commit 9a210a1bb92699f2c3c592747b78efe610c11438
parent 4e626ce82569870ec779fbd4f6dfc75b45994e1a
Author: dwrz <>
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 01:58:37 +0000
Add elisp/word-count
3 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/elisp/word-count/ b/elisp/word-count/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Word Count
+Given a phrase, count the occurrences of each word in that phrase.
+For example for the input `"olly olly in come free"`
+olly: 2
+in: 1
+come: 1
+free: 1
+## Source
+This is a classic toy problem, but we were reminded of it by seeing it in the Go Tour.
+## Submitting Incomplete Solutions
+It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.
diff --git a/elisp/word-count/word-count-test.el b/elisp/word-count/word-count-test.el
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+;;; word-count-test.el --- Tests for word-count (exercism)
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(load-file "word-count.el")
+(defun equal-assoc (a b)
+ (equal (sort a #'(lambda (a b) (not (string< (car a) (car b)))))
+ (sort b #'(lambda (a b) (not (string< (car a) (car b)))))))
+(ert-deftest no-words-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "")
+ nil)))
+(ert-deftest count-one-word-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "word")
+ '(("word" . 1)))))
+(ert-deftest count-one-of-each-word-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "one of each")
+ '(("each" . 1)
+ ("of" . 1)
+ ("one" . 1)))))
+(ert-deftest multiple-occurrences-of-a-word-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "one fish two fish red fish blue fish")
+ '(("blue" . 1)
+ ("red" . 1)
+ ("two" . 1)
+ ("fish" . 4)
+ ("one" . 1)))))
+(ert-deftest ignore-punctuation-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "car : carpet as java : javascript!!&@$%^&")
+ '(("javascript" . 1)
+ ("java" . 1)
+ ("as" . 1)
+ ("carpet" . 1)
+ ("car" . 1)))))
+(ert-deftest include-numbers-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "testing, 1, 2 testing")
+ '(("2" . 1)
+ ("1" . 1)
+ ("testing" . 2)))))
+(ert-deftest normalize-case-test ()
+ (should (equal-assoc (word-count "go Go GO Stop stop")
+ '(("stop" . 2)
+ ("go" . 3)))))
+(provide 'word-count)
+;;; word-count-test.el ends here
diff --git a/elisp/word-count/word-count.el b/elisp/word-count/word-count.el
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; word-count.el --- word-count Exercise (exercism)
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(defun extract-words (s)
+"Extract lowercased words from S.
+Splits on whitespace, removes non alphanumeric characters."
+ (split-string (replace-regexp-in-string "[^[:alnum:]_-]" " " (downcase s))))
+(defun word-count (s)
+"Return an alist word count of words in S."
+ (let ((word-count ()))
+ (dolist (w (extract-words s) word-count)
+ (let ((entry (assoc w word-count)))
+ (if entry (cl-incf (cdr entry))
+ (push (cons w 1) word-count))))))
+(provide 'word-count)
+;;; word-count.el ends here