commit 0b29b449c79c71785ca6464daf2e5847b96b50be
parent 8d8b93a828f7b88825421fbd54a9769c51dc65f4
Author: dwrz <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 00:54:08 +0000
Add fizzbuzz
A | fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz.s | | | 213 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 213 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz.s b/fizzbuzz/fizzbuzz.s
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ # Loop from numbers 1 to 100.
+ # Print "fizz" if a number is divisible by 3.
+ # Print "buzz" if a number is divisible by 5.
+ # Print "fizzbuzz" if a number is divisible by 3 and 5.
+ # Print the number in all other cases.
+# INPUT: None.
+ # Print newline separated strings to stdout.
+ # Return a status code of 0.
+.section .data
+ .ascii "fizz\n"
+ .ascii "buzz\n"
+ .ascii "fizzbuzz\n"
+number_string: # Used to store the ascii representation of a number.
+ .zero 4
+.section .text
+ .globl _start
+ # _test_fizzbuzz expects a 64-bit integer on the stack.
+ # It returns a "print case" at %rax, also a 64-bit int.
+ # The return value tracks what should be printed for the input number.
+ # The possible return values are:
+ # 0, i.e., print the counter.
+ # 1, i.e., print "fizz".
+ # 2, i.e., print "buzz".
+ # 3, i.e., print "fizzbuzz".
+ push %rbp
+ mov %rsp, %rbp
+ sub $8, %rsp # Local stack variable to track print case.
+ movq $0, 8(%rsp)
+ # Retrieve the loop counter to use as the dividend.
+ # It's now 24 bytes up from the stack pointer:
+ # 8 bytes were just set aside for the print case.
+ # 8 bytes were set aside for the base pointer.
+ # 8 bytes were set aside for the counter, preceding the call.
+ # We really only need a single byte for the counter and print case.
+ # As is, the code is not space efficient.
+ mov 24(%rsp), %rax
+ movq $3, %rbx # Use 3 as the divisor for "fizz" test.
+ # Convert double-word to quad-word.
+ # Necessary for 32 and 64-bit division.
+ cdq
+ div %rbx
+ cmp $0, %rdx # Was the remainder 0?
+ jne test_buzz # If not, test division by 5.
+ add $1, 8(%rsp) # Otherwise, increment the print case.
+ mov 24(%rsp), %rax # Retrieve the counter again.
+ movq $5, %rbx # Use 5 as the divisor for "buzz" test.
+ cdq
+ div %rbx
+ cmp $0, %rdx # Was the remainder 0?
+ jne return_print_case # If not, return.
+ add $2, 8(%rsp) # Otherwise, increment the print case by two.
+ mov 8(%rsp), %rax # Put the print case in %rax.
+ mov %rbp, %rsp
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+ # _itoa expects a 64-bit integer on the stack.
+ # It converts an integer into its ascii multi-byte representation.
+ # The conversion is stored on the number_string buffer.
+ # We get the digits in reverse order by dividing by 10:
+ # 1234 / 10 yields a remainder of 4, then, 3, 2, 1.
+ # We push these onto the stack, then pop off the stack to get the
+ # correct order (pop 1 yields 1, pop 2 yields 2, etcetera).
+ push %rbp
+ mov %rsp, %rbp
+ mov 16(%rsp), %rax # Place the integer param in %rax.
+ # Uuse %rcx to keep track of how many digits we have processed.
+ # We need this to know when to stop popping off the stack.
+ mov $0, %rcx
+ # Use 10 as the divisor. The remainder will give us the last digit.
+ movq $10, %rbx
+ inc %rcx # Keep track of the digit we're processing.
+ cdq # Setup for division.
+ div %rbx
+ # Convert to ASCII by adding 48.
+ # ASCII "0" is 48, "1" is 49, etc.
+ # By adding 48, we can get the ASCII integer that represents our digit.
+ add $48, %rdx
+ push %rdx # Push the converted remainder onto the stack.
+ cmp $0, %rax # Are we done, i.e., is the quotient 0?
+ jne conversion_loop # If not, repeat.
+ # Otherwise, it's time to store the converted digits in our buffer.
+ # Load the effective address of the buffer in %rdx.
