see the previous numbers we pushed onto the stack.
     38 	mov $4, %rdx     # number of bytes
     39 	syscall
     41 	# Remember, the stack is LIFO.
     42 	pop %rdi # pop the "Hey\n" string
     43 	pop %rdi # pop 1
     44 	pop %rdi # pop 2
     46 	# We'll use the last popped value in %rdi as our exit code.
     47 	mov $231, %rax
     48         syscall