+ lea number_string, %rdx
+ # Remember how we kept track of our digits with %rcx?
+ # We now pop the stack to get each digit back.
+ pop %rax
+ # The ASCII character is only one byte long.
+ # Move that byte into the buffer, by using the address in %rdx.
+ movb %al, (%rdx)
+ # We've processed this digit, decrement %rcx.
+ dec %rcx
+ # Increment %rdx so that it points to the buffer's next byte address.
+ inc %rdx
+ cmp $0, %rcx # Have we processed all digits?
+ jne save_to_buffer_loop # If not, loop again.
+ # We're done moving data from the stack to the buffer.
+ # Let's add a newline to the end of our digits.
+ # The ASCII integer representation of "\n" is 10.
+ movb $10, number_string + 3
+ mov %rbp, %rsp
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+ # print expects a print case and counter, both 64-bit integers,
+ # on the stack.
+ # The former should be passed at 16 bytes above the stack pointer,
+ # the latter at 24 bytes above, i.e.:
+ # var print_case = 16(%rsp)
+ # var counter = 24(%rsp)
+ # Depending on the print case, _print either:
+ # 1. Prints the counter, by using _itoa to convert it to ASCII.
+ # 2. Prints "fizz", "buzz", or "fizzbuzz".
+ # The printing itself is done by asking the kernel to write to stdout.
+ push %rbp
+ mov %rsp, %rbp
+ # Setup the registers for the kernel request.
+ mov $4, %rax # System call number for write.
+ mov $1, %rbx # stdout.
+ # %rcx will hold the address of the buffer to be printed.
+ # %rdx will hold the number of bytes to write.
+ # How these are set depends on the print case:
+ cmp $0, 16(%rsp)
+ je print_counter
+ cmp $1, 16(%rsp)
+ je print_fizz
+ cmp $2, 16(%rsp)
+ je print_buzz
+ cmp $3, 16(%rsp)
+ je print_fizzbuzz
+ # We need to convert the counter to ASCII.
+ # _itoa does this for us.
+ # _itoa has a side-effect on the number_string buffer.
+ # Push the counter again on the stack, for convenience.
+ push 24(%rsp)
+ # We could access the parameter to print from _itoa, with a larger byte
+ # offset. But it's probably a little cleaner to just use another
+ # location on the stack.
+ call _itoa
+ # _itoa also changes the values in the registers, so we'll need to
+ # reset them for the request to the kernel.
+ mov $4, %rax
+ mov $1, %rbx
+ mov $number_string, %rcx # Set the buffer the kernel should use.
+ # Print 3 digits + 1 newline = 4 bytes.
+ # FIX: this is wrong -- we're not always printing 4 bytes.
+ mov $4, %rdx
+ jmp print_and_return
+ mov $fizz, %rcx
+ mov $5, %rdx
+ jmp print_and_return
+ mov $buzz, %rcx
+ mov $5, %rdx
+ jmp print_and_return
+ mov $fizzbuzz, %rcx
+ mov $9, %rdx
+ jmp print_and_return
+ int $0x80 # Call the kernel.
+ mov %rbp, %rsp
+ pop %rbp
+ ret
+ mov $1, %rax # System call number for exit.
+ mov $0, %rbx # Exit code.
+ int $0x80 # Call the kernel.
+ # Initialize the loop counter as 1.
+ mov $1, %rcx
+ # Determine the print case (which was initialized as 0).
+ # Both calls have a side-effect on the print_case buffer.
+ # If the counter is divisible by 3, increment print_case by 1.
+ # If divisible by 5, increment print_case by 2.
+ # A number divisible by 3 and 5 thus results in a print_case of 3.
+ # A number that isn't divisible by either leaves print_case at 0.
+ push %rcx # Store the counter.
+ call _test_fizzbuzz
+ # _test_fizzbuzz returns the print case with %rax.
+ # Place the return value on the stack, so that it can be used by _print.
+ push %rax
+ call _print
+ pop %rax # Remove %rax from the stack, so that we can
+ # restore the loop counter, then increment it.
+ pop %rcx
+ inc %rcx
+ # Check: have we iterated enough times? If not, loop again.
+ cmp $101, %rcx
+ jl loop
+ # Otherwise, we're done.
+call _exit_normal